stolen and robbed

You don’t like Justin Beiber?

Putting your trust in those that have proven to be untrustworthy time and again… how smart. :wink:

I like my life how I like my head… calm… unless I choose otherwise when bouts of boredom surface, then yeah. 8-[

Not a big surprise that you do.

Ultimate, you need to invest in some home defense weapons or a nice guard dog.

When did I say i trusted anyone?

You are on a winning streak of fail comments lately.

Wont do any good. What I need is autotracking miniguns installed in my house but i cant afford it.

This time i got robbed because i fell asleep and was at a public place. This town is overrun with theives.

I never fail.

You failed at loving me.

I want a feminine and nurturing woman. Done with your jamacain judgemental tribalism it runs in the family. Sick of all the haughty looks from your racist family. I want a feminine and nurturing woman.

I didn’t realise I had given myself that objective. :confused:

I didn’t realise I was Jamaican. :confused:

I didn’t realise you had met my family so as to be looked at haughtily by them. :confused:

You can’t get more feminine than a succubus… go summon one up.


All about you isn’t it. So selfish.

I don’t know how. And even if I did, I want a real feminine woman not just a dream.

Pot… kettle… black? + I was simply pointing out your faux pas… I don’t like being mis-represented.

You want a feminine woman and hips?

Would wide hips on a man attract feminine females?

What he said about disabled people was much worse

Yet mrs. mags j is allowed to imply that i am some sort of man when all i wanted to ever be is a hot lesbian.

the social hypocrasy of society is austouding

Mrs? I didn’t know I was a married woman. :confused: enough of your deliberate faux pas! =;

Yet you denigrate females every chance you get?

Based on my last comment above ^^^ yes it is, isn’t it.

I have come to the firm belief that you are a simpleton.

Calling you mrs was not a deliberate faux pas, such trivialities are irrelevant to me. You are trivial, a trivial person.

For crying out loud learn some basic human psychology. Don’t bitches get jealous of other bitches and denigrate them every chance they get?

Now stop wasting my time.

Does this mean that you no longer have the hots for Mags any more

Who says I ever did?

You did sweetie when you typed sexy thoughts about her last year

Who said they were geniune? Who says I didn’t just say them because I was bored and messing around?

Oh… We do?

I won’t be expecting any replies from you…