Lack of feminine women in society.

I was a tomboy way before the age of 12. What of my kind?

The window dressings worn by women in society are not modest by and large and for me, this absurd dressing feels like some heavy man-made cross of superficiality to bear. Who’s dreaming up this horrible shit, men, women, both?

What you refer to as “your kind” … in both genders … may be testimony to my first comment in this thread … masculinity and femininity have never aligned perfectly with testicles and ovaries … by design I’m sure.

Over gen(d)eralizing for sure … yet … the human species has lived under a patriarchal umbrella forever … with few notable exceptions. If this is true … patriarchal customs/rituals serve the male gender of the species specifically with only ancillary benefits accruing to the female gender.

I know. Women are pissed off to high heaven into ridiculousness because of

Oh, it’s true. :imp:

One day the female species will come to realize they are the stronger gender … how many sperm does it take to find … collide with … and penetrate a lone egg? The medical condition known as “low sperm count” suggests a LOT. :slight_smile:

We, the sexes, are different, but we take each others’ differences for granted.

Your comment may point to the Gordian Knot.

At the appointed time humans will discover that there is something about being human that transcends gender.

What does it mean to be human?

The languages of all sciences, all philosophies, all religions, all imagination and so on are woefully inadequate to describe what it means to be human … we are simply too complex.

On the other hand, the language of metaphor can point to conceptual explanations. Let me try.
A human is a heirarchy of substances … the highest being “person”.

  1. Our “person” is a being without form … invisible … substance nonetheless … occupying space in our brain … though not imprisoned … free to go where it pleases. Our “person” functions as our conduit to the universe … including all other living entities on our planet and elsewhere. Our person functions within a very sophisticated security system … likely our DNA. This security system controls access to the library of the universe … the noosphere.

rant time


What is personally more bothersome is that the bad patterns instilled upon me at age 12 which are expected to be “unlearned” by age 25… effectively… result in me looking at people age 37 as the fastest path to victory (they are the most desperate, their eggs will stop soon). If society did not lie to me, maybe, i would have figured it out by now. At age 12 we instill fear (way too young) , at age 37 we instill fear (not much time left)… age 25… yeah sure why the hell not? this seems ideal.

we, at the same time, sell this idea of “true love” and “love forever”. these ideas are not compatible. I would say “burn disney”

oh btw i really need to get laid[/tab]

Tom wrote

If folks never acknowledge our differences with honest understanding and appreciate them as divine, it will make for a long time coming. Or another Mobius Strip loop-de-lou.

Since I am such an emotional being, my male partner tempers my temperament. He indulges all of my emotions for he realizes that his love for me is wrapped up in all of those emotions. Thank you Merlin for your calm, patient, sweet temperament when I need it and you the most. You enable me to steady myself. :romance-heartbeating: Thank you my rock.

a mongoose and a merlin … what a potent team!

No it’s the other way around.

Does an alpha male lion serve the other males of the tribe, or brutally attack them once they reach adulthood and hog all the women to himself? Patriarchy serves the elite 1% of males, and the masses of peasant females. The rest…well you saw the titanic didn’t you? Women and children first…Nobody cares if a soldier, or a gangbanger dies, it’s all “part of the plan”…

Women are more mentally insane than males, but physically weaker. Women need a “rock” to steady their emotions. You have it as testimony from the mouth itself.

There is a certain strength in insanity. Thus I can’t debate you, because your statement is not wrong enough to be wrong, nor right enough to be right.

Trixiebelle wrote

More mentally insane than males? That’s debatable.

I’d call it in my case more easily overwhelmed by several emotions that cause a breakdown in communication. Males seem to stuff their emotions and strike out in physical ways when the negative emotional effects accrue. Both sexes exhibit their own insanity.

What I don’t understand is why you find it a negative to need a rock or to be a rock. Conversely, I am the soft place for Merlin to find comfort. Is it insane for a man to need a woman’s tenderness?

I admire and respect your profound insight(s) … though I’m not fussy on your choice of “delivery” when you decide to share.

Different strokes for different folks … is what makes the species so colourful and energetic.

I find it negative because of society. Society makes love almost downright impossible to find. Its what my whole topic is about. All adult women are either fat cavewomen or hags. I want a female feminine woman that has a woman’s tenderness. I will even settle for a transexual if she isn’t some shitlib intersectional feminist gestapo nun.

Today i saw a hot 16 year old but i had to say no. Society is downright evil. When i was 15 i had 2 hot bangin blond teachers. One was 30 the other was 40. Society said i wasnt allowed. I hate society. They wont even allow a healthy 15 year old to have sex with a hot banging blonde 30 year old female. They dont make em like they use to. No more feminine women around, they teach them to be hags and intersectional feminist gestapo. If there were actual hot 30 year olds then there wouldnt be so much jailbait around. There is jailbait because women are taught not to be feminine. Its the same thing Tesla complained about. All i ask is for a feminine and nurturing woman. Is that too much to ask? What is wrong with this world.


Are you getting out and about, outside, beyond the attack squirrel? If you remain a hermit crab, you will only find empty skype lies. You need to find a comfortable place to mingle offline.

Not a total virg, my penis has been in a vag for approximately 1.98 seconds. I have also been kissed by a girl that wasn’t my mom, more than once. I am simply waiting for a feminine woman to truly love me so that might get an erection. I honestly can’t get an erection unless i feel a woman truly deeply loves me. Also she has to be hot as well. So in order to get an erection she has to be hot and truly loves me.

knocking gently on Trixiebelle’s head Are you home?

You could be waiting a long time then given how successful you been so far. You may just have to settle for less because reality is more
real than fantasy. So what about a reasonably attractive woman who liked you but did not want a relationship. Would that do it for you


If she doesn’t leave her apt., not much of the real is going to happen along the lines of any positive scenario.