What makes genius?

Why? looking at watch

Why not?

Yes or no? I will hold another lie against you, all of you.

Are you asking us if we work for a government monitoring agency?

Do you six work for the government?


Conversing with you is like having a discussion with someone in a Mickey Mouse costume at Disney World, shift change, different actor, no substance just more BS as if the world isn’t already full of it. Your costume buys soup, so hey, what more is there?

I think there are enough practical issues in the world that deserve our attention that it’s unjust to spend too much time on much else. I’ve already studied philosophy. I know all the shit people consider deep. I know all the different ways people feel about the self and how it interacts with the world. I know a bunch of philosophical problems, why they’re philosophical problems, and a bunch of ways that people have tried to solve them and why they can’t be solved. What am I supposed to do? Write poetry? Sing a slave song about injustice? Light a candle? I’m bored with it. I’d rather see hungry people with soup. That’s something I can do. I’m glad someone who’s more able than me can get us all electricity and heat and medicine. I don’t know why you find this so offensive.

You be glad as you work your angles to keep from being boorish. Take no responsibility for your lack of resourcefulness, all six of you, no scruples needed. Go on with your cool selves. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You don’t think I’m resourceful?

Only in ways that benefit yourself. Self sacrifice is only an abstract concept to you. yawn

Self sacrifice? What…for it’s own sake? What have I said in this thread to warrant this accusation of selfishness?

I mean I thought you wanted to discuss the problems of energy procurement and I feel like you’re mostly just talking about me.

Have I called you out unjustly? Be cool man, man, woman, man, man, man.

Even Socrates couldn’t sort out what justice really is.

I’m saying, what’s the deal? Why is my standing in the world as you see it more important, or more interesting to you than understanding why the world is as it is?

You are not interesting. You all come to waste time being cool, so do what your good at but don’t confuse cool for real.

Everything is real. It’s just not all actual. So you’re against oil companies. If your best solution is to call me a fake, ignorant, self destructive, profiteering, selfish bore, then I don’t think you’ll make much progress in solving the problem. Good luck though.

I bought sun edison too back in the day. Glad I sold it. Solar panels are bankrupt.

Cool people are the problem. The Earth needs real, actual people who can pull the weight for two, not six who can’t pull the weight for one.

I can buy soup for 6 people.

Isn’t there something about feeding fishy soup in some part of the Bible? Better to teach the hungry to fish than feed them fishy soup?