Reality Is Realistic

What I can never understand is who does the World owe all this money to.

thanks for peeking in my thread… to answer your question: if we ever paid off ALL our debts (to central banks), there wouldn’t be any money left in circulation. Meaning that we do not own anything. It is a grand illusion that is destroying the Nature and humanity… when will we have the courage to stop it?

Anyone can go to my earth custodians blog and read “the Subjectivity of Value” which is a natural law that made this illusion possible

As world leader I would ban farm factories.

bans are band aid solutions that only last while they can. People need to take the matter in their own hands and begin to eat more responsibly. If we can’t prevent organ trafficking from preying on the poor and developing countries and whose commerce is now more lucrative than illegal drugs, how can we end farm factories?

All this is a part of a big picture: in the case of organ trafficking for example, kidneys are the most sought due to the diabetes epidemic… and this send us back to the food chain which is poisoned with pesticides, antibiotics and GMOs altering the DNA, etc

If people understood why animals standing in their own manure and tortured 24/7 release high levels of toxins in their flesh that make them unsuited for consumption, factory farms would be history overnight.

Meat addiction is the absolute bottom line

Fifty million pounds of antibiotics are produced in the U.S. each year.
Twenty million pounds are given to animals
Meat production has grown worldwide from 44 million tons in 1950 to 211
million tons in 1997.
over 80% of US pigs have pneumonia upon slaughter.

FULL HORROR SHOW … ryfarm.php

that may be the last post for now in this thread, I have my documentary to work on…

Money-free society to end the destruction by profits, please forward my website link. Time is running out. Tnx.

The processed food industry alone could bring the world down. Any factory using refined palm oil if serious about doing something about it, will file for chapter 11 as the costs of production will go up. Will people still buy nutella when it is twice the price or cookies, etc?? what ADDITIONAL ecologic destruction would cause to grow more sunflower, soybean? Processed food fuels obesity anyway. Gluttony is a capital sin in the bible by the way, well we now see why!

One hectare of land can yield about 3.7 tons of palm oil per year, compared to 0.48 tons of sunflower or 0.38 tons of soybean oil,

european food safety website/palm oil ban (DECADES LATER)

Palm Oil Contains Carcinogenic Substance, Says EU Food Safety Authority
24 January 2017 GMT

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announces that substances found in palm oil raise a potential health concern. They identified one component of palm oil as “geotoxic and carcinogenic.” This information is critical because palm oil is the most heavily utilized vegetable oils, and many people are unaware that palm oil is used in about half of all packaged foods, personal care products and cleaning products.

In 2013, producers used 58 million metric tons of palm oil, up from 50 million in 2010. Palm oil is popular largely because oil palm is the most efficient industrial vegetable oil crop, making it the least expensive for corporations making consumer products.

In 2016, the EFSA conducted an assessment of three potential food contaminants: glycidyl fatty acid esters (GE), 3-monochloropropanediol (3-MCPD), and 2-monochloropropanediol (2-MCPD). These substances are present in many different oils and fats, although, the highest levels of GE, 3-MCPD, and 2-MCPD are found in palm oil and palm fats. They form during food processing, particularly when refining oils at high temperatures.

The Palm Oil Industry

Palm oil is used in many household products, including foods such as peanut butter, margarine and many processed foods. It is also present in personal products such as shampoos and toothpaste, and over the last few decades, the markets for processed foods and low-cost personal care products grew considerably. As a result, so did the demand for cheap palm oil.

Producers turned to palm oil for a good reason. The oil palm is the most efficient vegetable oil crop in the world. One hectare of land can yield about 3.7 tons of palm oil per year, compared to 0.48 tons of sunflower or 0.38 tons of soybean oil, making palm oil far cheaper than any other vegetable oil.

Sadly, the cost to producers does not take into account the environmental damage cased by oil palm cultivation, and as a result, corporate giants, such as Pepsico, Johnson & Johnson, Colgate-Palmolive and many others, have played a key role in the environmental devastation taking place in Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as Latin America and Africa.

Oil palm production is responsible for massive deforestation, land use disputes with indigenous populations, and complete destruction of tropical ecosystems. It is the principle reason for the endangerment of animals such as the pygmy elephant — the smallest elephant on Earth — the clouded leopard, and the long-nosed tapir. Oil palm production is also responsible for the disappearance of about half of the world’s population of wild orangutans. … ionogenic/

The Eco-Apocalypse in Indonesia That No One is Talking About … ing-about/

100,000 deaths due to forest fires in Indonesia: study | Indonesia’s forest fires: everything you need to know | Indonesia dismisses study showing forest fire haze killed more than 100,000 people | Indonesia’s fires labelled a ‘crime against humanity’ as 500,000 suffer

Published on Feb 6, 2014
Process contaminants, what are they? What are scientists doing to protect consumers? And how can consumers reduce their exposure to them?

Governments cannot do a thinG without taxation… MONEY but 80-90% of the $$ it gets go into the war business. Meanwhile many people would argue that we need it to build roads. Roads of course that get bombed in due time. :-".

The fact is since that the war economy is what drives power, who really needs money?
Arent 5-4000 years of much of the same enough to say enough??? Or shall we wait and watch on TV our own destruction without any reaction while we all are being sprayed with neural dust without our consent? For how long can humans fund their own destruction. The law of the fittest now an utter deception. What works for animals does not work for humans. Time to get it and quickly now.

will more notice that truth is hidden in plain sight again?

CNN Exclusive: D-Rep. Gabbard on meeting with Assad

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why “We Have To Stop Spending TRILLIONS On Regime Change Wars!”

more taxpayers-money driven plot in the making
(google this)
Deep State AI Algorithms will Scan Faces to Determine Criminality
‘A genetically modified cyborg dragonfly that can spy on anyone has been unveiled.
Engineers Create The First Dust-Sized Wireless Sensors That Can Be Implanted Into The Human Body
Science Fiction Becomes Reality, Robots to Get “Electronic Personhood” Legal Status

Smart Dust – The Future of Involuntary Treatment of the Public … nt-public/



Life is LIFE… that is what it forever comes down to, and our psychopathic society is fragmenting people’s minds to no end. It is okay to bomb countries and okay to push abortion irrationally goes hand by hand. This notion of necessary evil is caused by moral relativism, and what will engulf us all at some point.

Teaching the respect for Life starts in kindergarten, I am afraid. The educational system? What educational system?

Talking of necessary evil: let throw some “perspective” into the mix. Since they don’t debate this for days on TV, that has to be true. Of course that would also expose the irrelevance of governance as a whole.

800,000 Missing Kids? … News reports cited a statistic that 800,000 children disappear every year in the United States. … —or about 2,000 a day. 4 million in 5 years.

Faces of Britain’s lost children: How 140,000 under-18s vanish across the country each year

talk of organized crime

the UN is very good at issuing warnings, but that is pretty much it. We shouldn’t expect more from a death cult organization. We live in sick world but the good news is that we can change it if people recognize their addiction to fear and violence. It starts at home.
Fixing the world will require that everybody takes responsibility at his own level for the world’ state of affair, BUT then act at their own level with this new mindset. The One and the Whole are complementary. The biggest con game in human history: teaching the opposite: us/I vs them

Yemen on brink of famine following bombing of vital port, UN says
20 Aug, 2015 17:47

‘Largest humanitarian crisis in world:’ 18 million Yemeni civilians in need of assistance
30 January 2017 GMT

‘No legitimate military objectives’: UN panel finds Saudi strikes in Yemen may amount to war crimes
‘An expert UN panel investigating ten separate airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen – in which at least 292 civilians died – has found that most were the result of an ‘ineffective targeting process’ or deliberate attacks on peaceful targets.

“In eight of the 10 investigations, the panel found no evidence that the airstrikes had targeted legitimate military objectives,” the 63-page report presented to the UN Security Council on Friday stated, which has been obtained by Reuters. “For all 10 investigations, the panel considers it almost certain that the coalition did not meet international humanitarian law requirements of proportionality and precautions in attack.”

“The panel considers that some of the attacks may amount to war crimes,” the experts said, echoing statements repeatedly made by independent observers since conflict broke out in the country two years ago.’

Are Obama’s Record Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and Iraq Fueling Unrest in Middle East?
April 07, 2015

EU criticises British arms sales to Saudi Arabia
Britain sold close to £3bn worth to the kingdom in the last year and is heavily implicated in the Saudi campaign in Yemen

It’s funny, Celine, but the Huffington Post in a recent editorial, pointed out the view, that Trump’s impeachment is imminent. Now I am also looking into what appears to be Your forum, and you may be wondering what on earth has he to do with it.

Well, the writer of the article used the exact same phrase, "The reality of reality’ , in conjunction with the View of Trump, not only as a dangerous odd ball, but a borderline psychopath, as well. The point made was that Trump sees reality within his own self enclosed , narcissistic megalomania, and his policies mirror TV, and generally media responses to his outrages behavior. They imply a serious meltdown due to the pressures of his job, for which he was at once incompetent and unprepared to preform.

Since he does not share a common sense view of reality, the Real real is beginning to irk him, as it presses in from many sides.

I was compelled, to give a political spin to Your mainly economic observation, for it is true as they say, economics begin wars, but it is political mistakes which drive them. Without a driver, the route may cause catastrophic blunders.

Just noted this in passing, to bring in a contemporaneous issue, on a similar vein.

That image shows what debt really means, yes. It is the opposite of the intergenerational justice, thus the intergenerational injustice: the generations of the future pay for the generations of the present. And it is a process that proceeds exponentially. :astonished:

hey, do you mean that you dropped by the earthcustodians forum? Thanks, it’s very quiet now but I am sure it will pick up after the trailer release scheduled for early march. So hanging on there and feel free to become a member :mrgreen:

I do not support Trump, he is going to continue the Obama Nobel Prize’s war policy. Some columnists refer to Trump as the last US present before states start to secede.

But the good news is that people are no longer fooling themselves
International Survey Reveals 85% Of The World Lives Under Political Corruption … index_2016

Interestingly the West is still orange because of vanity, I assume. 8-[

I think we must brace ourselves for a great upheaval before Trump’s presidency ends

I love talking of Reality with a capital R but that is a long subject! But I’d say that money is the mean to achieve bad politics. So it is a tool. Though saying “bad politics” implies that “they” just do blunders unintentionally, and after 5000 years of much of the same, failure is a political agenda on its own. At best it is time we begin to seriously question"power" and the meaning of charity

Meet the begging bowl barons: How YOU are helping to fund international charity (same story everywhere) … z4TBEeJ19r

I know a real estate broker that always pats herself on the back, saying she works her butt off during the housing boom because money was everywhere. Every now and then, I mentioned to her very diplomatically that it didnt last and that 40 trillion of wealth evaporated in the bust, that if greenspan had been proactive, the boom would have never existed. Sometimes she happens to swear that she was doing her job honestly or shrugs when realizing that she got a big push. Unfortunately she will never question the ethics of loading people with debts.

Time for metaphilosophy to take over… another jaw dropping investigation of mine

Putting The ‘Gift Of Life’… On Life Support!

By now the trend should rather be obvious: socialized healthcare wouldn’t go anywhere without capitalism and otherwise. Both are putting the Gift Of Life on life support. It all becomes crystal clear when probing the overbilling disaster. Capitalism is antagonistic to efficient treatments. And socialism seeks to further regulate, all of which gives the industry and big-pharma alike more power. According to Malcolm Sparrowd, a mathematician at Harvard, the overbilling fraud estimate adds up to a minimum sum of $270 billion a year or at least ten percent of all health care expenses. Regulations never work because there’re drafted by the one-sided profits hunters themselves and a bunch of aggressive lobbyists buying politics. Any genuine action to fix the mess will destroy healthcare as we know it. Meanwhile corruption continues unabated…

The systemic fraud goes far beyond the organized criminal syndicates, asserts Sparrowd. Insurances also can do little if, for example, an hospital charges $20 per aspirin and an ‘oral administration fee’ for the transportation of this aspirin to the patient. People are basically charged for phantom procedures, nominal physician visits, for transporting specimens down a few floors to the labs. As a matter of fact, skyrocketing premiums also take into account the price tag of such a rampant lack of ethics. It is a catch 22 subverting the ‘gift of life’. This is the dead end of monetization.

LONG … e-support/

I could have started another thread but chose otherwise

anyone grasping that money is a time device and that the powers that be use it to further themselves and implement distractions (waste of time), then you are ready to go money-free!!

indeed… after WW2, people all signed up for SSN, and now RATIONED ‘universal basic income’ for all is on the horizon.


February 23, 2017
A Money-free Society To Resolve The Automation Headache

We live in a such polarized society that most minds get frozen when it comes down to the handling of the upcoming tidal wave of joblessness and the automation takeover. The vast majority is already begging for the government to step in. And as we will see, the ‘universal basic income’ is not only a fake solution but also the most insidious of all…

The essential intellectual trait Earth Custodians all share is the comprehension that money is mainly a time device. And that the powers that be can only control society by using time driven incentives — whatever apprehension about the future. And because time has an elusive component and varies depending on the education, the only way to slow down competition is to control the ‘time’. Distractions often make one lose sight of time and also waste one’s time while making people believe they are in control of the timing of their own lives. For example, after WW2, we were led to believe that social security would be there in time to take over. Today driving cars give the impression that rushing allows us to do a lot more. But what for in the end? To rely on some ‘universal basic income’? From birth to death, all what the system does is to keep us into a frantic consumerist mode under the guise to make life easier so we can enjoy more time off. In our physical dimension, life itself is time. Every day reminds us that our days are counted to start with. And materialism makes it even more so. And what if it were all wrong? The more we look at it for an answer, the more question marks begin to appear on the horizon.

If this makes sense to you, you are ready for ‘mindset transitioning’. Knowledge also accelerates time but equally demonstrates that everything is a zero-sum game. We do a lot more today in one hour time than 50 years ago. Mainly because society is now entirely computerized. Even spreading the aims of the Earth Custodians requires the use of time as a devise to let the world know about the Movement. Because now, more than ever, time is about to run out. Money-free or basic universal income? In a nutshell, the Earth Custodians Movement seeks to embody the struggle to overcome time as a tool for social control.

The technocrats knew since the first computer was created that our destiny was about to be altered in a big way and lead to massive unemployment. Populations could have been prepared for the shift 50 years ago and by now, we’d be able to muddle through. Unfortunately, it won’t be the case, unless a majority understand that there is NO way back. There is no way back unless wishing to join a Mormon or Amish community. Money has to go because the speed of knowledge is catching up with that of the liquidity circulating – hence the jobless waves on the horizon. …

more … utomatioj/

Mindset transitioning, but to my own mindset, the Trixie mindset.

Mindset is, wealth and money is not a time-device, but a time-emotion-health device.

Reason being, is a lumberjack body builds not for ego of body,image, but ego of the satisfaction of picking up logs and building houses the natural way.
A princess doesn’t bodybuild for body,social image, wants to be effete and pampered.

Both entities get “credits” to buy goods, mainly, food and shelter. The food and shelter is neeeded for the third essential good, sex, to raise a healthy child.

The fourth good, entertainment, is what you refer as a distraction time suck, but entertainment is the result of cultural excess, lack of need, and thus ability to expand one’s intelligence other than devoting it to immediate related areas. Removing it will remove the intelligence. The difference is the difference between africa and the europe, africans are more directly focused on immediate survival, humping pots and pans to and from water source, have much less sophisticated entertainment and technology, europe has a wider span of temporal awareness.

competition is mainly a time device, sorry or maybe you are unaware of the concept of the “velocity of money” in economics. Those who have more money can compete faster, so their investment circulates faster too.

But on a cosmic scale present is all there is.

Im well aware that time is money, but money is not just time. Are you aware of how Venn diagrams operate?

let see… here are the latest… if you read the article, with the current technology, they could already cause 49% unemployment overnight… … -with-a-i/

so what are they waiting for? They are waiting for a mega world war which is now gathering pace

and if the WW3 is aborted there is a plan B… follow the money… 4000 years that we are paying for our destruction, one century at the time,that people still accept financing their own demise after 4000 is beyond me… at age 16, I already figured it out that it was pure madness

This is really bogus… where will they get the money if 50% or more are on basic universal income? Got it… it is the very last boom-bust to gobble up investors’ money, until their last pennies. Maybe we wont have a crash just now… who knows, 3 to 5 years from now

Cyborgs - The Next Billion Dollar Industry
5 April 2017 GMT

How upgrading humans will become the next billion-dollar industry. Investors searching for the next transformative technology destined to turn a bunch of Ivy League dropouts into billionaires, and half the market into a loose slot machine, need only look in the mirror.

“The greatest industry of the 21st century will probably be to upgrade human beings,” historian Yuval Harari, author of the fascinating new book “Homo Deus,” told MarketWatch.’ …

At the same time, these superhumans will have less and less to do, Harari, said, because robots and artificial intelligence will perform more and more of the jobs with which obsolete humans used to be tasked. So what will these future humans do all day? Will we sail aboard an intergalactic cruise ship sitting on our butts while sucking down junk food like the future humans in Pixar’s feel-good dystopian movie “Wall-E”? Almost, Harari said. “The only serious answer I can give is they will play computer games,” Harari said. “Immersive, 3D virtual-reality games that will be far more fun and more exciting than anything in real life.” If that sounds straight out of an episode of “Black Mirror,” Harari noted that we have been playing variants on such games for thousands of years. “This is actually not completely new — religion is in a sense a virtual-reality game. There are a set of quite arbitrary laws, you have to gain points, and if you gain enough points in this life you get to go on to the next level.” Given that choice, it may be preferable to remain a flip phone in a dad bod case. … ustry.html

Even the parts of reality that aren’t realistic are still realistically parts of reality. There is nothing unnatural if it all is found in nature. And, if you claim to have found it outside of nature, how can you be sure nature didn’t lie to you, since lying is in its nature? If something is unrealistic, yet still found in reality, how realistic can it be presumed to be unreal entirely? And shouldn’t it then still have a practical use in our reality one way or the other?

everything we create is reality and realistic, but the choice is between Light and Darkness

but this thread is about humans obsession with self-implementing and financing their own demise, and the whole picture isnt pretty. Instead of addressing the issue, people spend their time siding with fake politicians and fake media that sold them the same propaganda for 4000 years. We are now entering a full blown worldwide psychopathic mode as a result.