Luke Skywalker is Dead

Will people finally stop talking about those movies now?

Did the Greeks ever stop talking about the Illiad or Odyssey?

I don’t associate with those kinds of people so I wouldn’t know.

What people? Book readers? Foreign People?

Greeks. They’re just kind of generally grubby, their food is overrated, their nation is the shame of the economic world, and their philosophy is just so/so.

Don’t say that to Satyr, you’ll make that Turk cry.

Like people who live primarily off olives, feta, and overcooked lamb. It’s just gross. I think the soul food that came from the slaves in America is way better.

I use olive oil primarily, even had it in my Humvee in Iraq. Lots of Greeks in my neighborhood. I was pissed when everyone would hijack it, not for food (I wouldn’t care) but to drip rags into it for lubricating weapons. I had it in Tupperware, then switched over to little bottles so they couldn’t pull that.

It’s a damn good survival food, can be turned into lamp oil, or used to lubricate parts, cover wounds, or consumed. Should always keep a plastic bottle in the trunk just in case,nd a giant metal can indoors for emergencies, and use a smaller bottle for daily needs. Has fantastic versatility.


Greeks used it like KY.

Using olive oil like its WD40 is gross? Odd!

Depends on where you squirt your WD-40

In your eye :wink:

Pellagra was common in the American South, especially among the poor. That’s what you get for eating primarily corn and pork fat. … auses.html

Mediterranean diet by far beats southern soul food.

You shouldn’t eat vegetables Pandora, it is the cause of gay.

This is how things get infected. Only use water based lubricants.

I’m not clicking any links because I don’t know shit about computers and I think you’re trying to give me a virus.

If you think a plate of olives and feta is better than a fried pork chop, then you’re just factually mistaken and there isn’t really anywhere else for this conversation to go until you do the research and can see that we’re dealing with an established, inalienable fact.

I’m not aware of any diseases due to malnutrition in Mediterranean diet. Nutritionally, it is well-balanced diet, and has been so for thousands of years.
In many European countries corn isn’t even considered fit for human consumption and is used for animal fodder instead.

Olive oil is many healthy properties. Can’t say the same for reused pork fat (or Crisco).

I’m not talking about olive oil vs crisco.

I’m saying it’s just a fact that some food that’s whipped up by some elderly black ladies is going to be better than a bunch of leaves and feta and olives and shit no matter what. Anyone who can’t see that is blind.

It’s just a fact based on what? Because it tastes better to you? You can make the same argument for eating ramen noodles, or hamburgers. I’m looking at overall nutritional quality, and Mediterranean diet will beat Southern soul food quality wise.