
Meth? If you have money, they’ll give it to you at the pharmacy. Adderall is pretty much the same thing. 4 types of amphetamines all in 1 pill. You can give it to your children if they’re too active. There’s some small molecular difference between methamphetamine and the 4 kinds of amphetamines that are in adderall, but those are more important to the chemistry student than to the drug user. They’re closer to each other than they are to anything else, and they have the same addictive properties and side effects.

Drugs kill man…

Lol you’re such a moralist.

What makes you think I want or need sympathy. Let me just cut you down again right where you stand and prove that I’m the fucked up asshole you claim me to be.

I am not fucking kidding when I post shit like this as accurate scientific findings, with intrinsic value in terms of work in the field to anyone who conjectures in private without the balls to be their own guinea pig.

I am a grown man. I am 30 years old, soon to be 31. I won’t sit and take shit from little boys who come at me in faulty manner with faulty manners. Elbows off the table, Reasonable. Less of the bullshit, less of the lip and please tell me again how stupid you are that you can misread such open and honest contempt for all around me as a cry for sympathy.

Settle down sweetie. You don’t have to be so sensitive.

This is P&M, not Rant, MrR… please consider this a precursor to a warning.

I also noticed that methamphetamines and heroin also exacerbate some peoples schizophrenia whether this deals with voices in the head or shadow people and shadow realities. It’s not entirely uncommon to run into someone who is paranoid as hell and sees so many things with their third eye, their spiritual eye, coming at them. Again, nothing that can’t be experienced while sober, but the drug changes the aspect of it.

I’ve had experiences where I’ve been accused of doing meth just for reacting to aspects of reality that society wants to pretend are crazy or don’t exist. Blame it on insanity or drugs rather than call a spade a spade and mentioning the elephants in the room.

It comes down to having a strong mentality and strong spirituality and unlike so many other cocky assclowns, I reign supreme in the realms of the mind and spirit. And, wait a second, I sound crazy saying some of the things I’m saying, but wait, again, I don’t give a fuck because shit is there and it’s not crazy whatsoever? Whaaaaaaaaaa…? No kidding. I established my credibility before during and after walking down the dark paths fully, the crazy paths fully. I bring myself back from them with or without drugs, go down them with or without drugs, can perfectly experience every aspect of the high of meth without having any on hand whatsoever and was experiencing it while smoking pot years before I even started.

Do I sound like every other arrogant prick that claimed to be a user and not being used by the drug? Do I sound like every other cocky asshole that claimed they could walk away whenever they wanted to and had it proven to them that they were wrong? Because I’m very good at walking away.

One of my friends mentioned something about being dehydrated and sleep deprived, and those factors did not interfere with my ability to think nearly as much as other things that wanted to see me get rolled, wanted to see me taken advantage of, wanted to knock me down. And, if you want to believe that such a belief as that is crazy in terms of the supernatural and paranormal, you are one of the crazy ones in society. You are what I call stupid and retarded.

Mr. Reasonable is showing medical skepticism mixed with moral indignation derived from groups asserting categorical privledge. He has a few hundred years of scientific attitude backing him, albiet it not always correct (Descartes Beast Machines, case false, but then Tocqueville was right in targeting the ills of pitying Pauperism, which was then treated as a liberal social disease, Joker/Merlin holds to it still.)

Mr. Reasonable does embrace a established school of thought, and rhetorically he isn’t out if the norm. I’m saying this to Magsj, not to prop up Smears or hurt Random here. I have no opinion other than to say don’t use drugs, but I see nothing invalid with Mr. Reasonable’s rhetoric here. Random shouldn’t be denied his chance to develop argument to Mr. Reasonable"s assault here. That’s how we develop ourselves, banning people harms the person your defending in the long run, cause they never learned to argue better.


You’re game-playing has been noted… such philosophical innovation can be expressed in The Sandbox or Community Forums.

It’s not surprising that people respond and react the ways that they do. They see so many fall, after all, themselves included. I’m not afraid of picking the drug back up in the future if I happen to do so, because I know I can still walk away from it when I need to and want to. I just doubt that I’ll get back on it because it costs too much money to sustain as a habit, for one, and, for two, is not as satisfying as sobriety. The drug is all fucked up and I’m not saying any differently. It’s called the Devil’s Drug for a reason, people stereotype it in wrong ways for a reason. We call people ‘Tweakers’ for a reason and I’m just saying that those reasons aren’t just the drug, but combined with the drug to make it hard as Hell for anyone to sort it out, extricate themselves from it and please don’t mistake me knowing I can walk away from it thinking that I’m free from what plagues me or what is associated with the drug. What I’m going through now is, to me, a brand new strain of flu mixed with the rain and cold of the weather, having to sleep outside and whatever has attached itself to the drugs themselves, not to mention other enemies I have. If any of you at any given time fail to see how I’m still suffering, please say so and I can remove all doubt from your minds. I am at odds with life and existence itself because it never should have been what it’s become and the good moments, even for me now at this point, are too few and far between. I’m not crying, I’m not expecting sympathy. Even if I got sympathy and wanted it, it would generally come from those who don’t know any better and speak falsities in placebo fashion to placate me, and, to be honest, I do still find myself needing even that some days.

It’s turned into monsoon weather somewhere where it has never rained this much in recent years and if you ask me to blame it on some coincidence instead of what follows me around, you’d find me very hesitant to do so. Used to be I’d be hard put to say that, being just another cog in this murder machine of society, blaming it on coincidences. Like small, unnecessary expenditures, such as getting a mocha or latter once or twice a day at 6 dollars a cup, times 30 or 31 turns into 180-372 dollars a month. If you get more than that and then have other small, unnecessary expenditures, all of your money is gone before you know it, especially if you’re using a bank card and failing to monitor your transactions; all of a sudden you’re in the red. Just the same, coincidences become such that after a while can not be discounted as just coincidence anymore. If you expect me to show sympathy for those who fell for the bullshit full force and are going through something just as hard as what I’ve been through in my life, then you fail to realize that it isn’t always sympathy that gets us through. I could be good at sympathy, but usually, mixed with what all else I am, it’s usually some sympathetic sap that has to fill the role otherwise it just gets seen as another weakness for people to exploit once they’re pulled through, once again, by me; who they hate.

I get that Reasonable embraces an established school of thought. It is, however, an unexplained school of thought and therefore not established whatsoever. Like everything else established as a school of thought worthy to keep, it has embraced itself as the be all end all and refuses to listen to other schools. I’ve already proven how Einstein’s theory of Relativity wasn’t fully fleshed. Newton’s Law of Gravity is the same. Perhaps there’s an established school of thought for why that is tied into far too much to write down or catalogue, us being lazy creatures, book burnings, violent uprisings, etc. I don’t really care to know which for sure. At the point of refusing to adapt with the changing times, it erases its own establishment as a school of thought.

Basically, if one person; one jackass; somewhere in history can ruin it for everybody else so God damned easily, it stands to reason that one extra-mega-jackass can go above and beyond what mortals are capable of, reach into the power of the Gods themselves just to get a fucking foot in the door to have it be also true that one person can ease the pressure for all others and make things better. I’m still trying to take a break from it all because it is too much, it is 24/7, my brain hurts, my body hurts and I get the established school of thought that doesn’t allow me to, but fucking God damn. It’d be nice to be able to take a break and have the choice whether to put myself back to task again. I might surprise everyone by doing so willingly if they ever willingly let me have an actual break and allow my mind and body to remain motionless without confusing it for being dead. My brains learned how to stop itself, it is not a constant perpetual motion device it has found out. Other things conspire to try to prove that, yes, it still is, but it knows better. My body knows the same. I’m pissed off, weary again and being pushed far further past my limits than I want to be and even if sympathy is to be waylaid, know that I didn’t ask for it, just the understanding that, ‘yeah, that’d be nice,’ so I could respond with, ‘well, why don’t we try to have more nice things.’ But then there’d be so many people acting out instead of explaining and would feel they’d have to teach me the hard way whether they had the words for it or not.

And that is, I know, why we can not have nice things.

When you eat battery juice and expect it to take you to a higher plane, what can be said.

One, it’s not just battery juice. 2, it comes from nature and therefore, how can it be harmful to ones health unless something makes it harmful to ones health. Three, I didn’t take it experience a higher plane, I dabbled to see just what I experienced while on it, to experience the same problems as my people, to better understand their discontent and displeasure and the overall nature of the mass deception that faces reality and eternity. I smoked meth to embrace a different, and by that token, ‘new’, aspect of reality. I understand full well just what I’m taking on while doing so and that it intends to kill me and doesn’t care for the development of reason to the points that I’m developing them. I’m developing them to those points anyway.

Also magsj, this guy calls people cunts or shitheads or assholes in almost every one of his posts. Am I not entitled to reflect his own behavior toward him?

That is in RF’s thread in Rant… I do check which forums what is happening in you know. RF has had his fair share of heavy moderation in the past, but thanks for sharing your concerns with me. :wink:

Do please carry on… as you were… don’t mind me :-"

Yeah, I had problems back in the day with swearing on AOL, used to get me kicked off the internet, put on probation where I’d have to not swear while on probation or cause problems and was successful. I’ve definitely learned a lot about proper placement of things since then and definitely how important it is how to word things.

At my core, I’ve been a verbal brawler for years. Others dish out their punishment on me and then whine for sympathy to the same mods that they expect to condone their BS. And, that is a very vital piece of philosophy, right there.

Basically, if you disagree with any of Random’s randomly generated conclusions, you are an enemy and a bully of him.

Basically, this “feud” between us started when I told him I didn’t believe the CGI was sentient, then he said he would kill me for not believing him. He is absolutely insane.

You’re a fucking cunt. You know I full on back up my arguments with air-tight reasoning when I can, that ties together legitly. If there’s ever a part that doesn’t, you can be sure I’m a fair person and unbiased even to my own self, able to admit when I’m wrong and you can always question me on something; which is what you and others have never, ever done.

You’re a fucking cunt again for shortening the whole CGI argument to try to make me look like I threatened to kill you, for one, and for such a silly reason, for two.

You were a fucking cunt when you entered my thread, here:

You had nothing to add to the thread in terms of value, you did nothing but troll it, you ridiculed the idea, wondered why I was attacking you and why nobody was doing anything to stop the vicious man from doing so. And, you’re an idiotic cunt, because I didn’t even mention killing you once in that thread. The times that I said anything at all about killing you, I didn’t threaten you and didn’t even come close to even trying to kill you. I did, once or twice tell you, in hypothetical situations, things I’d like to do to you and still, the closest I’ve come to trying to kill you is trying, not even very hard, to make you try to kill yourself; a suicide, not a homicide.

The fact is that the things that you have been doing, and others like you, have been making people suicidal; have driven me to the brink of wanting to kill myself a decent amount of times, not a lot and not none at all and none of you seemed to care. In fact, I think the sentiment by some; not saying you in particular; was, ‘gee, we haven’t killed anybody THAT way, yet.’ So, if by the fact you want me to be penalized for openly stating my intent to get you to commit suicide while it’s genuinely what you and others do without stating it openly, also take into account that I’ve been doing more than my level best to try to end these fights and conflicts PEACEFULLY.

God, I’m such a fucking threat to community; ban me, ban me, ban me.

Fuck off, you twisted fucking bullshit con artist cunt.

This is not Rant RF…

Lol he just did it here.