"Chelsea" Manning's Sentence Commuted by Obama

Did Bradley Manning do something horrible deserving of the sentence he got, or no?

Does Russia deserve strict sanctions for hacking Podestas gmail account, or no?

Oh yes, he committed crimes against humanity. It’s the actions and results, and not the statues, that determines this. It’s how we prosecute nazis to this day.

Well, the only possible conclusion is we need to find out who is responsible for the DNC leaks sometime in the next two days, so Obama can pardon them too!

That has nothing to do with this. Only actual evidence of foreign spying so far from a reputable source was when the DNC hired the British spy agency to investigate Trump. Wikileaks completely contradicts the CIA, and there has been major holes, inconsistencies, and ethics violations in the so called Russian Hacking case since it was “leaked”. But neither resulted in a war, the supposed DNC hack actually stopped one with Russia.

However, Bradley Manning did most definitely and certainly, beyond the shadow of a doubt, result in one. Have should be shot by firing squad, no different in culpability than a guard at a concentration camp. Actual one difference, they can claim they were just following orders.

Julian Assange has one day left to get a sex change so he can get an Obozo pardon. Someone let him know.

Russian sanctions are actually hurting ordinary Russian citizens. I wonder what those people did to deserve that, when some DFL employee stole emails and handed them off to Wikileaks… not sure I see the connection.

Oh yeah, we make it all about Russia to undermine Trump, increase conspiratorial paranoia in the US people, undermine the press even more than it already is, and detract from the utter failure the DFL has become. Now I get it.

Government should be transparent. Elections should be fair? Maybe?

I’d like to understand the mental thought process of being an imprisoned Bradley Manning turning into Chelsea Manning. How did that happen and occur? What was that transformation all about?

You really want to know, ask Trixie.

:laughing: Friggin’ hilarious!

I got it! Chelsea Manning is the secret love child of Bruce Jenner! It all makes sense now…

Stop making fun of grannies, it isn’t politically correct to do so.

It is very clear all his actions were have ghly rational and clear headed, and did everyone a great service, we are a better people for it.


Leaking classified Government documents to the people is a good thing because you value transparency, but leaking unclassified DNC documents to the public is a bad thing becaue it makes an election ‘unfair’? Why isn’t it ‘tranparency’ to learn how the CNN was leaking debate questions to Hillary and that the Bernie campaign was sabotaged by his own party? Don’t you think leaking information about what the CIA, NSA, etc. has an effect on elections? Does that make those elections ‘unfair’?

I’m not asking whether there’s a difference in the tactics employed by the right and left wings. I don’t think there really is. And I think you know that there isn’t either. I was asking about fairness in elections and transparency in government. Is one more important than the other?

Transparency in government would cover the elections, yes?

Yes, you’re asking a loaded question, and doing a tapdance to avoid my answer, and replying with an even more loaded question. You want to talk about transparency in government, but not transparency in elections. When talking about elections, you drop transparency out and replace it with ‘fairness’, because you know your argument is fucking bullshit. Let me make it as plain as possible: If you care about transparency, you care about transparency. Any argument that we ought to know what the NSA is up to is an argument that we ought to know what the DNC and CNN are up to. The unfairness in this election was the DNC undermining Bernie Sanders, and the media colluding with the Hillary Clinton campaign. The people getting to find out that this happened is not ‘unfairness’, it’s the very essence of fairness that a cheater be caught and revealed before they are graded. If you whine when this sort of thing is revealed to the people, but chest-thump about transparency when government secrets are revealed to the people, then you aren’t standing on any principle, you’re simply shilling for a political party.

Depends on what aspect of the elections you’re talking about. Strictly speaking, what goes on within a political party has nothing to do with the government, it’s just a bunch of civilians talking shit. It still has big effect on the government, sure, but transparency laws and policy don’t really apply. For example, you can’t use a FOIA request to demand a political party to reveal their budget.

Secret ballots? Private property? Why so harsh? Your brush is too broad. Reality is nuanced.

K: actually that is true… Reality is nuanced and that fact is lost on a lot of people…
reality is not black or white, right or wrong, just or unjust, reality is just shades of gray
and a lot of both black and white, right and wrong, just and unjust…
a lot of people around here act as if reality is right or wrong, whereas reality can
be at the exact same time right and wrong and for the exact same reasons…how
do you understand something that can be so different at the same time otherwise
known as Schroedinger’s cat…is a great description of reality, both dead and alive
at the same time, right and wrong at the same time, just and unjust at the same time…
how do we create a truth about something that can be so diverse? and so full of
