Fixed Cross Lamentations


Dungeon the Turdmonger! :text-protest: There’s plenty of wall space for his philosophy there. :angry-banghead: ](*,) :angry-banghead: ](*,)

Your not even doing your job here. Saywelios used a religious slur against me, then you supported him in this.

You bend the rules for situations you like, and not for others, for the sake of vanity more than anything else. How long did I have to press you to even post in something relating to philosophy? You never did.

I post on subject matter daily. Years went by, you didn’t. Only thing you have to do as a moderator is to delete electronic spam, and instead you fucked around with people’s posts. That’s not your job.

We wouldn’t have the retarded rift with Satyr had this website just stuck to policing spam, he was a very quiet guy on

I don’t understand why it is a constant back and forth with you in regards to totalitarianism, selectively policing.

Today I discussed three philosopher on this site, their ideas at least. Mongoose didn’t grasp the Archimedes or Wittgenstein references in either case, just did some heavy mouth breathing thinking I was just making it up. Yesterday it was Swedenborg for her, she hasn’t the slightest clue who that was, even though she was a adherent to her philosophy.

Now where is the logic Magsj in joining forces with her in attacking me, when neither of you tend to know about the subject matter being discussed, constantly clueless about the references and ideas presented? I’ve told you many times in the past, I put a lot of other philosophers in my posts just to see if anyone notices, even in the most mundane squabbles. The very stuff I get into trouble the most about is the most mainstream stuff we have out there.

As it stands, it is two defiantly none philosophers squabbling about one philosopher on a philosophy forum. If this was a website dedicated to bad food, the two of you might have a case in saying I don’t belong, cause that seems to be the main area of either of your expertise. But it isn’t. This is a philosophy forum, and nobody is better read or experienced than me.

Egotistical as fuck, hate me for it, agrue and try to shout me down, but it is true. I study 24/7, have done so for years. I can point to a few hundred serious topics on my part. I can’t do 50 for the two of you combined.

I’m of a actual philosophical tradition. I can point to others like me in any behavior I show. Bona fide, I belong. You are welcome here, both of yoyc but philosophy isn’t a democracy, you gotta earn the right from deep thinking, and neither of you have shown this trait. You never earned the right to moderate Magsj, you took it and abused it.

Believe it or not but I can view his forum seeing what he posts there. If Fixed Cross is too scared to come on ILP I’ll understand.

What’s my deal with deleting forums and websites? One word, experimentation.

So, now you’re taking a stance against nihilism? This coming from the guy constantly wandering around with Nietzsche’s dick in his ass that he constantly praises. Curious, if you’re not a nihilist, how would you classify yourself?

As usual I have to school most of you what nihilism actually is (including Satyr) because not a single fucking person on this forum and most other portions of the internet have any understanding of the actual word.

Yes, nothing says desperate like sending a lackey envoy in one’s own place.

Sauwelios, does Fixed Cross pat you on the head?

Remember when it used to be reversed. Sauwelios is moving up the tree of life, starting to grow his own spine. Used to rely heavily on Fixed Cross to defend him. He us so sensitive, I’ve held off on most of his new threads, afraid he would wilt under criticism of his ideas again. Very fragile.

I don’t find my enjoyment by coming here to actively compete in topic or post counts which numbers seem to be important to you.

You are right that my serious topic count is around thirty, several of which you trashed with your lambasting of other contributors, basically sabotaging my attempts to bring forth material that interests me. I’m no textbook academic, but I do live my philosophy and have learned while I’ve been here.

You really should be dungeoned when you troll, using members pasts inaccurately, slandering them rather than staying on these philosophical topics you swear are so importantly overlooked due to your very own thread fucking drama.

I don’t think you have even 30. I can’t even think of one. I guess I might pass off something on astrology, though I doubt you know anything about the history of it, competing schools of thought in it. But astrology is absolute total bullshit.

No, think the fault isn’t in your stars, but yourself. Now your boyfriend Joker does have some legit threads. Maybe you should ask him to teach you how to post, you can’t do any worst.

I’m not even certain what my post count is. I do know some of the more illiterate get upset when I post too much information in my posts. I’m not exactly going for the numbers with that strategy.

But again, this is much more about your inadequacies, and Magsj, and perennially Sauwelios. Jealousy is a bitch, but I shouldn’t be chastised for your short comings, especially considering it can be instantly remedied on your end by posting legitimate posts. It is only from your perspective, bring foul minded, that you see me as hostile. Well over half never heard me say anything negative. There is good reason… they are serious in their philosophy, or lack personalities where they benefit from the gadfly approach. Both you and Magsj started recently doing basic typing… is there a pattern to my actions?

We are exploring your inadequacies here, so keep that in mind. It is a good starting point in that census of others.

Your reply has been noted, and your selectiveness even more so.

For the record, I haven’t even been in touch with Fixed Cross since before he made those posts. Which means he didn’t send me. As for the rest of what’s said here, I’ll leave that to your imaginations (interesting what your images say about each of you).

I never meant to imply that you couldn’t.

Phobos is often taken to mean fear when it rather means disgust (odium).

Using other people’s geniuses (or demons) as guinea pigs? Not very ethical…

As an aristocratic radicalist, of course. Do you know nothing about Nietzsche?

“Values and their changes are related to increases in the power of those positing the values.
The measure of unbelief, of permitted ‘freedom of the spirit’ as an expression of an increase in power.
‘Nihilism’ an ideal of the highest degree of powerfulness of the spirit, the over-richest life–partly destructive, partly ironic.” (Nietzsche, The Will to Power, section 14, entire; cf. 15.)

Paraphrasing Nietzsche, we might call such “nihilism” the nihilism of strength or the Dionysian nihilism.

Try me. (As for Satyr, he thinks he’s Nietzschean because he rejects Nietzsche…)

It may puzzle some readers that I’ve called myself a liberal aristocrat. The thing is I’m so liberal I’m conservative again. Compare:

“By saying Yes to everything that was and is Nietzsche may seem to reveal himself as radically antirevolutionary or conservative beyond the wildest wishes of all other conservatives, who all say No to some of the things that were or are. Remembering Nietzsche’s restrictions against ‘ideals’ and ‘idealists’ we are reminded of Goethe’s words to Eckermann (November 24, 1824) according to which ‘everything idea-like (jedes Ideelle) is serviceable for revolutionary purposes.’” (Leo Strauss, “Note on the Plan of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil” (1973).)

“The conservatives stood for throne and altar, and the liberals stood for democracy, or something similar to democracy, and religion as a strictly private affair. But liberalism was already outflanked by the extreme revolutionaries, socialists, communists, anarchists, and atheists. There was a position we may call political atheism.
Now Nietzsche opposed both the moderate and the extreme left, but he saw that conservatism had no future, that its fighting was a real garbage, and its conservatism was being eroded evermore. The consequence of this was that Nietzsche pointed to something which we may call the revolutionary right, an atheism of the right.” (Strauss, 1971 lecture on Beyond Good and Evil.)

Serious philosophy? Serious philosophy?! Seriously?! Is that what you call what you do? Sorry, I mistook it for neurosis. I thought all you really do here is gripe and wine about how you hate liberals, socialists, and atheists. And a whole bunch of other shit that annoys you.

The pattern you exhibit isn’t new. It’s been done a thousand times before by head cases just like yourself. Your type comes to philosophy forums like this one because they need some outlet to vent out their deeply twisted psychological damage. Your type cloaks it in the garb of philosophy, but that by no means makes you a good philosopher. It makes you disturbed. You need therapy and you know it. This is a form of self-therapy for you.

So yeah, don’t confuse bitching about Hillary Clinton for doing philosophy.

Other than that, you read a lot, and you spew out much of what you’ve read, but that’s doesn’t make you a philosopher either–that makes you, at best, a (amateur) scholar.

Oh, and then there’s your really dumb threads like: Did Neanderthal have British Accents? ← There you’re just being your normal retarded self. But you can’t help that.

This is as good a time as any to foe Turd. Bye. :greetings-wavingyellow:

So Jakob is a homophobe.
A homie who is disgusted.

I always tell the homo lobbyists that it’s true. They are disgusting.

I should write a novel, the Merchants of Phobos. Phobia Merchants would probably be too obvious.
It would be a book about the Homies who are disgusted with the Normies who They Live among. And so they sell them the idea that not celebrating eating poop is a phobia and a sin, a social no-no.
It’s inspired by the John Carpenter movie.

Gib, are you still around?

I almost thought you were going through this whole being too good for us in being within the rest of our company phase.


People fear what disgusts themselves often. When have I ever claimed to be an ethical man? :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: You should know better.

I know plenty about Nietzsche, his mistake was rejecting nihilism that he heavily outlined in his writings. He didn’t really have anything that was a workable substitute for nihilism and there is a reason for this. There is no solution or substitute to nihilism. I embrace nihilism because for me it is the way of the world and universe. Johann Kaspur Schmidt understood this and heavily influenced the writings of Nietzsche.

In my anti idealism prescription of the world I reject government of all kinds stemming from both the left and right because I understand the entropic erosion underpinning them. Liberalism, conservatism, and Marxism doesn’t matter, I reject all.

Anarchist autonomous self rule is the only sensible way to look at the world.

Whatever gave you that idea?

I don’t post as often as I used to, if that’s what you mean, but that’s just because of the hectic schedule I live through; that plus the time I do spend here at ILP is spent on only a couple intensive threads that take a lot of time: Making iambiguous’s day and The Philosophy of Rick and Morty.

Yeah, tough work schedules suck. I’m damn near working almost six days a week now myself.

Well, I’m glad that I misjudged the situation and hope you post more often in other threads at some point.

Yeah, it would be good to get back to the days when I’d just spur off a whimsical thread about a trivial topic. Some of them would last a few days or a good week, but they wouldn’t consume my time. These intensive, serious ILP projects of mine are fulfilling, but the more playful ones are a lot more fun.

I’m going to take a bit of a break after Season 1 of Rick and Morty, maybe spin off a few mundane threads, and then get onto Season 2. Then I think I’ll start a thread on Canadian politics. For that, however, I’m going to search out a “Canadian Politics” forum and start a project similar to my Reforming Democracy thread. ← What I liked about that one was how educational it was. I did a thorough analysis of the American Constitution, but now I figure that if I want to pursue political philosophy in any more depth than that, I’ve really got to understand my own government first. So that’s gotta be the next project. What I’m going to do here at ILP is post a link to the thread in the Canadian politics forum and post some commentary here (I’m sure Turd will be all over that one).

Then I figure maybe I’ll be in a better position to decide whether I want to align myself with right-wing politics or left-wing politics, or neither, but even that requires answering the question: how do I know what’s a trustworthy source of information and what isn’t. ← That one, at the present time, seems an insurmountable challenge.

Of course I do. It was supposed to sound paradoxical coming from me, considering Nietzsche called himself an immoralist. But then there’s Berkowitz’s book title, Nietzsche: the Ethics of an Immoralist. The thing is Nietzsche also said he was the first decent human being–which, hyperbolic though it may be, is serious in the sense of Berkowitz’s “ethics”. But more about that below:

This makes some sense to me, reminding me as it does of the self-proclaimed nihilist Harry Neumann. But I disagree with Neuman and with you. Here’s an excerpt from my forthcoming translation of my “tutorial in Platonic political philosophy [by which I also mean Homeric, Machiavellian/Baconian, and Nietzschean political philosophy]”:


The Baconian scheme, in which science serves the common good, was so successful that the unreasonableness of such utilitarianism was almost completely obscured by it; today, virtually everyone considers democracy’s absolute superiority a self-evident fact (though not everyone may find things are sufficiently socialist or anarchist yet). Near the end of 2012, I saw a nice example of how much people regard certain moral values as self-evident and science as their vehicle. It’s an imaginary postcard sent to religion by science, in the week that skydiver and BASE-jumper Felix Baumgartner jumped from the stratosphere in a stunt sponsored by Red Bull.

Dear Religion,

This week I safely dropped a
human being from space while
you shot a 14 year old girl in the
head for wanting to go to

I kinda feel like you need a
better hobby…


I won’t say much about this other than that the idea behind it seems to me to be the following: “We over here in the West are, thanks to our scientific enlightenment, already able to employ science for the purpose of excitement and sensation, whereas you over there in the Middle East haven’t even used it to guarantee peace and security!” For these, I think, are the two value sets which are met by the Machiavellian strategy. A student of Leo Strauss whom I haven’t yet mentioned, Harry Neumann, may express the truth behind this even better than Lampert and Strauss. Thus he writes:

“Sometimes I ask students if any real restraints, limits set by something like nature or gods, exist to curb scientific experimentation. Can science, for example, make men immortal or transform them into eagles? Most students deny that anything is intrinsically impossible. They acknowledge that some things probably will not happen tomorrow or even in a century, but, in principle, nothing prevents anything imaginable from happening at any time. Like good liberal democrats, these same students usually cling to a groundless faith that science’s uncurbed experimentation ought to be used for liberal democratic goals–to promote freedom rather than slavery, peace rather than war. As if that made any difference in the nihilist world revealed by science! The faith that science’s omnipotence can be restrained in the name of some non-arbitrary moral obligation is unscientific. It is relapse into the philosophic illusion from which science liberates itself. Interpreted scientifically, any such relapse, any moral-political commitment, springs from the tyrannic decision to have it so: all moral-political demands are efforts to tyrannize over reality, to replace nature or truth with the propaganda dearest to one’s heart.” (Neumann, Liberalism.)

“The philosophic illusion from which science liberates itself” is the illusion of “a universe in which [the philosopher] and what is good for him exist as something more than nihilist experience” (Neumann, ibid.). So not only are the said value sets valuable only insofar as people insist on their being valuable, but man himself only exists insofar as he insists that he exists… The latter idea, that beings exist only insofar as they value themselves, is of the essence of value ontology. But since we’re talking about political philosophy, not about metaphysics, I won’t go into that too deeply. Suffice it to say the following. Democracy exists owing to the fact that the people who want it to exist, together are more powerful than the people who do not want that. These, however, are people with relatively weak wills: hence they must be with a great majority. That their individual wills are weak may be appreciated from the fact that most of them at least cannot acknowledge the aforesaid; they have to believe that their values are universal, that they are not driven by will to power but by moral sense. Nietzsche’s philosophy, on the other hand, indeed, all esoteric, that is to say actual philosophy, is scientific: it is the most spiritual will to power, the tyrannical drive to the creation of the world… Thus Nietzsche wants the world to be will to power and nothing besides, and therewith as hierarchical, not egalitarian.


As for Max Stirner, my very succinct criticism of him–and at the same time of the notion that he heavily influenced Nietzsche, or at least of the notion that Nietzsche was an epigone of his–can be found here:

Self-rule? But nihilism is solipsism without even the ipse, the self! Your “self” is only different from your preciously rejected government in degree, not in kind…

“Artists such as Beckmann, Grammaté and Grosz are more scientific (liberal) than Aristotle, Newton or Einstein who mean to present communicable theories or hypotheses. Their artistic insight into life’s nihilism precludes anything really common or communicable. What is communicable is the horror of the confrontation with nihilism depicted in their art. They realize that they themselves and the world in which they live is nothing but nihilist experiences. […]
In this they antagonize not only pseudo-scientists [like Aristotle, Newton and Einstein] and other political men whose terror at genuine science’s nihilism demands faith in a world in which theories can be tested or communicated, in which scientists (and others) can work with each other and for each other. They also differ from humanist artists and intellectuals who, while agreeing that the external world is empty, nevertheless find a wealth of meaning in their own inner life. These are the apostles of self-expression, ‘finding one’s real self.’ Thus so-called non-objective or abstract art often denies the meaningfulness of objects, of the external world, while affirming the richness of inner experience. At their most scientific, Beckmann and Grammaté, unlike Klee or Kandinsky, realize that their inner selves are as devoid of substance or meaning as the external world. No inner integrity or complexity exists in reality’s nihilism. Only men alive to life’s total nothingness are as scientific–as knowledgeable about reality–as men can be. Other intellectuals, whether ‘scientists’ or humanists, artists or computer experts, are no more than conscious or unconscious propagandists. Genuine education, Nietzsche’s experiment to incorporate truth’s nihilism, requires elimination of their propaganda: ‘I would drive out of my ideal state the so-called ‘educated’ just as Plato drove out the poets: this is my terrorism.’” (Neumann, ibid.)

I agree with Neumann about all this, but not with his notion that Nietzsche’s aristocratic radicalism is at odds with this. As I wrote in a private email to Fixed Cross about a month ago (in Dutch; what follows is obviously a translation):


I’ve plunged into Neumann’s nihilism again recently, but now I think I’ve found an error in it even on his terms: there is no original phobos (fear/hate) of the will, it’s a circle, that phobos exists only for the natural philosopher who thinks through modernity to its ultimate extreme; every step away from that zero-point is one of Lust [Ger. pleasure], not of phobos. This again became clear to me from the superpositive Will to Power 853: to speak with [Nietzsche’s early essay] “The Greek State”, “the genius of wisdom and of knowing” is himself an Apollinian genius, that cannot exist without the state, with all the steps and leaps away from that zero-point required for [the emergence of] the state. So the zero-point is the high point of the whole pyramid of semblance… That high point, by the way, is not just a manifestation of Apollinian, but also of Dionysian geniality: there the self-valuing realizes its identification with its own Primordial One (I now think every (supreme[*]) self-valuing has/is its own Primordial One, in accordance with VO as poly-solipsism).


  • The word “supreme” was an allusion to a private discussion I had with Fixed Cross and Wyld by PM here on ILP, in which I wrote:

“[E]xcept for the supreme self-valuings (the ‘peak’ I mentioned in my first post[**] in Magnus’ recent ‘Self-valuing’ thread), self-valuings do value their real selves, but only as means to their ideal selves[.]”


I look forward to seeing you write in other threads. I prefer your non-trivial stuff myself.

I think you’re wasting time articulating anything on state controlled democracy but you’re of course familiar with my opinions on that.

I wouldn’t call myself a decent man. I do pride myself on my radical honesty however even when it gets me into trouble. I call myself an amoralist. Calling oneself an immoralist doesn’t make sense to me as you’re literally legitimizing morality which is all just one giant fictitious abstraction.

I’ve never heard of Harry Neumann before until you referenced him in this thread. Peering over some of his writings by a search engine I must say that I like him as a thinker as some of his perspectives match my own. Thank-you for introducing him to me.

Indeed democracy is example of weak wills that can only stand together as a majority to have any sort of power. They have no individual power of their own whatsoever so they stand together as a majority in the creation of an artificial collective power instead. It isn’t just restricted to democracy as I would proclaim all forms of government revolve around weak willpower.

If the world is a will to power nothing strikes me as more wilful than anarchist autonomous self rule of the individual. It is where an individual or a handful of individuals take a stand against the rest of the world in defiance and independence of their own. What could be more wilful than that?

Very true. I really would like to read more of Neumann’s writings and books.

It should be noted that I’m not egalitarian whatsoever in my thinking where my anarchism is very hierarchical just decentralized as opposed to centralization. I despise political and social centralization.

The self could be just another illusion but for me it is a necessary one. The self for me is the primary form of this existence which is why I obviously subscribe to a Stirner notion of egoism or embrace the autonomous self rule of anarchism.

For me all expressions of politics, government, or social order revolves around the folly of idealism which is why all such expressions eventually collapse amongst themselves. More importantly all those ideals are collectivist in nature denying the individual themselves. Those idealist expressions deny the ego. Anything that denies the ego its independence, autonomy, pleasure, and self indulgences I’m against.