Fixed Cross Lamentations

It’s baby Krishna, to be exact.

Just because you don’t challenge, that doesn’t mean you are running away.

He must have said some very mordant things, if you want to challenge him over it.

But if it was just petty insults, why even bother?

Looks more like baby Trixi.

I have a disciple.

Shedding light on idiocy is necessary, it must not be allowed to thrive anywhere.

You go ahead and keep meditating quietly in front of candles somewhere leaving philosophy or critical thinking to people more apt. The world can’t afford to be absent minded.

Erik is not an idiot, only weak.

It is time that his charity sees the light and purchases tank upon tank, to wipe out those who would destroy the habitats and nature of earth, namely, poachers.

That’s no way to speak to a baby, Merlin.

[b] … hi-fi#7418 … hi-fi#7438

Dumbledore, Fixed Cross seems to have left ILP for good this time–and rightly so, considering the all-time low it’s been at for a while now due to the likes of Turd Ferguson*–, so how could he have talked about you in public if not “behind your back”–on your own forum, perhaps? What the hell is it with you and your buddy Brian’s tendency to create and delete forums, anyway?

  • I seriously suspect Turd, anarchist Christian that he is, of always having had the aim of destroying ILP (insofar as an abortion can have the self-awareness required for having an aim, that is).

For years now I have only valued ILP as an archive. It’s yet another example of how liberalism leads to nihilism.

Damn, your really getting to Fixed Cross if Sauwelios had to crawl out from under his slimy rock behind the manure pile to defend him.

Funny shit.


No, just wanted you to stop harassing people Magsj. You confuse yourself with the site. Besides, your pics of cooking is far worst than what anyone has ever said that supposedly resulted in them getting banned. Some of those meals make me want to call a United Nations First Contact Team out to investigate, under the suspicion it’s a alien life form. That’s not good.

Have you ever heard the saying ‘You are not your job’? I didn’t have to be taught that, I knew that, but you kept trying to stop me doing my job here.

Are you jealous of the site? and try to rip it down when it is on the up? This is currently a constant pattern that needs to be stopped.


Dungeon the Turdmonger! :text-protest: There’s plenty of wall space for his philosophy there. :angry-banghead: ](*,) :angry-banghead: ](*,)

Your not even doing your job here. Saywelios used a religious slur against me, then you supported him in this.

You bend the rules for situations you like, and not for others, for the sake of vanity more than anything else. How long did I have to press you to even post in something relating to philosophy? You never did.

I post on subject matter daily. Years went by, you didn’t. Only thing you have to do as a moderator is to delete electronic spam, and instead you fucked around with people’s posts. That’s not your job.

We wouldn’t have the retarded rift with Satyr had this website just stuck to policing spam, he was a very quiet guy on

I don’t understand why it is a constant back and forth with you in regards to totalitarianism, selectively policing.

Today I discussed three philosopher on this site, their ideas at least. Mongoose didn’t grasp the Archimedes or Wittgenstein references in either case, just did some heavy mouth breathing thinking I was just making it up. Yesterday it was Swedenborg for her, she hasn’t the slightest clue who that was, even though she was a adherent to her philosophy.

Now where is the logic Magsj in joining forces with her in attacking me, when neither of you tend to know about the subject matter being discussed, constantly clueless about the references and ideas presented? I’ve told you many times in the past, I put a lot of other philosophers in my posts just to see if anyone notices, even in the most mundane squabbles. The very stuff I get into trouble the most about is the most mainstream stuff we have out there.

As it stands, it is two defiantly none philosophers squabbling about one philosopher on a philosophy forum. If this was a website dedicated to bad food, the two of you might have a case in saying I don’t belong, cause that seems to be the main area of either of your expertise. But it isn’t. This is a philosophy forum, and nobody is better read or experienced than me.

Egotistical as fuck, hate me for it, agrue and try to shout me down, but it is true. I study 24/7, have done so for years. I can point to a few hundred serious topics on my part. I can’t do 50 for the two of you combined.

I’m of a actual philosophical tradition. I can point to others like me in any behavior I show. Bona fide, I belong. You are welcome here, both of yoyc but philosophy isn’t a democracy, you gotta earn the right from deep thinking, and neither of you have shown this trait. You never earned the right to moderate Magsj, you took it and abused it.

Believe it or not but I can view his forum seeing what he posts there. If Fixed Cross is too scared to come on ILP I’ll understand.

What’s my deal with deleting forums and websites? One word, experimentation.

So, now you’re taking a stance against nihilism? This coming from the guy constantly wandering around with Nietzsche’s dick in his ass that he constantly praises. Curious, if you’re not a nihilist, how would you classify yourself?

As usual I have to school most of you what nihilism actually is (including Satyr) because not a single fucking person on this forum and most other portions of the internet have any understanding of the actual word.

Yes, nothing says desperate like sending a lackey envoy in one’s own place.

Sauwelios, does Fixed Cross pat you on the head?

Remember when it used to be reversed. Sauwelios is moving up the tree of life, starting to grow his own spine. Used to rely heavily on Fixed Cross to defend him. He us so sensitive, I’ve held off on most of his new threads, afraid he would wilt under criticism of his ideas again. Very fragile.

I don’t find my enjoyment by coming here to actively compete in topic or post counts which numbers seem to be important to you.

You are right that my serious topic count is around thirty, several of which you trashed with your lambasting of other contributors, basically sabotaging my attempts to bring forth material that interests me. I’m no textbook academic, but I do live my philosophy and have learned while I’ve been here.

You really should be dungeoned when you troll, using members pasts inaccurately, slandering them rather than staying on these philosophical topics you swear are so importantly overlooked due to your very own thread fucking drama.

I don’t think you have even 30. I can’t even think of one. I guess I might pass off something on astrology, though I doubt you know anything about the history of it, competing schools of thought in it. But astrology is absolute total bullshit.

No, think the fault isn’t in your stars, but yourself. Now your boyfriend Joker does have some legit threads. Maybe you should ask him to teach you how to post, you can’t do any worst.

I’m not even certain what my post count is. I do know some of the more illiterate get upset when I post too much information in my posts. I’m not exactly going for the numbers with that strategy.

But again, this is much more about your inadequacies, and Magsj, and perennially Sauwelios. Jealousy is a bitch, but I shouldn’t be chastised for your short comings, especially considering it can be instantly remedied on your end by posting legitimate posts. It is only from your perspective, bring foul minded, that you see me as hostile. Well over half never heard me say anything negative. There is good reason… they are serious in their philosophy, or lack personalities where they benefit from the gadfly approach. Both you and Magsj started recently doing basic typing… is there a pattern to my actions?

We are exploring your inadequacies here, so keep that in mind. It is a good starting point in that census of others.

Your reply has been noted, and your selectiveness even more so.