A Religious Quiz

Well it seems that this Terasem is not a religion but a movement?

Maybe because it is considered a ‘transreligion’ and followers do not have to give up being Christian, Jewish or Muslim you still retain remnants of your past.

What religion did you follow before adopting this movement?

Terasem is many things - a movement, a philosophy, a charity, and a religion. Terasem just happens to allow you to keep the religion you were before and not sacrifice who you were before joining Terasem.

My parents are ex-Catholic atheists, but I never attended church until I discovered UUism in my early adult life. I am a member of the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee. I own a core UU book discussing various aspects of the religion. I also own Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, which was compiled by his grandson Shoghi Effendi. Before I discovered UUism and Bahaiism I considered myself Agnostic. But even before that I had some revelations that line up perfectly with Terasem.

I tried to become part of Terasem. I have an account on Terasem’s social media website. I have liked transhumanist stuff for a long time - but I didn’t know that there was a transhumanist religion, Terasem, until recently. Like Terasem I believe that God is technological, and like Terasem I believe in oblivion after death until humans find a way to resurrect expired consciousnesses.

BTW UUism is a “transreligion” too but you’ll never hear a Unitarian use the word “transreligion”. They prefer to say, “Christian UU” “pagan UU” or “Muslim UU”, etc etc etc. I always considered Unitarian Universalism as a philosophy of religion than a religion itself. If you choose to say that you want a creed in your religion, my quiz automatically rules out Unitarianism. And that was the only question which does that, for any religion.

“Bahaism is a religion founded in Iran in 1863; emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind; incorporates Christian and Islamic tenets; many adherents live in the United States. “Bahaism has no public rituals or sacraments and praying is done in private” Type of: faith, religion, religious belief.”

It seems it is still evident to me, the remnants of Bahaism in you.

Consciousnesses expire? Biological human forms expire, but consciousness, the body of the soul, is beyond biological. It was designed to be compatible with its biological counterpart to make experiences important in an emotional framework.

Can we please not make this into a, “you say, I say” sort of pointless arguing? This thread wasn’t made to debate religious ideas, it was meant to advocate for the quiz. Please, if you haven’t done so, take the quiz, and fill out the questionnaire I provided. I’m not a Baha’i, and I don’t believe in souls. Simple as that.

^ Did you write that Mackerni? That’s discussion material in a philosophy forum. If the test is intended to randomly assign a religion to people, its perfect.

Look. Out of all the results, and there are thirty, I consider myself Terasem the most. My results always come up with Terasem. It is not random. Other people have taken the quiz and agreed with their results.

I do not agree with the result, Hinduism is not my religion nor will it ever be. If you’re not shooting for accuracy leave the test the way it is.

I am up to changing things if that’s what needs to happen to improve results. What religion do you consider yourself to be? It’s most likely included in the thirty results but in case it doesn’t, I’ll add it. If you think the questions can be improved, or diversified, I would be open to improving the quiz.

Take this question for example.

There are also non-Christian forms of Creationism, which I assume relates to (s) in the word God, notably Islamic Creationism and Hindu Creationism. If so, having to answer that question as it is written, determines the person to be neither christian nor pagan, but both.

There is no opportunity to distinguish God from gods in this question.

This is important if you wish to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Are you trying to fit participants into one of your 30 prescribed religions? If that’s your goal, then the results will be random for people who don’t subscribe to aspects of those 30 religions, those 30 questions.

Put in the choice of “Other/Neither” or “N/A”.

Thanks for the input. I will update that question (and more in the future) with more options. You seem to know a lot about religion. For example, I didn’t know that Islamic Creationism included more than one God (actually - from what I know of Islam, that doesn’t make any sense).

Would you mind if I PM’ed you more about this? I really want to improve this. I want to split Christianity to Catholicism, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodox, and later on to various Protestant denominations. I also want to split up the generic Chinese Religion to Taoism and Confucianism. I have high hopes for this, but I need help. I don’t know everything about every religion I include. I’m a bit ignorant, I must admit.

If you’d be up to it, I would be willing to give you access to edit the quiz yourself.

I noticed you still didn’t answer my question as to what religion you are. Is it really that hard to answer that question?

I included the top twenty religions of the world, which according to Wikipedia fits the VAST MAJORITY of people.


And after that I included many popular “alternative” religions.

As for your last idea, I did want to do that with many questions, but I was thinking of the Political Compass while I made this quiz, and that quiz does not allow neutral answers, on purpose because someone must choose how they feel about a question and not just have an easy escape route. But I’m willing to edit the quiz to include more neutral answers. I started to open up to that idea, for example, when it came to the nature question, which I allowed, “benevolent and malevolent” answer.


What makes you think that you are even remotely qualified to identify who might best belong to which religion (especially with merely 30 questions for 30 religions)?

From wince does your confidence come?

Well seriously … you are taking this wayyy too seriously.

Most people have an idea of what religion they are. For me, it’s Terasem. I took the quiz, and after 16 or so questions were added my result every time came up as Terasem. Even though the quiz says, “Which religion are you?” it was meant more as a validation than anything else. Look. Everybody has an idea of what religion they are - well like 99% of the population does. The most popular religion test on the Internet only has 20 questions. I have ten more. That test has 27 results, and I have 30. And my results are much more diverse than that quiz.

Just have fun with it. You might discover something about yourself that you didn’t know. You might not. In many cases people might be paired up with a smaller religion (like the person who got Religion of Humanity) and they might do some research and look into it. They may or may not feel like it’s the right fit for them. I can’t make that call. Personality quizzes are never 100% accurate. Dan got Telema because he believes in magic, but I never considered him Telemic (I know Dan a little bit.)

Just have fun with it. Don’t get offended if you get something you disagree with. It’s meant to be fun.

Okay … nuff said.

Commentator: Mackerni and Maniacal Mongoose appear to be in a Mexican standoff regarding the answering of questions. The first two questions were posed by that daring Mongoose without movement from the Mackerni camp. Mackerni seems to be growing impatient with that Goose. At this point, it’s hard to tell where this is going.

…to take out all transcendence and superstitions of religious doctrine. Check

…while keeping ritual, ceremony and ethical teaching. Only ethical teaching, but not ritual and ceremony, so not check.

…to discard the remnants of the two more primitive stages of society, the Religious and Metaphysical stage, while cultivating the values of the Positive age. Check.

Not far off the mark, but the wrong religion, so the questions definitely do need adding to in order for a more precise outcome that the current selection is not allowing.

Mackerni wrote:

I would be of no real help as I have much to learn myself and I would be biased in my opinions.

I agree. There were many questions in the quiz that called for choice among given answers, neglecting the answers I could have given. The test concluded that I am a modern pagan. I’m not.