Official: Post a Picture of Yourself



I don’t know what "coincidentally catholic’ means?

I was raised in two catholic orphanages - all told, spent 7 years in them.
But quite, quite “restrictive” and not so easy to disregard.
As for the latter, conflicting goods there.

Remember THAT when you come across people unlike yourself, Steve.


What a wonderful justification that is. I’m kind of surprised, even though I don’t know you much, that you would be capable of hitting a woman.
Well, then, among the “42” reasons, your reasons, that would be No. 1 on my list.
Was this always your way of thinking, or let’s say, perhaps your father’s perspective, and one learned by you, or did you just grow into it yourself?
If you feel that way about a woman, best to leave her, for both your sakes.
It all depends on the woman, on the individual. Some who realized you wouldn’t hit them might become more the woman (lady to you) and like herself more. Better for you.

There’s a big difference between what we think/believe, we would like to do and how we eventually respond.
I wanted to slap that priest but I didn’t.

If a woman is holding a gun to a man, or vica versa, I’d say shoot. Self defense and all - but a man slapping a woman around - that’s anathema to me.

You don’t have a right to anathema, doesn’t fit your larger anything goes philosophy.

No, just since I started reading posts on this site.

Turd Ferguson

lol I suppose you do have a point there. That was kind of insightful on your part.
But in the case of a man slapping a woman around, or vica versa… I’m sure there are some weak men who might not want to permit that (having a woman slap him around) but wouldn’t know how to stop it, that isn’t consensual.
I was also basically speaking about where no one is being harmed…anything goes.

Hmmm…that’s just your way of justifying how you feel.

Did you know that I grew into my agnosticim from reading posts in this forum? Of course, i was always a bit of a skeptic and struggling with doubts about dogma and doctrine and the inspired word of God. Some things just didn’t make sense, didn’t fit.
It came to a head when I was sitting in the park one Sunday and didn’t want to leave to go to Mass. I thought to myself I can find God here too. This can also be considered to be “church”. So I didn’t. lol I lost God but gained something…mystery thought it is.

Good for you. This doesn’t have anything to do with me, God, or reality.

We can’t know about God…, just subjective.
Perhaps, perhaps not.

Have a Happy New Year.

No, I won’t.

Maybe you will and maybe you won’t.
Have a safe one anyway, Steve.
Talk to you next year.


^ Ha! You see, Turd, they exist!

^ From the horses mouth (sorry Arc for calling you a horse :smiley:).

Maybe take a shit while its happening?.. just suggesting :confusion-shrug:

Yeah, that’s why they involve full on erections and spewing of semen.

No, pleasure is both the incentive and the objective. Procreation is the function.

Brilliant argument! :clap:

:clap: Ha! Ha! Touchee.

It means he wants to deny it’s based on his catholicism.

So Turd, you’re Catholic? Not Protestant?

Things that make you go hmmmm…

Turd, remember back when you were Contra-Nietzche? You said numerous times you were done with this site. And now here you are all the frickin’ time.

I really, really, really wish you would have followed your own advice.

But 2017 is gonna be the year of TRUMP!!! C’mon Turd, spirits up! :smiley:

Awesome! Is that just for Arc or for everyone here?

(please commit suicide).

No. But I will PM you a epic poem about Salmon swimming.

Besides, site says I only average 4 posts a day. Site also says you’re a crackhead, so the problem isn’t on my end.

Some fecal manners please TinyTimTurd and Gibillicious, TinyTimTurd must live a long miserable life without the love he fears.

Yes, I do. Nailed me again Arc, your on a roll.

TinyTimTurd, you have at least a good 60 years of “playing” everyone with the charm you ooze, wafting wurds hither-thither, an enemy to all in the end.

As a philosopher, I’m a friend to the world.

Your limp…

…is emotional forevermore and that’s on the brightside, TimmyLassie’sdead.

Quit calling me Tim!

Tinyturdtard, Tim?

Stoooooooooooop it!

Well, duhhh…Yeah you will never been getting rid of us. We will bring forth true order on this earth, expect us.

In some cases, where homosexuals participate in such acts, such behavior of shitting oneself during penetration does occur, just more evidence to confirm the abnormality of the act. Thanks for confirming it at the expensive of trying to appear funny.

The context was sexual functionality, of course anybody can use the logic you two are using with deviant agendas, I can easily put my cock into a hoover and say that my erection and semen make it sexual, by that definition yes, but that not what she was saying…she and you are further implying just because it’s sexual at that point makes it legitimate, a healthy sexual function…it doesn’t…it’s just using a method to pervert the definition of sexuality into whatever you wish…

Retard. Pleasure is the incentive not the objective, it only becomes the objective when one chooses to live a sexually dysfunctional life of hedonism, particularly with man-made technology is used to prevent the procreative objective…allowing the incentive to BECOME the objective…

Being sarcastic doesn’t negate the reality of what i said, if the woman hates sex then she is sexually retarded, dysfunctional…regardless of how she came to hate sex, you will find that she is retarded in one way shape or form,

I paint what I see, not what i see in my mind, but that which is in reality hence why they are always generally portraits of others… now you can attribute it to me as some sort justification for homosexual sex, but even if i entertain what you’re saying, then still…two wrongs don’t make a right… but yeah anyways, there’s no need to entertain such ridiculous responses…because you’re both retarded anyways…

Can you draw a portrait of my inner self, Manny? Of my soul?