Creepy Shit Heard In Mariana Trench

You are wrong because Lucifer was an angel not a whale
Although as an atheist I do not believe he exists anyway

There are other ocean creatures. That deep and dark, it could just be echo location.

An echo location… FROM HELL!

Quite likely would scare the hell out of you if it showed up in your room :slight_smile:

5 seconds is all they picked up? Not worth the hoopla.

Five seconds of Satan commanding mass murder is five seconds too much.

Probably just a giant octopus looking for a giant whale supper

Or Kottos talking to Gyges about how much their job sucks.

Nah, the giant octopus’s humongous pet squid ate them.

A whale tries to discretely pass gas … and they turn it into a religious sign from beyond. :confused:

Cute, JSS.

Not a whale!!! A massively humongous octopus!!! They are intelligent creatures by the way. Do the research,(seriously, they might actually be equal to us in certain ways, wierd)
It is directing its pet squid.

How you gonna be as smart as us hanging out at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Ain’t shit down that far but mud and incredible water pressure. We can use computers, they got… cold mud. Seems odd for high intelligence to develop under those conditions.

Actually hard conditions and omnivore creates intelligence on this planet. They actually face harder conditions than we do. To survive requires intellectual developments.

Valid issue.
Complexity in environment spawns an increase in both dexterity and intellect (given enough time).

I can’t see deep sea creatures ever bothering with working out hexadecimal coding, documentation, and communication networks.

No, they got tarded as fuck tube creatures and dumb as fuck crabs down below.

Neither natural selection nor survival of the fittest itself produces intelligence, you need complex conditions sensory as well as the need to balance multiple feedback loops or create a high evolved Organon in a species. Mere pressure and time alone doesn’t do it, nor a competitive ecosystem. The senses need networked, through a lot of thinking processes, and this needs to be increased over time to make it ever more viable.

It wasn’t the lion that caused the first spear to be built, lots of creatures getting hunted by lions after all, but rather apes eating fruits up in the trees, thinking three diminsionally in color, scavenging meat on the surface that lead to this fetished increase of brain mass and associative dialectics mapping meant for food up in the trees equaling finding food on the ground. It wasn’t the hyens that taught us the advantages of fire, it was the delicious juiciness of eating burnt animals after a fire, and not getting sick. Creatures in the Mariana Trench, they got cold, pressure, mud. How complex of a intelligence do you need over a jungle to savanna dwelling ape do you need, going toe to toe rather fast in terms of evolutionary theory against every apex predator, when non of them primarily spurned them. It isn’t hard to figure out mans origins when we look at our technological fixations. We were creatures not merely of territory, but who could map resources and plan in advance. We literally developed a game plan.

And from where do you figure all of that comes?

Comes from what I just said, NOT as you proposed. Evolution under the proposition of Survival of the Fittest + Time does NOT inherently produce intelligence, it is a very bad Mets theory if we start supposing that’s how it works. Evolution leaps backwards regularly if that’s our scope of supposition.

As I pointed out, it is less the competition and more of the organon yo exploit opportunity that yields intelligence, and man’s ancestors got it less from the Savannah and more from the jungle. Our ability to map resources over the long term. Obvious we never had to abandon it, chimps, Orangutans and Guerillas never had the pressures to leave the jungles. We found we could, and didn’t evolve the capacity to find the big predators till much, much later, and that came all at once, and it doesn’t look like we intentional sought to do that, we just switched from scavenging to hunting. We were at no point “the fittest” till one day it occurred to us we could kill pretty much anything using tactics. That’s all seasonal Berry Picking and Termite Probing thinking there. Till this day, man remains utterly unfit unless he is cooperative and plans, just about any creature can kill us in out native habitats. It is how we think, and our thinking didn’t derive from apex predator competition. We are remarkably unfit, as the smallest of famines show. Time wasn’t even guadual for homo sapiens, many world populations went from bushmen to driving tanks and farming in under three generations.

Darwinian evolutionary theory is akin to Newtonian physics. It us great because it is so simple, till conflicting facts start to emerge, then the shit falls apart. This is one of the obvious weak points, our own evolution doesn’t much match up with our presumptions. We largely arrived ready made, leaping out of the trees to the ground feasting on carcasses, like our cousins do. Our main evolution was not survival if the fittest, but refinement of learning tool use. Our most fundamental thinking isn’t much different from the apes, we just are a lot better at it, and the current Meta Theory poorly reflects this process.

Not saying evolutionary theory needs abandoned, just your presumptions, we live in a Post Darwin world. Our theories should at the very least apply to ourselves, before we start demanding all other species abide by them too.

First, I didn’t propose any “survival of the fittest” concept. And secondly, you appear to believe in the concept of “organon”.

What science do you propose to support the notion of the existence of organon?

You presume far too much concerning what it is that I presume.

LOL Imagine humans going to the deepest darkest part of the ocean to find a working city of octopi. There would be a massive smell of feces in that sub. :slight_smile:
Seriously though, their intellect, abilities and knowledge to fit their needs and wants. It would not be as ours, the environment pretty much like being on a different planet.