Kanye 2024

Much of Myers-Briggs as stand alone can be ridiculed, it isn’t much different in structure from any Ying-Yang theory in it’s abstract. What makes it valuable is that starting with Hung, who wacky as his ideas were, he was a qualified medical doctor, was that a actual psychological basis was asserted, then later on other theorists started asserting neurological mapping to this.

Imagine concepts “North, South, East, West” if your were just a brain in a vat. It isn’t anything worthwhile, perhaps after a while you could explain logically how men would think as such, grasp how such thinking relates to some modes of ponderance more than others… but imagine if you were eventually given a body, magnetic compass, and map. A lot of the idea would be affirmed, but new quandries presented in the nature of navigation. You’ll find that compass directions are largely correct, but it exposes whole new problems needing resolved, like magnetic shifts in the compass over geographic north or south, as well as places between two spots on a compass, and places elevated or below a spot on a map.

That’s how MBTI is wrong. It still has a lot right about it.

And my Astrology Chart happens to be fairly accurate. Yes, astrology acts like a clock and is largely bullshit as a determinator, but it does have a few thousand years if trial and efforts, and does sometimes result in fairly accurate pronouncements. I just don’t ever encourage anyone to rush out and learn it, because the time of your birth is a shit poor indicator of your adult personality type. But hey, a clock is right two times a day and us right mostly on my account.

I was born February 11,1983 8:24 PM, San Andreas, California.

Fairly accurate description of me, and a good one for a INTJ, as well as a philosopher. My description also states I’m destined to straight up kick Fixed Crosses ass if he tried to twist it around as something bad, and that the beating would be painful for him, and funny as hell to everyone else. It is written in the stars, you can’t change such a fate.

Doesn’t explain why in Indian Astrology I get a different reading, despite the “science” being just as mathematically solid.

Of course it does, Indians use the Sidereal Zodiac.
Looking at the chart now, most significant concentration: Lilith/Ceres/Mercury conjunct in Capricorn.

You wont find prefab descriptions of any triple conjunctions anywhere.

So I see you have both Aquarius Sun and Moon. Your moon is 3 degrees removed from my Sun.
Accounts for this and that.

Ascendant 27 Virgo - Nietzsche’s Mars.

Mars & Venus together, like Hitler anbd Sauwelios and Kanye West… except a tee bit wider apart than those people, and in another sign (Pisces).

These Jungian letter test are nonsensical, Astrology is just hard science, its like comparing political rhetoric to gravity.

“Derp, fixed Cross embraces gravity so he also has to believe Clintons blah.”

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius 2 degrees off Antares.

Only thing in the first 6 signs: Chiron in Taurus and North Node in Cancer.

Makes sense. He lacks the glibness and diplomatic hypocrisy of extraverts.

I dont know what youre talking about here.

I am talking about Wests capacity to build an empire from the ground up. Have been talking about that here. No expression about Dionysos was made. Kanye certainly is not Dionysian. He’s Apollonian.

Well yes, he is going to have to go through trials. And he has been going through one very recently. I said: if he overcomes this, he’ll run. Eh, voila.

Smears is into thin girls, Im deeply into thick ones. Kardashian is a bit much, as I said, but I like her a lot, her personality is pleasing, soft, classic.

breitbart.com/london/2016/12 … d-new-low/

Apparently Putin is God.

I dont know what they think they are doing, but no one has given Putin more power and reasons to smile and chuckle to himself than those idiots that try to pin every major world event on his will.

Obama Presidency A Massive Failure

"-US public (national) debt is increased by 7 trillion dollars

-People are more divided than ever (politically, racially)

-Most reduction in unemployment has been from people leaving the workforce

-There is still a housing bubble that has also partly moved into the rental market, squeezing people with severely high cost of rent (around 50% higher, with an increase of 4.6% on average just last year alone)

-There is a dangerous stock market bubble right now

-Cost of university tuition is up 2x

-Cost of health insurance is up 2x

-Warrantless spying on Americans by the NSA has become normalized

-Illegal drone murder oversees has expanded and become normalized

-Most people have a lower quality of life

-Suicide rates are increased

-US foreign policy and leadership abroad is almost non-existent now

-The DFL’s only serious candidate with any real support, Sanders, was ridiculed and muscled out of the presidential primary, followed by the most embarrassing defeat of their chosen and highly pathetic, unpopular candidate whom Obama supported

-Real inflation is around 4.5x higher than officially reported numbers"

TF wrote:

You forgot to include the Chinese Zodiac… you know, where everyone born in the same 365 days has the same personality.

According to this you, Turd, below in the quotes, would be the one highlighted as an ISTJ.

As I am Scorpio, I would have to agree with mine being an INTJ. :mrgreen: I am rather glad I had this discussion.

My conclusion.

It is all bullshit, Myer Briggs and astrology.


The farthest indepth Ive studied the Chinese System is looking at the paper mat beneath my meal at the chinese restaurant, back when they still bothered with printing that sort of stuff on them.

And damn you Fixed Cross for comparing me to Sauwelios, lowest of the low. Your on my for list now.

It’s the Foelist Bitchstack.

Im glad I managed to offend you. Though I certainly did not mean to compare you to Sauwelios, I welcome your suffering. 4 of these people I consider friends.

Life makes sense.

Oh wait, he’s not even reading this.



[i]3:20 p.m.

President Barack Obama says he regrets not being able to transfer his own political success into Democratic races across the country.

The president is acknowledging the failures of his party — and himself — to build up a broad base of support during his tenure. He says the party must do a better job of reaching out to all voters, even in states and counties they are unlikely to win.

Obama says: “That’s something I would have liked to have done more of but it’s kind of hard to do when you’re dealing with a whole bunch of issues here in the White House.”[/i]

breitbart.com/news/the-lates … on-russia/

he is balancing on the edge of remaining a legitimate and therewith very cool presidential figure, and falling into 'illerees abyss.

point being i genuinely like what this black president adds to the US Presidents mannerisms portfolio. It’s more important than philosophers will tend to give it credit for. It’s usually what gets people elected, and also what gets diplomatic doors open.

West is a very congenial, friendly figure who simply wont bow down to stupid norms, is thence hated, reviled, slandered, and gets thence angry, and thence loses his shit sometimes, and is then wholewordlily laughed at by the silliest, saddest morons that the earth involuntarily spawned.

On Obama:

"But I guess if you’re a black president you can get the Nobel peace prize for not actually doing anything at all, and everyone will tell you how great you are and how successful and historic your presidency is even though it isn’t great or historic in any way whatsoever.

I honestly feel bad for the guy."

On Obamanomics:

"Like a good liberal he’s been told how great and wonderful he is, even though he hasn’t done anything of the sort. What is the Obama economy now? 11% unemployment, if you don’t count part time work then it’s 26%. No wonder when I applied for a job recently they told me over 200 people applied for it. One job, not even a super great one, just an average job for someone with a 4 year degree and requiring over 2 years of experience, had over 200 applications. In the meantime real inflation is 4 times the official reported number, which means food is almost twice as expensive now than it was 8 years ago (I remember 8 years ago, and it’s true). My health insurance costs me the equivalent of two car payments every month, my student loans are even more expensive, and since he “saved” the housing crisis that bubble never burst and now my rent is 2.5 times more expensive than it was 8 years ago.

Yep. Welcome to Obamanomics."

On Russia:

"Looks like the reports of Russian hacking regarding the Podesta emails are entirely fabricated. At least this seems likely given that I’ve seen no evidence offered, only vague statements about being “confident” it was Russia. But according to a group of veteran intelligence people, “VIPS”, the NSA should be producing clear proof of the trace route of the hack, which hasn’t been done. Another source claims that the Podesta emails were leaked from inside the DFL, by an unknown insider informant; Assange and Wikileaks also says that Russia probably didn’t hack the emails and they seem to have been leaked internally.

So… more US/NATO games to build up war with Russia? They’re also using this against Trump, or rather trying to. Not many people give a shit about the major news networks in the US anymore and I don’t think most of us trust these reports of Russian hacking, it is clear who stands to gain from it.

My own estimation: Obama/DFL and NATO are trying to create a military situation with Russia that they can use to claim imminent danger of nuclear war and use that danger as a pretext for “suspending” the election of Trump, under emergency powers that already exist having been created by executive order or provisions such as those in the Patriot Act. These provisions already exist, they can suspend the Constitution if they want to. Of course Putin just needs to play it cool, like he’s been doing. I’m sure he knows what’s going on.

With this fake hacking story I wouldn’t be surprised to also see a false flag attack in the next few weeks, something they can blame on Russia or possibly on terrorism. First they will try to stop Trump at the electoral vote on the 19th, if that fails then they have 30 days to create an incident large enough to invoke emergency procedures and keep Trump out that way. But hopefully this is all just paranoid speculation."

  • Capable

Forgive me Im a Ridah
still IM just a simple man

Because I said nothing about politics its cuz I’m frollicking cause I wont fall asleep up in this colosseum

ballers Aeon.


Donald Trump needs Kanye West as his new vice president and make ‘50 Cent’ his domestic economic advisor. :stuck_out_tongue:

Next make Snoop Dog his advisor for domestic infrastructure planning.

No lets make him foreign infrastructure advisor.

If you didn’t notice I was being sarcastic as I think Donald Trump is garbage.

Just like 2016 I won’t be voting in 2020. All the candidates are clowns and that which calls itself voting or democracy is nothing more than a rigged giant con act. It’s a completely rigged system.

Seriously, It’d be great to have an advisor for foreign infrastructure.

They already have that, I believe they call it the world bank or IMF.

You know what infrastructure is, right? Im not too sure banks are concerned with that.