The Post Election Hangover: A World At Odds

Some decades back a similar thing was done with the post election time. Damned if I can remember the details though.

Al Franken democratic senator of Minnesota.

I sometimes send him the most bizarre rants on his website, shit I hope gives him a anorism. He literally asks for it.

Gary Cohn from GoldmanSachs Donald Trump? Are you fucking serious? :laughing:

I thought you said drain the swamp not inundate it.

Then there is also Steve Mnuchin from GoldmanSachs also. Looking a lot like a GoldmanSachs cabinet to me. Then we hear about his political flirting with the likes of Jamie Dimon another corrupt banking CEO.

If we hear anything from the likes of say somebody like Lloyd Blankfein then we definitely know where this presidency is going.

You ever play raptor call of the shadows?

In the game, the world is ran by competiting corporations, mega corps vs oil tycoons.

Trump works for one 1 faction of the corps trying to defeat the other corps.

Riddle me this: Why would the United States government along with several media corporate conglomerates presently enact internet censorship legislation, overseeing, and private/public media platform blockades that Donald Trump in office more than likely would overturn? Answer: Because they don’t assume he will get into office upon knowledge in advance. These emerging entities coming out of the woodwork know something…

With knowledge of electoral college members swaying their votes away from Trump and his political opposition talking about a big surprise weeks from now I think there is a possible political coup de’tat in the making. I could be incorrect as this is just a guess of mine but if this assumption of mine is correct this would be a highly coordinated and organized political coup of the United States. My gut and instinct upon current events tells me something foul is afoot within the shadows.

…Or…it’s all just bullshit, we’ll see.

Now the patterns are becoming all the more clear with the C.I.A. under Obama’s administration having this publicly undisclosed magical evidence of Donald Trump being aided by the Russians during the 2016 presidential debate. Clearly both Obama and Clinton are behind this.

What patterns specifically you ask?

We have electoral college members coming out and saying they won’t vote the particular way of their own state majority voting constituents in support of Trump. Now we have a completely fictional crafted bogus backstory of Russians helping Trump win the election by the C.I.A. It really isn’t hard putting the two together. Allow me to put it all together in greater perspective as this is my future prediction, [b]a bunch of electoral members either through bribery, coercion, or being previously planted are going to vote against Donald Trump on December 19th and simultaneously in the background a deceptively crafted narrative of Donald Trump being aided by the Russians will be aired everywhere so when this intervention of American state democracy takes place the justification will be that we can’t allow a Russian agent to become the next head of state. The electoral college members in the media will be uplifted as national heroes fighting the Russian menace and the country will be told to suck it up. Undoubtedly angry conservative Trump supporters will then be brandished as Russian enemy agents or puppets but just in case they collectively get uppity with the shadowy political establishment a system of both internet and media censorship under direct total control is being put into place to silence them. The political backlash, fury, and dissent of such a scenario will not be televised or uploaded online with a hand over the internet shutdown button. If said dissenting conservatives become violent in rebellion it will only reaffirm the carefully crafted fictional infiltrating Russian national menace narrative put into place.

Welcome to 3-D chess of tyranny, subversion, and propaganda American style. This is the big surprise I think Donald Trump’s political opposition have planned for him weeks from now.

If this happens this will be the greatest political coup de’tat pulled off in broad daylight ever.[/b]

One more thing to add, they’ll say they discovered electronic voting tampering in collusion with the Jill Stein voter recount. It’s obvious she was working with Obama and Clinton from the start. It would have to be cleverly fabricated to leave no doubt concerning the general public that Russian meddling had occurred in the election.

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Ok so why is Trump and what’s his name that Trump is putting in as representative, being friendly with Putin a bad thing? Sounds like a good diplomatic move. Should they hate and fear the dude? Do they want war ? Diplomacy works better than fists. I would say such successful business people are better diplomats and negotiators then a politician.

The C.I.A. is preparing a Russian influence of elections evidence review for electoral college members by the 19th. I definitely called this days ago.

My guess is that Hillary Clinton told Jill one her lies, claiming she would support Steins campaign in the future (when she has no intention of ever doing so.) Jill, who is a total pothead and easygoing, believed Hillary because she is a vagina, and to a pothead, vaginas are sanctified cesspools of love and trustworthy.

Donald Trump signals a national emergency and crisis says the United States corporate controlled media.

National emergency and crisis? Now, where have I heard this before?

A national crisis and emergency is a prelude to…?


Keith Olbermann a once tv anchor on MSNBC now turned internet resistance rogue or at least that is what they want you to believe. Rachael Maddow the cow took his former occupation.

They say he got dropped from MSNBC but I think he got hired on with the C.I.A.

If you can’t beat the underground radio or web in order to beat you create a fake grassroots underground radio and web venue that you (C.I.A) can compete against.

In order to battle against conspiracy theorists and political dissidents you need to create an online figure (Keith Olbermann) that you can control. Controlled opposition conspiracy theorist and fake political dissent. (For a leftist, anti-nationalist, and globalist cause of course.)


So, forty something electoral college members will be visited by the C.I.A. in a commission of Russian interference of the election. I’m sure there won’t be any intimidation, coercion, or manipulation on the part of the C.I.A. in an organized manner to get people to change their votes, right?! No, that’s undemocratic and Un-American. That would never happen in the United States…

Rigging the elections failed. Attempting a soft electoral college coup recently has also failed.

I wonder if Obama will declare war on Russia via a Syrian proxy before he leaves office.

We have evidence of the Russian hack but are not going to release it to the general public.

(Because it is all purely fictitious contrived bullshit where it doesn’t exist anyways.)