
Well, that explains the name finally.

You could but what about your future wife.

Oh, no woman when I’m doing this. This is just a conceptual resource for the homeless or down on your luck people. Not to say it wouldn’t work in a relationship, but I am not certain I want a woman too keen on not showering. Yeast infections.

Women have homeless shelters thrown at them constantly. I’ve seen women, including attractive homeless women, it does happen, but I’m not ina position to recommend remind hygiene when stressed or utterly fucked. My solution to a period would be stuffing the vag with toilet paper or newspapers. I would make a horrible woman.

But a homeless guy, finding it impossible to shower, could do this, and come off equally as clean as anyone else. I’m scalping the minimum resources you can go and remain hygenic. Don’t recommend anyone just do it cause your some wacky green peace Jill Stein nut, but because you need to.

Same as my ability to tell you how to build a air conditioner out of a fan, a stylofoam container, and a $1 bag of ice. If you can afford a real air conditioner, do so. A lot of people are too poor, or live in cars that are 140° on the inside, that idea can save lives.

It is a basic transitionary technology fit for low level oeconony, in moving from homelessness or extreme poverty to starting a house hold. Magazines like “The BackWoodsman” specialize in such things.

It is really hard to get out of homelessness. If you had only $10 to put together a kit that could get a homeless person a chance of finding and keeping a job, what would you put in it? That’s my thinking in trying this stuff out.

I’m not going to die if I had everything completely taken from me, sent naked I to the world. Fuck, I got to the point of only having shorts once. I have been from deserts to jungles to the arctic, know how to survive in each extremity. I won’t just survive, but live well having a knowledgeable background, able to be self sufficient. I won’t turn hateful like Joker did.

That’s the Stoic way of looking at the philosophy of the Cynics. I was a Cynic, now a Stoic. I preserve and systemmatize the methods, but still live a basic lifestyle borderline the bottom, and always will, even if a millionaire. But no, family life isn’t a good fit for that, children and especially females are at risk if sterility and rape if left exposed to dirt and the public. Girls can camp and hike in reasonable situations, but 99.9% aren’t gonna go snowshoeing across Alaska to survive. Guys may have to perform such a task if drafted, so they get pushed a little harder as boys. A wife, I will be content if she can carry a back pack for a few hours with just rain gear inside on a slow walk. I don’t expect most women to do that, and am uncertain if the best mate necessarily is a hippie on the Appalachian Trail. I’d rather her be stronger in my weak areas, and leave the plotting of hypothetical ambushes and counter strikes on local terrain in case we ever get invaded, training the kids in that to me, and worry more about just making the family work in other ways, like regular food serving times, or laundry. I can wash my own clothes, but can seriously drag ass on doing it, and don’t eat on a fixed schedule. Sometimes I just don’t eat. A woman better at this would fit me better for the needs of the household. I only remember to feed the cats because one has learned to stop me while getting dressed, putting his paw on my knee while licking his lips. I might starve a kid by accident, or feed it steak and French pea pods 9 days in a row. I’m told this isn’t good for them. Tossing them a onion and telling them to bite into it to keep the scurvy away probably wouldn’t fly as a bag lunch. “He is feeding his kids uncut unions and a hunk of smoked chedder cheese for lunch” is gonna be what the teachers say to social services. I don’t think I’m Tony Danza, I would certainly try if my hypothetical wife died, but it is better to just plan so I wouldn’t.

I need land, and a house, before I date. House → Baby → Social Security Fraud → Death → Kids Sell House I Left for Cash, and throw away my manuscripts thinking they are nothing, world goes on.

If you marry a feminist, the kids are neglected, and may die of neglect. Feminists make bad wives. You gotta look out for the family No. 1. If I gotta go across state to work 5 days a week, I can’t be around making sure the kids are not sacrificing the neighbors cat to Satan while mommy is getting drunk, reading Chomsky. No no no no, a balanced modern woman is better than a selfish man hater. They may start off pretty and sweet, but prove rotten and careless in the end.

Turd, go and take a shower.

I did.

Will again in one week. Keeping this going for a month, then will switch to twice a week to see if it works better.

I’m 100% I’m always cleaner than you.

The new craze is to wash hair in conditioner… to prevent the oils being stripped from one’s hair.

Turd… how does your method of washing deal with dead skin cell elimination? Have you thought of investing in a loofah or… even better… exfoliation mitts?

I’m going the minimalist route because you can’t get a church putting together a care package for the homeless, trying to make 50+ kits, a expectation they will go off and buy that extra sort of shit.

How long do you think a hobo is gonna hold on to a loofah? That shit is getting ditched immediately. Doesn’t pack well when wet.

My heels, dead skin builds up. Doesn’t exfoliate, but it isn’t exactly meant to be a spa treatment either. The goal is to build the bare minimum kit for a homeless person to turn their life around, at the lowest cost, to be distributed by churches, or a homeless guy who just earned $10 to go out and buy, and come off looking and smelling mostly normal, evening situations when social infrastructure to help them otherwise is non-existant. Exfoliation isn’t a high priority, getting cleaned up enough to get work is.

My current formula is off balanced, I’m continuing with it just too see long term repercussions to a off balanced formula, gonna change it up soon. I’m not trying to package Vidal Sassoon here, won’t become a big fad song elites, but it is a area of concern for the hygiene and well being of the least fortunate in society, a problem in philosophy we choose for some silly fucking reason to overlook, even though it is potentially very cheap to solve, like absurdly cheap.

Go and take a shower now man.

How about you stop taking drugs and letting fat men blow their loads on you in the bathrooms of country bars.

At least what I’m doing is for the betterment of others.

This isn’t about me. You need to bathe.

No, it is about you, stop bring a dirty crackhead. Trump won the presidency, so now go put on a tie and get a job.

will head and shoulders work?

Yes, but you can’t rinse it using my method. Like I said, not meant for everyone, not being designed as such. Think of a misting shower, like from Stargate Universe:

Now imagine it pumped out soap or shampoo continuously too. How do you rinse, unless it us very low level soap quantities?

I’m figuring your average homeless person would have a minute or less to bath, hiding, watching for people coming up on them. They can’t exactly carry around a boatload of products and soap up in a back alley.

Someone like Mahsj is of course free to experiment with herbs and other smelly shut in the water for bicycling or camping refreshment, I don’t care.

I can smell you from here.

That’s your ballsack.

No. My ballsack smells like corn chips. You smell like a bear.

A lavender scented bear.


How many care packs can you make per week/have you distributed?

May I suggest you email companies like Nivea, Lynx etc. to get freebie samples to add to the packs, as such causes (help for heroes, helping war veterans etc.) are now more acknowledged than ever before… a really good thing you’re doing there Turd. You might make the press, become famous, and land yourself a hottie girlfriend too. :wink:

Does the US have anything similar to our red poppy? who’s proceeds go towards our war veterans… those things sell in the millions :open_mouth:

I use an all natural naturally-medicated soap… which I use with exfoliating mitts (when in the bath) for an even cleaner/smoother-skin result, but one’s gotta shower off all those floating skin cells after. :-&

Whole process takes 5 minutes.

Send me a video of it.