The Post Election Hangover: A World At Odds

In my mind, I’m trying to debate which is Hell and which is Perdition.

I think Trump is Perdition, Hillary is Hell, I mean Hillary probably would have caused a nuclear apocalypse, closest thing to Hell, Trump will cause an economic collapse, closest thing to Perdition.

That’s one interpretation.

Those girls crying on the balcony (@23:11)…I think their periods are synchronized. :laughing:


“I can’t say that all the previous US leaders were always predictable. This is life, this is politics. I have heard many words but we will judge by actions.”

Fixed Cross just couldn’t keep away.



Let’s be fair. Half of me wanted trump to win, the other half of me wanted Hillary to win.

To be honest I was sick of wussy society. I believe a little bit of bullying is needed in schools. I was bullied as a kid and looking back on it it wasn’t so bad. Some of the bullies turned out to be my best friends. Second, immigrants in stores can be loud and annoying.

The other half of me was rooting for Hillary. She is a beautiful woman with a nice smile. And after she got impeached, she would have had her vice president, Kaine, as President, and he wouldn’t have been so bad, maybe not even as bad as Trump.

World leaders react: … era-for-us

Merkel’s Statement:

Iran’s Reaction:

S. Korea:

China’s statement


Hollande (he must be really unhappy after his previous statements about Trump): :laughing:

Theresa May:


I think most of the world is still shell-shocked right now (except Israel and Britain).

Looks what happens if you type in Liberals on Google:

That is fucking Hilarious. I didn’t even try to type anything negative, just wrote “Liberal”.

I guess Google isn’t covering up for Hillary anymore. Was hard as hell to find negative stuff about her for a while, they did a real job on America, suppressing us.

I am a liberal but a non ideological one and so Trumps victory does not bother me. And I am non American so
it is none of my business who the American people vote for. Now there may be consequences for my country
but that does not give me the right to interfere in the democratic process of an independent sovereign state

Putins sour plum face: any happy congratulatory tone would have infuriated the nazitos that for the moment still hold executive power, the Russians play slow game and as the secretary indicates there is nothing in modern history to suggest that an American president will attempt to live up to his claims.

Syria and Iran are in the balance now, Putin addressed us from an echoing golden room, knowing that whatever comes, it cant be only good. For him.
America has won - if Clinton had won Russia would have been moral world leader now, and just waiting for her to walk into the thousands of traps they had set.

Now they have a worthy opponent. That merits a lowered gaze meeting barely at eye level at the face off - all men know intimacy comes in battle, is a hard form. To agree beforehand is distasteful, and a lie.

Forum politics have been trumped for the moment.

Joker, stop posting skewed charts. It’s just not something you’re good at.

If you really were watching the market, you’d see money making opportunities all around. Like corrections corporation of america. They’re up over 40 percent today because Trump won. That’s right, people who run private prisons were among the top 5 gainers of the day.

Obviously a shitload of kartel rapists is now facing prison time.

Sarah Silverman. I regret ever beating off to her face in “I Want Somebody To Eat Cheese With” years back. She is such a nasty woman.

That isn’t a skewed chart. That was posted right after the Trump win was announced.

You don’t know shit about economics poser.