The Turd

Not Irish, so I wouldn’t contribute to any sort of thing about a Dead Rabbits Society.

Also, I am fairly sure that if in the entire eco-system, there was only a Dead Rabbit and a turd to eat, I am pretty sure both me, the Rabbit, and the turd would die of starvation, so whether or not I ate it would be irrelevant. Second I would probably burn more calories and lose more health with a death battle than i would get from eating the rabbit.

The energy would probably not be worth the effort except that death by starvation can be very slow and painful
And you could get desperate and start to eat your own flesh so I think that the fight is the lesser of the two evils

First thing I’d do is cut off my own dick and balls and eat my own masculinity.

I think it would be more practical to start with an arm or a finger

Does eating your own balls automatically make you feminine and gay

Do you have to eat someone elses balls instead I really have no idea

Love it when my phone freezes mid post!

I’m using the correct pronoun, I’m not abandoning the English Languages use of Gender in a era who’s liberal culture insists there is no God, science trumps all, everything is reducible to the mind, and smashing every superstition, to give into it’s most obvious hypocrisy, a 180° turn against all it’s teachings, and start claiming people are not what they actually are, and that their is some bloody fucking imperative that everyone has to bend over backwards in quintessending a obvious categorical error at best, mental disorder at worst amongst a segment of the population, in affirming to them their earnest desire to be believed in a obviously and inherently false idea, one that runs dangerous, engine in bodily mutilation and all too often suicide.

Trixie is a he, he was born a He, if he removes his balls it just makes him a Eunuch, you don’t get to stop being a guy just because your a Eunuch. Nobody ran around calling Origen or Peter Abelaird “She”. Mr. Clean is “Mr.” Clean, despite being modelled off a Turkish Eunuch. We don’t go “Oh, Ms. Clean”

I owe knowledge of this link to Sauwelios, I give credit where it is due, shows the absurdities of what happens when Gender isn’t based on biological anatomy in a language:

If I play along, like you, or Gib, Arc or Magsj plays along, I’m equally culpable as you all are when he bleeds out trying to carry the next step on his own, or when he blows his brains out later on discovering not a damn thing changed. Alturism doesn’t mean incredulity, compassion isn’t based on encouraging harmful self deceptions on others. Trixie is doing something wrong and stupid headed to himself, and I’m no Nietzdchean who stands by silently waiting for it to happen, then snicker afterwards. He makes it a topic, I point out it us wrong, not because the Bible said it, or Christ said it, but because it only brings disadvantage and future miseries down on himself and his family. We shouldn’t play along with such dangerous fantasies arising from a distant childhood rape trauma. It is a time to heal, not to deepen his wounds, and everyone seems obsessed with making his situation worst. I can’t tell him what to do with his life, where to go, but the philosopher in me can’t point to the obvious, blantant as hell dangerous obsessions he has, and I can shine a light on some of the pitfalls. It us a act of inhumanity to play along with his games, it us one of enlightenment to help him when he cries out for help. Every statement he makes, is a crying out for help.

At this point, I doubt he will even stop here, it is obvious he is morphing into a purple Unicorn. There ain’t no damn pronoun for fucking purple unicorn people that conjugates universally in speech. We have pejoratives for mental disorders like “Hey, retard” but if we need to differentiate, we say “no, not you, him”. When we say Him, it ceases to be retard, but a male retard. The English language obviously focuses on the actual known sex, not what we wish it to be. It is why there is comedy around the old SNL Patty skits.

Look, Trixie is trying to become a gay unicorn, but it us obvious he will turn into Trance Gemini from Andromeda in the end.

So we gotta not just pretend he isn’t a guy, not call him a Eunuch, but then call him a Unicorn, from a kids show for little girls, which is wrong on so many levels, then we gotta after that call him by whatever the fuck Trance Gemini was on that TV show. Trixie is a Nietzschean, Trance was the ultimate Anti-Nietzschean. I don’t see the point of playing along. It doesn’t do anyone any good.

My hands are normal sized, between a large and extra large. I just ordered tactical military gloves off Amazon for using my crowbar with during the winter, and I can barely squeeze in the large size, but most men are large or extra large. Medium is for children.

I’m lying in bed with my giant, yellow 3 foot long crowbar. I’m so excited about it. Got some plans for it down by the river.

And nobody is gonna look at me and say Jesus on Steroids, I’m 99.9% body fat.

This is what I look like not fat and hairy:

I’m not that big, she is like, under a 100 pounds, between 90 and 100. Bitch never ate, pissed me off, always made me feel bad.

Closest I could find comparison (no Jesus Cat Hat picks), you can see his face is very different.

Incorrect. Decreases combat effectiveness in the gun age. Same as bows and tools, can’t use it without an arm.

No, it just makes you a buddhist bullshit eunuch. You get a red dot in your forehead and your life long goal is to please. Turns you into a bisexual more than anything else. Does it make you feminine yes it does. Does it decrease your combat effectiveness well that depends. Depends on mind over matter. I can take an anti-depressant and not pull any punches, that’s a fact. Mind over matter.

Fact is all males are born female. Males are not born he, they are basically born chicks with dicks. Fact of the matter is until they are age twenty they are not a man nor will they be as manly as Mr. Clean. Fact is Peter = Penis so of course Peter is a he. That’s why when a guy crossdresses at age 18 there is hope, body gets used to the idea of feminizing, brain plasticity begins, hormone cycles alter, good chance of him turning into a hot woman. But if a guy waits till age 57 to crossdress there is no hope, they are sentenced to fashion hell and fashion damnation.

Too long for me to read, not a supercomputer. Perhaps I will read it tomorrow.

Fact of the matter is, most trannies do not blow their brains out after a sex change unless the doctor fucks up, does the surgery wrong and sabotages their sensation. Most just end up quitely in the mental hospital, until they adjust to their new role in society, being quietly chased by strange men and to enjoy the penis, not being satisfied with lesbian scissoring.
That is why I firmly advocate for futa-ism. Keep the penis and balls for stability of the American family unit and reproductive purposes. But implant a vagina so that the trasexual can finally feel “right” and happy with their lives. No risk, no risk of redaction. Turd you and I can agree on this.

Fact is I am morphing into a Blue Unicorn that wears purple. Saying purple Unicorn is like saying Joker is morphing into a purple smurf, everybody knows Joker is white and wears purple, is not purple.
Fact is Aria Blaze is purple.

Fact is I cannot decide which Andromeda personality I am, I keep morphing. Can’t decide if I am Trance Gemini, that clown anarchist chick, or the ship itself. I’d say I’m all three. Fact is if I was all three I’d have a threesome with myselves.

Nietzche is only a mad-man. I consider myself superior to Nietzsche.

You already have a vagina down there, it is your ass hole, no need for surgery. All the other faggots manage to take it up the ass without the surgery and hormones, why can’t you? Nothing more worthless than a fake vagina. You gonna keep your passport up there or something? Nobody needs a vagina unless they are a woman. It is like a giant belly button hole, but all the lint that builds up in it gets wet and infected, and it can sterilize you, or even kill you if left unclean. I can barely clean my own asshole, I hate going near it, fuck, I wouldn’t know what to do with a stupid bleeding cunt taco. My penis is fairly simple. Hard when happy, limp when sad. Only on rare occasions it gets complicated, like when I’m stuck between having to pee or beat it. Peeing with a erection doesn’t result in a massive orgasm, I’ve tried, thought I would be howling in pleasure. Just makes it go down. Blah

Penis makes sense. Fuck vaginas.

Fact is I ain’t no faggot. You’re acting like I’m some kind of queerbo that listens to modern garbage music like Nikki Minaj. I don’t like modernity, think people on TV are stupid, and nothing more than a bunch of dumb babies. Fact is trasexual vaginas are in many ways superior to cisvags, no period juice and less fish-taco smell. Also they have more muscles inside. Fact is modern faggots Like popsicles with Red 40 and listen to the Koolaid. Not saying I don’t enjoy things in my bottom, but the fact is, I’d be a fool to say that a bottom could ever be as good as vag. Also a fun fact, there is a such thing as a peeing orgasm, I had it before, it is one of the strangest feelings you will ever feel. Oxytocin is needed.

Wish I could, but the facts are against me. Fact is I’ve never fucked a girls vag, only her butthole. She told me her vag was sacred, and that lowly me was only worthy of her dirty butthole. Most would jump at glee, but not me, no sir, not me, it hurt my wee-wee, it hurt my pee-pee, no sir, not me. Fact is after all the abuse she did to me, I considered suicide, but thanks to Neitzche, I pushed on, thanks to Neitzche and the fear of circular recurrence, plus the will to power, I pushed on. Neitzche saves lives, he’s not the evil you’d like us to believe.

Hurt your penis? You mean it hurt your unstretched foreskin pushing in without lube.

Your supposed to squirt some shit down. Next time your taking a girl out on a date, ask for some mayonaisse packages with your McChicken, and use that for buttlube.

And your foreskin is just gonna hurt however you do it till you get used to regular fucking. Dressing up as a unicorn is gonna seriously cut down on the access to adult, legal practice pussy.

Vaginas, even when virgin, aren’t that tight feeling when lubed up from arousal. Foreskin doesn’t matter much, and if you wear a condom, not at all.

Penises are customer designed to fuck actual vaginas. I don’t mess with my foreskin ever, so it is never stretched, and grows tight. Sex isn’t a issue, it is when a new girl just grabs it and starts jerking it hard that I will crumple to the fetus position crying like a little girl. My nerve endings are in better shape than circumcised guys, and it feels rather violent, like a pencil jabbed into my peehole, if they just go into a crazy sprint. But after a few sessions, I’m ready to go.

And you are the crazy fucks on craigslist that keeps modt sane people away from craigslist. If I was exoectingba eomsn, and a guy dressed like a purple unicorn showed up… mother fucker, that is some extreme false advertising, your liable to get your ass bear down for that. Wouldnt necessariky hapoen cause I might be so freaked out I might not wanna touch you period. I wouldn’t take it kindly though, just some politically correct misunderstanding… fuck. I bet guys have committed suicide after being set up like that.

Before S57 cries, it is biological, not a ideological reaction, called Uncanny Valley

I’ve grown to accept a wife variety of people since I had my first instinctive revulsion at seeimgba fat girl when I was 4 or 5 years old jump around wet in a water canal in Yuba City, California, the mere sight of it threw me into a intense rage, but then afterwards, took control of the rage by asking what was wrong.

A big chunk of everyday life is built around bringing males and females together, every civilization puts a big chunk of its daily efforts to this task. We aren’t driven to anger that much when it is merely a mate mismatched in status, beauty, age making sudden advances, but when it drives this instinctive drive.

You’ll see girls ostrachize other girls, but guys in their youth in pacts will hunt down people of any difference, even if just elderly or homeless. This gets magnified especiallybwhen confronted with dating situations and someone who clearly, under any circumstance shouldn’t be considered even remotely a potential mate shows up. That’s the inherent risk with online dating. It is one thing for me to think I’ve been talking to Katherine McPhee

but the person who I eventually meet is 20 years older, wrong nationality, and twice my body weight. If it is still a woman, lonely, I can compute. Compute as I get up and leave silently angry while defrauded of my time and energy. But that’s not Uncanny Valley. It is when all the features are just off. Like, she has a fucking Adams Apple, and in the morning has hair stubbs growing in all over the chest, and I’m not able to put two and two together, just something fucking off… making me angry, revolting. That’s gonna result in a severe beat down if I’m mislead into something more, if not much worst. About worst thing you can say if I discovered I have been dating a woman who was originally born a man, is “What does it matter, that’s not who I am”… that’s a shallow grave scenario, followed up by a deeply embarrassed and self disgusted suicide.

That’s posteri Uncanny Valley, priori is seeing it and being revolted. I know looking at you your not a woman. I can control it enough, given my Stoic face, it would never occur to you over how I treat others, but if pressed, you would see a sudden involuntary surge of anger. Humans are not fish that just change our sexes, and Hominids have traditionally been around distantly related hominid species that sorta look like us, but we couldn’t breed with save like the offspring of a Donkey and Horse, a sterile Mule.

That rejection is deeply built in for a reason, just isn’t conscious. Craigslist has the potential to throw unsuspecting people at random into the thick if that experience. I wouldn’t react well, hence why I refuse to allow it to happen in the first place. I try to suppress it, there is no “nietzschean overcoming” of it, it simply is what it is. It is doing what it is designed to do, Phallic Inflation and Deflation as Satyr practices isn’t a healthy alternative. Healthy alternative is to cuss such fools out and evade preferably peacefully.

That clean shaven crew cut look is not as good as your Jesus on steroids look

Now where did this ridiculously irrational fear of your own arsehole come from

Trixie should not be putting anything up her arse but it is her body and so her choice

She looks fine as a purple unicorn in glasses so pay her a compliment and say how nice she is

Thanks for posting a photo of your semi hairy arm you really did not have to go that far out you know

I am not wasting half a day to read that wall of text you that posted about the correct gender pronoun to use

Do you ever go on Craigslist as Jesus on steroids or are you afraid you might get chatted up by a purple unicorn in glasses


Is an expounder X infinity. Leave Trixiebelle the H E double L alone.

Hi MP! :evilfun:

Anyone who joins an online dating site should be totally honest about their physical characteristics because
they might eventually have to meet someone and if they have lied about themselves it will be very obvious
Some lies of course cannot be detected merely by looking at them such as for example if they are married

Yes Jesus on steroids leave the Trixie alone

Were Katharine McPhee really a transsexual would you still fancy her?
Would you sleep with her for a million dollars to see what it was like?
How many gloves and crow bars could you buy for that do you know?