What Of Your Essence?

fuse wrote

Fine tuned by the arc, yes. We are looking at this from oceans apart. I really appreciate your views, a lovely read. Thank you.

A debate would be apropos if you stick around.

I’ll be around, what do you want to debate?

fuse wrote

One lifetime of a spirit vs. the eternal soul

fuse wrote

Hosted vs. not
soul is epicenter of experience vs. body is the epicenter of experience

I have yet to formally debate anything. Ah ha, welcome guinea pig! :mrgreen:
Comments…concerns? :smiley:

fuse wrote

While this sentence above may mean ‘in this lifetime’, what is interesting is the momentum of a person in relation to other people and how can that be measured? The momentum of a person is very relevant in terms of all of their assets and how they use them, whether simply now or into infinity.

See, here you are asking the old question, of differentiating the old triad, Being, essence, existence, which was laid down by Arab philosophers, where the essence, is layered meaning for the Soul. Aristoteles took it up in De Anima, it is a prefigured notion, just as self knowledge later, a developmental successor to a more ‘scientific way’ of looking at it.

You are asking the question of requiring levels of knowledge to correlate with each other, in this case old textual ideas such as the soul, with developing ‘scientific’ ways of thinking about them.

We may be much more alike then different, except in contexts where it is more advantageous to differentiate.

It is kind of like a Moebious Strip, where you’d never know where the essential and the real meet, because it’s hard to see it unless the ends are separated in the first place.

It only means “in this lifetime” by default since I’m not aware of any additional lifetimes. The question of lasting influence is still very interesting to me. A person’s influence is broadly the continued affect he/she has on others, even after death, like an afterimage: an impression of a vivid sensation (especially a visual image) retained after the stimulus has ceased.

You had to go there with a Mobius Strip, didn’t you? Now why does the old triad have to be differentiated? One is not enough? Once I recover from this headache caused by Mobius, onto De Anima by Aristotle.

Is this to be debated? :mrgreen:

Aristotle had the complexity of the soul all wrong.

I’d rather sidestep the pomp and circumstance of a formal debate, but if you want to make a bold argument in a new thread - I’ll happily counter at will.

fuse wrote

Okay. Keep your eyes peeled. :astonished: :mrgreen:

My Essence?

Smiling on the premise of reality.


Why do you keep trying to smell for blood in the water?

I’m like the ocean - ever changing, ebbing, flowing, wild, serene, much deep within and much observable above me. I contain much and much contains me. lol

An ad continuum of Fluidity!

Is that an essence or an attitude?

Don’t our attitudes define our essence?


An essence is in stone so to speak, but I for one know that it can be tempered, just don’t ask how.

Then it doesn’t exist.

Only if existence precedes essence.

Existence has always existed.