Theater Of The Absurd

Obviously the owner of the website has the capital to hire multiple writers or authors so I would presume and say yes.






These days, you should not be white, not be male, not be heterosexual, not be Christian - and all those who are still white, male, heterosexual, Christian should never be fathers, thus never have children. :astonished:

The funny part is that you’re still wearing my hand-me-downs. First, the Joker and now, Merlin and Gandalf. Tell me, how are you enjoying my sloppy seconds?

A master in your own mind. Heard you’ve given up meth, about time, congratulations. :wink:

It wasn’t that hard of a thing to do. I told people I was really good at walking away. They didn’t listen. Not just a master in my own mind, of course, either. ‘The’ Master. might as well bring it to a razor’s edge, after all. It’s the best pen for detailing paper flesh canvas.

Yes, I’m sure you will tell us all about it as the oncoming weeks develop.

You seem still quite sure of a lot of things that you’re wrong about. Nasty habit, that.

By the by, your ‘Carleas’ is showing again in your aura. You kids don’t seem to realize how much you show when you go stomping around the mind.

Aura? I have an aura? Interesting. Please, tell me more. :sunglasses:

You’re correct, I am sure about a great many deal of things.

[size=25]How sure are you?[/size]

Did you guys used to date or something?


It’s funny you should say that. One day in a different life, we ran into each other out in the desert. Doesnt matter which desert, just ‘a desert’. Well, he had the draw on me, dead to rights, coulda shot me and instead, takes notice of a steaming pile of coyote shit. He kept the gun pointed at me and told me to eat shit or die. So, I acquiesced. As soon as his attention wandered just a little bit, I knocked the gun out of his hands, grabbed it up and made him eat from the same pile of shit.

I don’t know if you could call it a ‘date’, but we did eat lunch together.



Do not worry. We are in tribulation, and the anticristwill be defeated, or at least de-clawed. Some bad things will undoubtedly happen, but it is be like a
Purification. That is the only alternative.