The Art Of Love

I’m not following?

Fantasy over reality breeds non-indulgence.

Please elaborate you two if you’re making the same point. Fantasy is fantastic and unavoidable, just as reality is real and unavoidable. I read Trixie’s comment as that generation should self-destruct and your comment Mags as they don’t know how to live it up or breed. :mrgreen:


The first part… no, the second… perhaps.

Ego Trixie? wouldn’t ego get in the way of love?

Playing any song by Sleeping At Last for another.

By honoring your health.

Love is when a girl will put in a butt plug that looks like a cat’s tail and then crawl around in the floor and drink milk from a bowl.

Preserving memories in as many ways as possible.

Actively trusting.

Releasing disappointments.

Setting your fears aside so the positive emotions energize your being.

The Art of Love? Love seems a bit more like a demonic, nightmarish, cacophonic dance, with masquerade ballers frantically dancing around you in a dim-lit ballroom. A bit like this but not exactly so.


Oh dear, those cuts were hilarious! Too bad they are being used to denigrate.

That was a good performance. Watched all of it here:

“Why does a woman bleed once a month? Because she deserves it!” :laughing:

Anyway…I think the problem with this type of feminism is that it portrays women as weak and helpless victims, and in the process, it also demonizes men. So you get women who hold a deep seated grudge against men, and men who are uncomfortable and afraid of women.

Love is accepting yourself for who you are while wanting to improve

I agree. Better to want than do. :evilfun:

Love is… when I get someone like you eating out of the palm of my hand and then slap the fuck out of you (not physically, but mentally) and you beg for more…

That is my forte

Love is when you orgasm in a girls pussy and can look her straight in the face when you do it, then not feel awkward the rest of the night.

My love rarely gets past sex, so I wouldn’t know about for there is much more chaff than wheat.