The Philosophers

Also a link to the video of the movie of the film about the thing with the thing that was the case, in the place that was then Amsterdam, the murder.

I’m a scary judge of talent. The star of my movie went on to work in government right after the project, I got him straight out of school, he was doing his exams. … %BCl%C3%BC.

Now social media has become a thing … 257427970/

“It is philosophers putting friendship before ideas as the base of their power.”

value ontology is a thebridgeconcept,



Ganga Thieves
Gathering steam


Ceremoniemeester Fixed Cross lathering cream

Philosophers Clan
Rosemont Entertainment
Government of Muses

Free Zoot Allures

What happened to Zoot? What’d they get him for?

Something minor. He’ll be out quicker than last time as far as I understand.

Still he didnt deserve to be locked up in the first place, that first time.

I got informaton from Chakra Superstar and Phoneutria.

The Philosophers Clan shall henceforth also be known as The Kingmaker Clan

I once confronted a catholic priest, the pastor, during Mass. Boy, were my knees shaking. lol

I’ve come a long way since then.

Ahyberk is not afraid of much.

Neither is this guy


Someone Pezer bought some equipment from.

That guy did a good job. Nice video, Fixed.

Thanks man.

For those who are interested in transhumanism … -nietzsche

A kid taken with transhumanism has seen in Nietzsche a source of passion and is now trying to find a way to reconcile the two on a very basic elementary level of philosophy. Another poster has taken it on him to school him a bit. This process has gained my respect.

I have been kicked out of bed again to deliver this package.


Please kick Fixed out of bed and ask him to explain the difference between his take on astrology and the take of those folks who claim that the position of the stars and planets and moons is pertinent to events that will happen to us in the future.

Does he go that far?

After all, a crucial distinction between most astrologers today and most astronomers is that the latter [to the best of my knowledge] do not connect the dots between the position of celestial bodies and human interactions. Well, aside from the effect of things like gravity – tides etc.

In fact, astronomers might even point out that some of the stars that we see in the sky may no longer exist as such at all. The distances are so great that we may well be seeing only the light that was once emitted from them when they still had light to emit.

Astrology in this sense – – is basically just a way in which particular folks can get a grip on all of the variables in their life they either do not understand or do not control. It is a psychologically comforting way in which to let others tell them what to do because [and this seems rather ironic to me] it is going to happen that way anyway.

In other words, I have never really been able to ascertain fully where the astrologer’s prediction stops and human autonomy begins.

Perhaps Fixed can cite particular examples from his own life.

I was sent here again, just as I came back and had my soup I was put on the horse. The message this time is that Fixed Cross appreciates the pirates on this ship and says Aye.

I shall be forthright and claim that whatever info you ask for, is in the video Fixed Cross has asked me to bring over.
My back is certain it wont be the last video he commands me to carry over… questions will always, under His Noble Reign, be answered if they are to the point of the point that was being made etc etc etc

Sigh gotta go back and its getting to sundown soon.

The sun may be dead now, it still influences you, 8 minutes.
Some people think the sun does not matter on human life, or the moon.
Astrology is the science of how if the sun shines warmer, that has an effect.

It appears [to me] that the message that Fixed Cross wishes to convey regarding, among other things, astrology and VO is alwys rather elliptical and enigmatic.

There is never quite enough information to pin him down.

At least not pertaining to those things that interest me philosophically. And I do try to avoid being elliptical and enigmatic myself.

Besides, I’m still not entirely convinced that his contributions here are were not [by and large] an exercise in irony.

In other words, he has set VO up as an example of what some “serious philosophers” are able to talk themselves into.

Fixed hammers on people understanding the aim of this thread. He had first tried to enlist Sauwelios to keep this updated but then the task fell on me. Now Im supposed to ask you to revisit this video.

I have faith he knows why. It is all a bit over my head, I can relate to your state of confusion (not confusius!) extremely well to be honest.

But personally I think these videos by Zoot are better.

In as far as the Sauwelios video goes I would like to analyze it. From where Im standing, it is as if he is saying that the superman is the creator of morality. But isnt the superman… beyond good and evil?
