Satanic Aphorisms

“Satan is real, working with power, he’ll tempt you and lead you astray.”

Satan loves man! The only God that actually gets to know us.

Our guest today is Wheeler Walker Jr.

For all you red necks around the world.

These Montrealese squirrels respond enthusiastically to Satan.
Ive noticed. Very moving to see a squirrel so wild.

Also Satan told me hes a friend to Loki. A lie?

Satan walks between the lines.

Like this director does.


Satan doesn’t strike me as an anarchist. Since there is no god it is safe to assume I think that there is no devil or satan either.

I see beyond embracing Carebears you’re into other fairy tales as well. Most troubling.

How does one exploring nihilism believe in god Phyllo? Must of been an exploration cut short.

What is sin?

An actor may play many parts on stage.

Satan is only a God in the sense that one gets a rush through one’s spine when one looks into the night. I had a lot of those walking through the streets, getting spat, almost shot at, almost cut into with screwdrivers and broken beer bottles, but also exploring the depths of human beauty with acid and a girl called Buda.

I just mean I got spiritual about the nicest parts about saying fuck you to The Man and also things that helped me get by with honor.

Sin is freedom.

I had pussy for breakfast

Owned women obey.

Satan commands first through women.

What is certain?

No, literally, what is certain?

The devil makes a lot of jokes but he isn’t one.
(best to make a deal with him if you can… - P)


Why did Nietzsche far prefer catholicism to other, posterior forms of christianity?

One reason alone: they put new masks on old bastards.

Life reveals itself by the tricks of it.

One not need to believe in imaginary fictitious beings to be free and have a connection to the rest of the world.

Religious sin is an absurd worldview.

A question for Sauwelios.

My answer: because of its flamboyance.

Catholicism is known among lodges as a collection of pagan rites, grouped under a watered down Mithraic logos.

No new masks - just a different congregation, therefore a new relation between the gods and the humans.
Catholicism allowed slaves to feel like Caesars (as they would imagine) - it brought man down infinitely, and also deepened him, made him more treacherous, subtle.

Nietzsche had all this subtlety and decided to use it for the opposite of treachery - which isn’t covered by words like ‘truthfulness’ or ‘honesty’ - it is something far more daring and terribly difficult.

He remains the singular performing artist of our age; the singular Actor.

[size=85](INCIPIT… philosophia)[/size]

I will stop posting here now.

They started getting so good that I decided I’ll make a book out of it.

I will say this: it may seem that Satan is a silly idea. To you, I say this:


Pezer, I miss your old writings. This whole satanic thing I am not so sure of.