One big idea is missing in Physics.

I question this law. I don’t see a law, but a rough correlation…
The volume of particles tends to decrease due to law of averages…nothing more.
It is my belief that it is simply associated with the behavior, not linked. I think you need to go back to Square 1.
Heat is just because molecules vibrate. There is no flattening of any kind involved in super cool areas, simply due to larger volume of particles, they tend to bounce with each other more due to law of averages, and so retain their heat energy longer…eventually they start to leave and move to lower pressure zones…thus less hot molecules ricocheting within the bounds, and thus less heat. No pancaking needed.

someone by name NAMETA 9 has kind of interesting stuff about this theory.
where is that fellow now.

First of all there has to be the big question: Is there an “infinite void - the vaccuum”?

Oh come on folks…

We’ve already been through this!!!

The lack of all existents includes itself…

So it would be the lack of the lack of all existents …

That is why existence exists…

Basic set theory

One Sisyphus project in modern Physics.
Scientists try to unify four fundamental forces:
electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity.
In 1979 the Nobel Prize was awarded to physicists who
merged electromagnetic and the weak nuclear forces in a single
framework: electroweak theory.
Uniting the strong force with the electroweak picture has not been easy.
However, many physicists believe that at very high energies, the
electroweak and the strong forces would behave as one.
That unification is known as the search for a “grand unified theory”
The theory that may finally include all four fundamental forces as one
(electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity) is known as the search
for a “theory of everything”.
My opinion.
So, on a large macro cosmic scale scientists gathered all masses and
energies into “ singular point” and on a micro scale this picture repeat
itself when scientists try to merge all four forces at very high
energies as one.
I call this scientific plan to understand micro world as a “Sisyphus project”.
Because behavior of particles at very high energies was explained
by Paul Dirac in 1928. According to Dirac at a “sea of vacuum”
quantum particles (forces) will be changed into virtual particles
with negative energy / mass: -E= Mc^2. (!)
This “sea of vacuum” is infinite continuum and it is some kind of
infinite energy and it is full with infinite numbers of particles: –E=Mc^2.
From these Dirac’s negative particles the creation and evolution of
existence was started. From Dirac’s “sea of vacuum” and negative particles
of energy / mass -E= Mc^2 “the theory of everything” begins its way.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus.

You can test and understand scientific plan to unify all four forces
(electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity) at very high energies
into one singular force in your home conditions:
a) take four eggs ,
b) break them,
c) make omelet with homogeneous structure,
d) try to understand, what chicken is.

Good appetite, and remember,
in our eggs – our forces (more than four).

To have an omelet takes an outside energy source to make it happen.
Exactly in this way the physicists work.
They use outside energy and deep vacuum (LHC) to create
new quantum particles.
They don’t think about nature of energy itself.
As Feynman said:
“ It is important to realize that in physics today,
we have no knowledge of what energy is.
We do not have a picture that energy comes in little
blobs of a definite amount.”
LHC needs deep vacuum and high energy to create new tiny
quantum particles. If LHC is model of the Universe then the
absolute vacuum T=0K with infinite energy can also create
tiny quantum particles: -E=Mc^2.
And . . . if LHC isn’t model of the Universe (!) . . .
. . then . . . why we need this big machine.

It is not true what certain physicists say: “the vacuum is nothing, and nothing is not nothing, so that something can be created out of nothing, the vacuum”. It is not true, because it is impossible - by definition.

All what physicists may get in that case is a linguistic change, thus a new meaning of the word “nothing” which leads to a new meaning of physics and other science sectors, to a new belief, a new religion, a new theology, a new philosophy. That is what they want, because they want what their rulers want them to want. Physicists and other scientists depend on politico-economic rulers because of the research funds, thus: money.

So at last science will completely lose its meaning.

Worse than that, the very idea of a “force” is a superstition. :sunglasses:

“Although we are used to thinking of empty space as containing
nothing at all, and therefore having zero energy, the quantum
rules say that there is some uncertainty about this. Perhaps each
tiny bit of the vacuum actually contains rather a lot of energy.
If the vacuum contained enough energy, it could convert this
into particles, in line with E= Mc^2.”
/ Book: Stephen Hawking. Pages 147-148.
By Michael White and John Gribbin. /

Then it would not be nothing.

It would not be nothing.

Book: This will make you smarter.
Part: The name game. By Stuart Firrestein.
" Too often in science we operate under the principle that ’ to name it is to tame it’,
or so we think. One of the easiest mistakes, even among working scientists, is to
believe that labeling something has somehow or other added to an explanation or
understanding of it. Worse than that, we use it all the time when we’re teaching,
leading students to believe that a phenomenon named is a phenomenon known,
and that to know the name is to know the phenomenon." / Page 62./

" Even words that, like ‘gravity’ seem well settled may lend more of an aura
to an idea than it deserves. . . . . .
And still, today, physicists do not have a clear understanding of what
gravity is or where it comes from, even though its effect can be described
quite accurately". / Page 64/

"the vacuum is nothing, and nothing is not nothing”

The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things
Tao Te Ching

Very true.

And “nothing” has been named, although the vacuum untamed.

Gravity is merely space on a slippery slope.

Yes. Full agreement.

Other examples of famous names without inner essence.
Working scientists use the name “entropy” as very-well known conception.
But . . .
The famous mathematician John von Neumann said to
“the father of information theory” Claude Shannon:
" Name it “entropy” then in discussions
you will receive solid advantage, because
nobody knows, what “entropy” basically is ".

Working scientists use the name “inertia” as very- well known conception.
But . . .
Someone wrote:
“An old professor of mine used to say
that anyone who can answer that question
what inertia is, would win a Nobel Prize. “

Working scientists use the name “electron” as well- known particle.
But . . .
Someone wrote”
“ We know electron by what it does, not by what it is.”

. . . . . . . .


As are many, that professor was wrong.

Nameless . . . . . Nothingness . . . .
Nothingness is Something.
Where does nothingness exist ?.
The vacuum is nothing, and nothing is not nothing.
Nothingness has physical laws to be not nothing.
Nothingness has physical laws to be Something.
Nothingness has physical laws to be Name.
Nothingness contains infinite possibilities.

T=0K and Reality.
We cannot reach the absolute vacuum T=0K by experiments
but this physical fact doesn’t say that the absolute vacuum is
hollow inside.
In absolute vacuum exists infinite numbers of potential “virtual
particles”. We cannot reach the density and other parameters of
“virtual particles” by experiments but this physical fact doesn’t
say that these “virtual particles” are pure abstraction.
The examples:

“ Its effects can be observed in various phenomena
(such as spontaneous emission, the Casimir effect, the
van der Waals bonds, or the Lamb shift), and it is thought
to have consequences for the behavior of the Universe
on cosmological scales. “

Theoreticians say that leaving our ‘atomistic- matter’
paradigm behind, and taking ‘virtual antiparticles’,
we realized that the Cosmos / Vacuum ‘polarized ‘
itself, and the result of this polarization we know as our world.

In quantum field theory, and specifically quantum electrodynamics,
vacuum polarization describes a process in which a background
electromagnetic field produces virtual electron–positron pairs that
change the distribution of charges and currents that generated
the original electromagnetic field. It is also sometimes referred
to as the self energy of the gauge boson (photon).
Vacuum polarization was observed experimentally in 1997 using
the TRISTAN particle accelerator in Japan.

Light Created from a Vacuum:
Casimir Effect Observed in Superconducting Circuit
/Science Daily (Nov. 18, 2011) / … 133050.htm

Chalmers scientists create light from vacuum … acuum.aspx
