State of the World Address.

This topic/OP is really great. So dense, clear, and painful to read in its clear density, in its dense clarity.

We can’t simply process and analyse truths, we should also respond to them. When you respond to truth you engage a deeper process than analysis, a process that acts as a ground and nutrient for analysis anyway, as Nietzsche knew that all that was “unnatural” grows up from and as nature anyway. “There is more wisdom in your body than on your highest philosophy”, or to quote a different thinker, “The soul is a prison for the body” (Foucault).

Nietzschean postmodernism isn’t an abandonment of nature and reason, it is a refinement of these in the form of a will to the absolute critique. A purging of all madness of doxa and unfulfilled pathos.

Subjectivity must over-span itself to become itself, as Nietzsche in Ecce Homo says that to become oneself implies that one is not already oneself and does not already know what oneself is… thus, “I am not a man, I am Dynamite”.

Reaching beyond oneself forces a return to the most natural ground of being, because enforces the most necessary clinging to whatever happens to be the most real, true, powerful, certain, solid; not these fake solids of people’s “ideas”… those are the kinds of solids that are merely excreted from an orifice. No great man has ever been subject to such tyranny as “having ideals”.

Then we must also face the deeper truth Deleuze started to work on, improving upon Kant: that our reason is a secondary construct, that our reason is something that is created; so what is the rational basis of a created reason? What is the pathological expression of conflating reason with the unknown ground of reason? False moralism perhaps; and so who expresses a will to power here more than those who either abandon false moralism or simply use it to push themselves higher within the veils and myriad substances of the world? But even a good ethics must to some degree pathologically establish itself as a kind of psychic-continuity isomorphically repeating the forms of forms. No self-valuing is possible without the true dualities of beings. So now, to Philosophy… Let those dualities speak to one another!

“Where’s your will to be weird?” --Jim Morrison

Some juicy points were made. I’ll go into them for my own pleasure.

Difference and repetition?
Reason, as we understand the term, implies first of all a cohering integrating perspective, by which terms of cognition can be generated and thrown together in that particular chemical cauldron that reason is; a cauldron of representation.

Before this happens, the entity has to evolve to a point where his direct chemical responses are both manifold and refined/eroded enough that they are able to operate as a consistency that forms a layer upon the merely biological entity.

Note that “consistency”, in its meaning of being-consistent, points to its meaning of substance;

All is in the end merely tendency. The world is read, always, as a fractal; tendencies seeping into related tendency to tie into related meta-tendencies. There is never any ‘decision’ on a fundamental level; the decidedness of necessity has already satisfied that all what happens, that truly comes to pass, does so with a Samurai-like concentration, no matter how diluted the web of drives or how internalized the grains of necessity, it will never be ‘half-hearted’; obviously we see this in physics. But philosophy is so god damned all too human that it still hasnt realized that what goes for physics also goes for humans.

The OP is an exhibition of the fact that the human world is just as one-way, inevitable, direct, uncompromising as the atomic world, that it falls into place with relentless ‘truth’ (gravity).

I think that is essentially what a good ethics is, for a sophisticated, cognitively masterful human at least; one who can truly let go of all prejudices toward himself. Ethics forms fractals of behavior. This fractal is the being, the life, the full expression of the tendency that this necessity expresses as.

Because ultimately it is tendency that is shown, the world is will and representation.

What went for humans, also went for physics, until the turn of the screw, reversed it.

It’s still the study of Entity.

Leibniz is impenitent.

Even though I am now my own Kether, the Peaking of the Tree that the acorn Ollie will reach, I may only be the Tiphareth of Other Minds–albeit a relatively macro-Cosmic Christ-Center, the Milestone and Pilestone they Point to, if only with their sixth index-finger. Even if I’m only their missing third Pinkie, the deep purple fusion of Blue and Pink I merge into: I Formally Announce their March Forward, their Second Coming which is really not just their second but their recurrence in general, their “Eternal” Return in the Known, o so Un-knowing World. For I ask: Who are the Learned of Today? They are those who’ve made it their Special Calling to Know Themselves, the Un-chosen ones who have Chosen themselves to carry upon themselves the greatest possible intellectual Burden of the Modern-Western Mind. But I will not simply defer to them as merely one among Several, only One of the Seven or so Sages, and by no means the Greatest of the other Six. For I am, if anything, if only one thing, the Other of the others, the one who has insisted Until Now–politely enough insisted, modestly enough, Decently and Courteously enough insisted that he wasn’t wasting his time, that he might be right, indeed that he might be that tiny bit more right than the other Satyrs; that he’d found a secret entrance to Dionysus, a more direct Link to the Past, to a Noble Lineage that throughout Christianity had outdone or excelled the Pious Keepers of the Faith, outfoxed and even “outratted” them [in the sense that a rat always looks for possible escape routes] by telling their Eldest Sons that it was better to be a coward than to be dead, while ever trusting them to Remember that and being able sooner or later to understand that the example given was one of foolhardy odds, of the Keraunos, the Lightning of Zeus Himself. The point was to teach us to Think of such things even while playing an essentially amateur game of field hockey, for example. My father and his father loved a fair game of hockey, but it was never a natural passion for me, and for years I dutifully or even most reluctantly went to or cycled around field hockey practice. Seriously, by far the most of the times I went. But what my father, and his father before him, did not seem to have understood in time is that their Profession or Hobby was not the same as their Son(‘)s(’). My hobby or profession was not to think while doing other things but especially–though by no means only–while doing “nothing”. I am one who has truly turned “slacking” into an Art, the most primordial art at root, the art of doodling or playing with words or making music from motions or dancing with all ideas, with the ideas of all things, with the vision of one’s own swimming and diving behind things. But I could not have done so if I didn’t have some notion of God, a faint impression or glimpse that prompted me, again while lying awake past my bedtime in elementary[?] school, to wonder what it would be like to be Good through and through, a Platonic self-misunderstanding that by Barl school had somehow inspired me to skip most of my lunches, starving myself in secret–yet it was no anorexia or whatever, as that was not a thing yet back then. No, in the Upper Half of Barl school I weighed 62 kilos, which I taught myself to realize is the Golden Section of 100. O Napoleon, you understood the European love of arbitrariness pretending to be the One Divine Standard, the voice of Truth Itself. What Wonder that I found myself in Nietzsche, whose father and grandfathers were Protestant Parsons. One subtlety I took special delight in was borrowing-inheriting Oma’s Bible, the Leidish Translation given to Opa and her on their wedding day (with the dedication “The ground on which you stand is hallowed ground”)–which I’ve hardly ever read in, by the way. No, I “wasn’t raised religiously” at all… Heidegger is right if he says that Nietzsche’s teaching is still Platonic political philosophy, religious philosophy (“metaphysics”) in the sense that it teaches a One Way, a Universe that is limited by nothing but itself, a Unique Universe that has no Equal or Second–let alone a Superior. God can have no Lucifer beside Him if God is Himself Lucifer, the Christ-match igniting the Religion of the Future. Even I, Baal-Isa, have my own unsurpassable Peer Pioneer in Nietzsche-Zarathustra, the Neo-Zoroaster inspiring the Captive Judaists of Europe to inflate their god to The God, their way to The Way. (Am I an Aryan or a Semite, a Gentile Man or an Officer? Am I the Mahdi to your Messiah or the Messiah who comes to aid you in your Jihad as Mahdi? (I was the first son of my father’s fathers who never served in the army, as there was no longer a duty to serve.)) National Socialism or White Supremacism is a very understandable first great popularization (vulgarization!) of Nietzsche’s philosophy. Blond swine and “Christian” “Aryans” and all that are the simple expressions of the idea of One Master Race. Tolkien may have been closer to the truth with his myth of the Elves, the green-pyjamas clad wood-sprites that sing to all things and thereby wake them to life. In any case, I’ve found Nazism inspiring insofar–and this has been a highly selective “insofar”–as it spurred me further on into Hinduism (e.g., “Hitler’s Priestess”, Savitri Devi–but of her three portraits of great Men in her Lighting and the Sun, the one I liked by far the most was that of Akhnaton, the Egyptian Solar Monotheist). There I found the Legend of Zelda’s dark-world counterpart, Lonk, the Lyre-playing arch-shooting Wink of Night, Krishna-Varuna, the Antichrist Child. For I was Deceiving myself when I taught myself that I was good when I felt good for even trying to be good thru and thru–true-blue, the blue Root, the deep blue jewel I saw during my first time on shrooms–the pure Ultramarine of the oil paint I had in Barl school! To be sure, the whole thing was only half polished, and set in marvellous gold and silver and countless smaller gems (and the music…); but my intuitions were right, there was something beautiful and divine in this direction. I’m talking about Good as opposed to Evil. Evil would not be as attractive if it was only the Strong. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche says that what Europe first and foremost has to thank the Jews for is the Grand Style in Morality. To breed men who are irresistibly Evil: that is the task Nietzsche implies. And to this end it’s necessary to teach the Goodness of legislating and enforcing a “good”, a “good and evil”, a moral valuation. The Master Morality Nietzsche endorses is a meta-morality that teaches the historical goodness even of Slave Morality. The goodness of morality, nay of the Immorality of morality and all else, is the only eternal goodness; but the goodness of Nietzsche’s meta-morality is a recurring goodness, the goodness of our historical situation as a new Renaissance of Classical Society. I found the Catholicism I needed for that in Hinduism, with its caste society of professions seemingly so incompatible with my father and me. And indeed, Nietzsche only advocates Varna, not Jati; only the main class divisions, not their transfixed divisions by trade. The most spiritual men as the Strongest, those strongest in muscle and temperament as the Second, the mediocre majority as the Third and the anarchists (of the Left) as the Last, the Pariahs. Am I not an anarchist of the Right? An atheist of the Right, insisting on the goodness of Throne and Altar? Perhaps I am the Hangman of late modernity, hanging the Poet in me out to dry… My Self-acclaim of my Self-overcoming is my “Martyrdom”.

What I am getting from your State of the World Address is simply delusions of grandeur, you display a belief in yourself that you are somehow omnipotent, despite evidence to the contrary and your perceived sense of importance is inflated for no apparent legitimate reason.

I read what you wrote under the same heading in Know Thyself Forum and it seems to me that your belief of your perceived sense of importance is way out of proportion.

If I recall you left this Forum, bemoaning it for being worthless, yet after how many months, you return with this narcissistic nonsense that you deserve public recognition. All I can conclude from this is, you may well be afflicted by some type of delusion which often accompanies a psychiatric condition. Bipolar?

Here’s an excerpt, specially for the likes of you:

A Noble Revelation.

Class is created through War, nay persists through War: it is the Shadow of War, a very bleak but at the same time very colourful Shadow:

My Privi-Lege is the privilege of looking back on nature, coming “back” to nature, from the perspective furthest removed from nature that this 6,000 y.o. or so World (Vir-Old, Masculine Male Man-world) has yet known.

Grand Father 1 Grand Mother 1 Grand Father 2 Grand Mother 2 Father 1 Mother 2 Son 1 Daughter 2. This Order is Extremely Important.

I am the Messiah the Jews have awaited because I teach that Jehovah is no more and no less than the Jewish War God, the Jewish Father Figure, the Great Grandfather of the Jews–of Israel, He Who Wars with God, Who Vies with God, who Walks with God in Warring with God–and not in Valhalla, but in this Universe, this Dimensions, this History, this Time.

[W]hy must Kalki be like Nara-Simha, the Man-Lion, who is the male side of the same Phenomenon of which Sekhmet is the female side?

The world is at a turning point. Either accept and, indeed, celebrate the true Alpha-Male, the Philosopher, who has kept hidden all this time; or–

The Sacred: that is the Dwelling of the Philosopher in the forests of Truth. But those forests are the forests of Extremity, and nobody knows in advance where the sacred grove of Truth lies among them.

[T]he first thing to be affirmed is nature’s cruelty–metaphorical or not–against man. Only then can man be affirmed as a natural being in his very attempts to conquer nature.


“Eternal return is philosophy’s natural edifying teaching; it does not comfort itself or others with the next world ostensibly more perfect than our own; it says of the only world there is, or rather it ‘shouts insatiably’ (aph. 56) to the world as it is: Be what you are, be eternally what you are!” (Laurence Lampert, Leo Strauss and Nietzsche, page 57.)

And here’s an excerpt, not in the form of about one sentence from every paragraph, but in the form of one sentence, period:

I feel that I justify the whole state of the world and all of history.

The entire Address (and its post-script) should serve to illustrate this.

It is the 23, so keep us updated! The suspense is killing me, or you. I’ve never had have a good thing to say about you or Satyr, but in this single act I believe I can come to applaud you two idiots finally for a task well done. Just unfortunately, good news is no news, and fear I will always be left to wonder.

I should never of mentioned Kabbalah to you on Nietzscheforum, you’ve thoughly have wrecked your mind on the window licking drugs of the golden dawn. Not to say your mind was much to begin with, but now your even less.

Your not representative of Keter. I called you Tif’eret before you knew the concept, and you’ve made absolutely no progress in it. One cannot hold a conception of Nihilism as even remotely possible with Keter.

Keter is often thought of as a invisible, unknowable cause expressed in theoretic, unifying effects, a root system underlying all motivation and meanings derived from the other Seriphot. It is the underlining cause of generation and causality, what makes illogical statements logical in a larger, hidden framework. You can’t see the forest beyond the trees.

You have made absolutely no progress. You’ve regressed, and the drugs you’ve taken likely have messed up your mind. You know damn well on a intellectual level it is extremely difficult for Keter to be known from the perspective of Tif’eret. Everything you’ve expressed so far shows your isolation from the higher, more intellectual Seriphot. They are not combined in your mind. Still separate entities. You don’t combine them by giving a conceptual hierarchy to gods and declaring yourself the greatest, or naming a place in time and topography, expecting to interrelate it to them through your selfhood. That is not Keter at all, not even remotely. It is stupidity, the kind of stupidity that can only arise from one completely lacking in knowledge of themselves and the civilization they live in. Neither the individual in yourself or others are abstractions. Keter doesn’t operate in the realm of ideals. It’s side effects are known in it. The real force is the self, a self your not able to reach.

Satyr, for all his flaws, and I’ve hit him far harder than you have in your faggot silliness, comes closer, much closer than you ever will. He is closer in his personal trauma, however blinding the syncope, to grasping it at times than you ever can.

Keter is not known through numerology, it is not known through aphorism, it us not known through poetry, it is not known through dancing, it us not known through hierarchy, it is not known through ideas, it is from nothing. It is everything. You, most certainly, do not match the cognitive bill.

And yes, I know.
And no, you do not.
And no, I don’t care what retorts Fixed Cross will make to support your fragile ego.
Carrying on like your knowing what the fuck your antics are leading you… your largely clueless due to your inability to grasp it at all, will not impress me or anyone. Satyr plays games with Keter because it is to hurtful to face those who hurt him. To face them is to understand. Your not in a position currently to even catch a glimpse of it, wouldn’t even be aware of it if you didn’t see it scribbled on a medieval logical model of thought.

All thus thread does is show evidence of title of works you’ve only partially read, or didn’t quite understand. Hocus Pocus doesn’t result in a deep insight of the soul. The left handed path leads to a lot of silly distractions and lost time. If you want to make progress in knowing yourself, then you will have to flee your presumptions. Keter is not categorical, your retorts and clever supporting evidence will be invalid, warned in advance of any futile reply.

Wrong, moron. The Nietzsche Forum ( was in 2009; this was in 2004:

Not reading the rest of your post (now).

In fact, I wasn’t even aware you’d been dabbling in Qabalah before I read Satyr’s post in my thread just before I read yours. This is because you’re of no interest to me. Whatsoever.

It’s a parody, that’s all. It’s consummate in its attempt to conflate the religious with the profane, the rational with the obtruce, no one can decipher the logic of an encyclopedia. But I agree, it is sooooooo like Nietzsche’s apology, Eccentric Homo. It is a reversal of symbolic fortune, yet out of Pandora’s box, it’s both irretrievable nor reversible.

You were just dictating as God to presidential candidates to conform to your delusions of grandure, now your scared of a little Christian?

Ohhhhhh, poor baby!

Can’t even figure out the basics of the ordering of the sephirot. It’s simple medieval logic, and you still fuck it up.

If you don’t know, best to keep your mouth shut. Only ignorant fools are impressed by you, and they soon leave you once they learn a bit about the underlining ideas, and your personal limitations. Satyr is worth twenty of you. And a feral cat covered in fleas and piss is worth 3 Satyr.

The Ballad of Sauwelios: as I’ve come to view him over the years.

(The following is Apocrypha for any holy texts Sri Sauwelios will release in his name, to be read as supporting commentary in the centuries that lie ahead)

My name is Sauw-elios, because I tell all the guys I swallow, I live a life of Prive-ledge, cause I’m living a lazy uninteresting fuck who never sought to ex-cel in anything. I play videos games, and am spiritual, like the “Spear” of Shiva, or the “Gum” of Bazooka Joe, and am the first of my family never to of done anything meaningful with my life, because I am the runt of the family. I’m the black sheep of all familiar reunions, and my kin all tower over me. As a immoralist, I constantly push the boundaries of morals, except those boundaries with prison sentences, because I’m too fragile and sensitive in frame to survive prision without becoming some lifer’s bitch.

I do wild dances to Dionysius, until the police show up, because I have bad reactions to pepper spray, I then stop and apologize to everyone in the library, and promise to leave immediately. My spiritual nature is unmatched, for I sauwelios like to post swatzikas cleverly disguised on internet forums, and extensively quote Neo-Nazis Saints who’s Ashes are stored at the New Bern Compound in America, all the while denying I have any link to it, because my country officially monitors all Neo-Nazis activity in my country here in the Netherlands.

I dance and play a fool, I pretend to Godhead, yet can’t cook my own food, I sings songs of Zarathustra, I climb the mountains of Amsterdammmmmmm, but at the end of the day, I’m frustrated, as nobody seems to give a damn! I sweat and labor over lousy posts, writing multiple rough drafts, end result looks like the chicken scratch found under hen coops, I pray earnestly to the unknown gods for a follower, and all I get is the divine shaft in returnnnnnnn, I live my life to the highest standards, those standards being pulled out of my ass, and other things in return have entered, to fill the void within!!!

I call this philo-sophy, a Theosophy for a eternal return, a return to a place I don’t know, alien and cold and disheartening, a place where I am not loved, alienated and isolated, in a city of disheartening Dutch Speakers, eating cheese in a back alley on a rainy night… Will somebody recognize my broken plight, I know nothing of spiritual delight, only fancy imaginative flights, to escape my depressing lifeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I blame everything stupid about me on Nietzsche. He is the reason I can out the tangerine I am. He for saw all my silliness, and he us my only true friend. Who can befriend someone named apparently Barl, who’s name rhymes with Barf, a man no mother could love? All I want us just one follower, one sincere follower who will stand by my side, support me with deep pockets, and never see through me. Why, or why, can’t I find such a divine Superman such as that to follow me?

[end satire, for now]

No, Sauwelios doesnt stop when he is being threatened. He is one of those opposite type guys who keep going straight into a flamethrower. Not all your qualities transpose onto him, Turdl (Austrian for sweet Turd) - in fact most of S’s qualities are opposites to qualities you have.

He never shot unarmed women and children like you and your buddies, but also never prayed to Christ to have his sins washed away.

He is not a coward. Essentially this already make it impossible for you to understand him. Hence why your mockery is so lame.

The following may serve as an introduction to my OP and its sequels (now four in total)–though it may itself, in turn, require an introduction which I will then supply in due time.


Below average intelligence need of course not necessarily mean stupid. Relatively stupid, perhaps, but modern humanism considers everyone to have a pretty high intelligence: this is the basis of “universal human dignity”. But if this is not necessarily at hand, it may be wiser to establish a tradition for the upkeep of this intelligence. A foundation of men who are entrusted with versing themselves in the meaning (sense!) of that dignity.

“Intelligence” here does not have the sense as in “Central Intelligence Agency”–mere information. It means understanding, and especially the understanding of understanding. Self-awareness or, as Cahoone formulates it in his lecture on Heidegger’s Being and Time, “letting-oneself-come-toward-oneself in having-been as making-entities-present”. But Picht, in his speech on Nietzsche, argues that Aristotle’s noeseos noesis is really poieseos poiesis, the figmenting of figmenting, thinking thinking itself–that is, making phenomena appear making itself appear. Nietzsche insists that this is a forcing of oneself. But this forcing oneself does not spring from oneself, that is, it does not come from nothing. This tyrannical will is no free will. It is the result of one’s environment in the profound sense that one’s environment as well as one’s self is the result–and never the end result–of a practically unsurveyable process. What metaphysics is is the will to survey that process “in theory”, that is, in the mind’s eye, nay the mind’s senses. This already suggests that it’s a modest kind of person who lets her own history be as short as 6000 human years. She leaves the rest to God–but God is represented by the male, who after all claimed to speak for God. Thus in the Manu Samhita it’s said: “Punishment is (in reality) the king (and) the male”, which is to say ‘compared with him all others are (weak) women.’

“But where Punishment with a black hue and red eyes stalks about, destroying sinners, there the subjects are not disturbed, provided that he who inflicts it discerns well.” (The Laws of Manu, Bühler trans., 7:25; 17.)

Punishment is none other than Agni, Fire:

"But when, great god, thine awful anger glows,
And thou revealest thy destroying force,
All creatures flee before thy furious course,
As hosts are chased by overpowering foes.

“Thou levelest all thou touchest; forests vast
Thou shear’st, like beards which barber’s razor shaves.
Thy wind-driven flames roar loud as ocean’s waves,
And all thy track is black when thou hast past.” (Muir trans.)

What the Nietzschean philosopher aims at is to be the recurrence of that god, Bhairava, the fiercest human form of Shiva known to man. With the oblong object peculiar to him, he warns man to return to his historical duties “or else!” That the object peculiar to him is not the sword should be no surprise. That it’s not the pen–or, in my case, the keyboard, which I wield ineptly enough–may need to be spelled out, however. It’s not an oblong object. It’s not an object at all, but the openness, the vastness, of our minds. That openness now paradoxically turns against modern openness, by going beyond the prevalent limitedness of that openness which is due to spiritual sloth.–

I always question myself, I even question whether I’ve questioned myself enough. But on the other hand, I will question myself for having questioned myself too much–and won’t just question myself. The Democratic movement is still a force to be reckoned with, do not make yourself any illusions. The fact that the Trump-Clinton war is a neck-a-neck race suffices to illustrate this. And yet here I am, writing this because it apparently doesn’t suffice to illustrate this to many. It’s apt that the Democratic side be represented by a woman, and not in the least because it’s such a “manly” woman, such an Islamic or, if one has a nose for such things (as good cynics often have even more than philosophers, those who most follow their noses–which is a cryptic clue), a Byzantine woman… Trump represents the side which supposedly hears the individual, the common man, the little man. But his victory, in turn, will represent the official statement of fact that Western democracy has degenerated into an ochlocracy, a mob rule. Again, the fact that it’s a neck-a-neck race tells us quite clearly that that is imminent. Hillary represents the voice of “democracy in practice”, which the Dutch Nietzschean Menno ter Braak defended against impending Nazism in 1930s Holland: failing and thereby succeeding democracy, democracy with its necessarily arising and arisen elites! For democracy is, in its conception, supposed to be the universal aristocracy, in which everyone is an aristocrat–that is, obliged by his freedom to treat everyone in a noble manner. But what is noble about the man in the street who votes for Trump, or Wilders in the Netherlands (see my “Nietzsche Contra Wilders” essay), Brexit in the UK, etc. etc.? It’s supposedly that he dares say it. And in the street, that soon means defending it against people who would beat you up for it–in the first place by an attitude that suggests you’re ready and indeed more than willing to fight people off. I sometimes do that, too. I always have an attitude, except when I feel secure in the vehemence of my attitude, which is most of the time; and then, I adhere to the rules, if not to the unwritten ones, then certainly to many that I’ve unwittingly written myself (I have an innate susceptibility to paranoia). Now the paradox and the irony is that both parties seem to want the same thing: a Democratic Republic. Surely making America great again must mean making it a Democratic Republic again. But what Americans are learning the hard way is that the meanings of “Democracy” and “Republic” change over time. It was only in the twentieth century that “democracy” changed so as to have voting include women. And likewise, it is with continuing immigration that the Public Thing (res publica), “that thing of ours, we the people”, has changed to include non-White Protestants–first Catholics (Irish and Italian, and now Latino), and now even Muslims. To Protestants, every man is his own priest, and this led to modern Humanism where every man decides for himself what religion he practices. But modern Humanism turns into postmodernism–which is no longer Humanism, no longer concerned especially with human beings, or homo sapiens–as it realises that modern Humanism, too, is a religion–a paradoxical, secular religion. It is this secular religion which both parties claim to represent.

In fact, they really only represent it together. Trump represents the logical consequence of the call for the ideal democracy: fascism as tyranny in the literal sense, empowered by an angry mob. Hillary represents the logical consequence of the conservation of imperfect democracy: fascism in the popular sense of the word as bureaucracy and elitism; “corporo-fascism”.

What all this calls for is that philosophers become kings: no longer in the Platonic way, as invisible spiritual rulers who compromise with popular religion; but now as visible, physio-logical rulers who will make no compromise, who start the natural human religion, re-ligio, binding man back to nature.

“Knowing the inevitability of masks, Nietzsche chose to weave his own, the mask of a rash truth teller whose unguarded speech would make him seem an immoralist, a devil, the mask of a super-Machiavelli. That mask, and the vehemence with which its terrible contours would be traced by those who took it to be more than a mask, inevitably assigned a task to his friends, advocates bound by the beauty and rigor of his writings to see eventually that the mask masked its opposite, a new teaching on good and bad by something approaching a god.” (Lampert, Nietzsche’s Task, penultimate page.)

Lampert represents the near-godlike, the noble; I on the other hand feel I need to complement him by representing the mask, manifesting the mask, the mask of Dionysos: it is my ambition to manifest the last Man “against Time”, the avatar Kalki, who is also the first Man “in Time”, the Superman.

“The man ‘in Time’ can have any aim, with the exception of a disinterested one (which would at once raise him ‘above Time’). He himself is always like a blind force of destructive Nature. (That is the reason why so many thoroughly ‘bad’ characters in literature and in the theatre are so attractive, in their forceful evil.) He has no ideology. Or rather, his ideology is himself, separated from the divine Whole–i.e., it is the disintegration of the Whole (of the universe) for the benefit of himself, and, ultimately, the destruction of himself also, although he does not know it or does not care. And that is the case in every instance. But under certain conditions, when his action takes, in human history, the permanent importance that a great geological cataclysm has in the history of the earth, then, as I said, the man ‘in Time’ disappears from our sight, and in his place–but still bearing his features,–appears, in all His dramatic majesty, Mahakala, the eternal Destroyer. It is Him Whom we adore in the great lightning individuals such as Genghis Khan–Him; not them. They are only the clay images inhabited by Him for a few brief years. And just as the clay image hides and suggests the invisible God or Goddess–Power everlasting–so does their selfishness both hide and reveal the impersonal purposefulness of Life; the destructive phase of the divine Play, in which already lies the promise of a new dawn to come.” (Savitri Devi, The Lightning and the Sun, Chapter III.)

I would say the Abrahamic religions have the following human meaning. The story of the Fall represents the fact that, when man obtains knowledge of good and evil, he sees there is no eternal good and evil. This scares him so much that he submits to a good and evil that supposedly comes from the Eternal Himself, or the Eternals Themselves. Why did God supposedly create man as male and female if He made him–them–in His own image? But thinking of God as Eternals, as masculine and feminine ones, or a masculine One and a feminine One, would only defer the problem. God must be thought as a He, because He must not be at all like Eve, who first tasted the bitter truth that there is no eternal good and evil. He must not be a philosopher, someone who loves the taste of forbidden fruits. He must not be sinful, sundering the working order of society; he must not be hubristic, overstepping his bounds. He must never lose sight of the Idea of the Good. Because man–that is the problem–is traditionally, nay evolutionarily, the transgressor among the sexes–that is, in relation to woman. He will overstep his bounds in order to save her. It is like woman’s relation to her child:

“[H]ow can we understand the so-called wrathful deities, the focus of so many contemplative practices in Tibetan Buddhism? In essence, their awesome appearance expresses the invincible power of compassion.
Imagine a mother whose child was about to be run over by a car. She would not hesitate, or gently say, ‘Please move away from the road.’ She would immediately grab the child and pull him forcibly to safety. Her act is violent in appearance only. In truth she has saved her child’s life.” (Demonic Divine, Foreword.)

Now what the Nietzschean philosopher is is an Enlighted one, a “Buddha”, who comes down from “Nirvana” out of cruelty rather than out of compassion–not in the least out of cruelty against himself. He will be the synthesis of Jerusalem and Athens, of Punishment and Blame, taking the blame on himself for the punishment, the whole responsibility which was formerly thought to fall upon God. He shall be the Caesarian philosopher who emerges out of the actual human achievement of the Christ-soul. His self-crucifixion consists in throwing off the cross he’s been carrying, in taking command, in willing himself, in insisting that the historical process that’s led to him was a good thing, is still a good thing, and may continue to be a good thing. A great thing, in fact. Through Christianity, European man–and the Americas, for example, are really New Europe–has come a long way from traditional societies with their Gods who eclipse their Goddesses. Those Gods usually do so in ways in which their feminine side dims the painfully stark brightness of their masculine side (for instance, in Jewish tradition, the left hand of God covers His right hand). But it’s still a God and not a Goddess. If He did not eclipse Her, She would become Kali. That is, Mother Time would swallow man. Against this, then, Rudra lets himself be danced on by Her, worshipping Her in secret while subduing Her, taking the epithet Shiva or even taking a back seat to a more feminine God, who in turn secretly worships Him. What Europe or the West must show the (Middle) East is that, in straying so far from that tradition, man has not strayed into the depths, but into the heights. This is not possible; at best, he can show that he has strayed into the heights as well as into the depths–because he has strayed into the depths. Western man must show the world how deeply he has punished himself. But also, secretly, enjoyed himself, precisely in his cruelty against himself. The peak achievement of Western culture has turned out to be its supreme pariah–its self-enforced pariah, yea self-legislated pariah. One way of putting this is a title I entertained recently, “Enlightened Nietzsche and his Darkening Thundercloud”. (Perhaps I should change that into “The Enlightened Nietzschean” etc.) The Nietzschean as I conceive him is in a way Europe’s Goddess: thus nearing the time at which I first read Nietzsche, I insisted to myself that it’s not the girls who should be chased by the guys, but rather the other way round. I insisted that the Poet is a greater source of inspiration than the Muse. And yet I’ve always worshipped my inner Goddess, be it in the form of a rather feminine God (a Child-God). I’ve indulged myself in tonal music as no other. But the East is wise in sticking to modal music: for our compassion or self-pity must not impel us to become activists–or even pacifists. The wrath of Shiva must not lose itself in insanity.

Last night I wrote a new Barl-post, a new De-Waal pile in the sense of impact-driven piles (a foundation technique). Its initial title was “Droning”, which is a reference to my remark that “(i)n Femitheism’s ideal society, men would basically be drones”, which I made in my “Nietzschean Feminism” thread on–for which my new post was meant. As I was already thinking of posting a version of that thread’s OP here, as a second prequel, I will now post my new post here instead.


In the first prequel to my State of the World Address, I spoke of “[a] foundation of men who are entrusted with versing themselves in the meaning (sense!) of [universal human] dignity”. This Versing-oneself I will now call Droning.

The supreme Drones of the human race, compared to whom all other Men are disposable, are those whom, in the description of my Nietzschean Übermensch forum, my (inverted) Hindu swastika site, I’ve called “the true Brahmin”. 'Tis my ambition to be a true Brahmin in that Sense.

Why have I these past nineteen years droned on about Nietzsche &c? What trauma, what abortion had I to be to be in need of dreaming like I’ve done? My Passion is my special Privilege. Long and hard have I sat here, entrenched in Thoughts, hiding from any attempts to save me from myself.

My becoming who or what I am is my coming to terms with my History, my realizing how most fortunate our “unfortunate” “past” has been. Our “past” is not yet past, so long as its extremest consequence has not yet come to pass. This consequence is necessary only inasmuch as the free-will/determinism debate is decided.

I’ve decided to cut that Gordian knot through this Free Determinism: my Will. There is no necessity, no Need; only Bliss. But as this Bliss is readily perceived as Cruel, it’s easily misunderstood as its own opposite. In truth, it’s not just the opposite of bliss, but itself bliss.

The word “bliss”, though not etymologically related to “blessedness”, has been influenced by “blessedness”. Interestingly, “blessed”, as well as “cruel”, can be traced back to a sense of “bloody”. As I wrote earlier this summer or Spring:

“A sentiment I had yesterday night was: Enough with all the dogmatism, absolutism, objectivism! Let us show the world that war is the father of all, the king of all! The descendants of the vanquished still smear themselves with blood and pray to the statues of the deified or glorified victors because of the latter’s bloody victory (war makes some gods, others men; some slaves, others free).”

This passage contains three implicit citations of Heraclitus. The following may serve as recompense for this indiscretion:

“Spirit is Life which itself cuts into Life: by one’s own torment, one’s own Wisdom multiplies itself,–did ye already know this?
And the Spirit’s Bliss is this: to be anointed and by one’s own Tears consecrated as sacrifical animal,–did ye already know this?” (Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra, “Of the famous Wise”, my translation.)

The Horned God is none other than the indisposably disposable male. I offer myself to the world to dispose of me as it must–come what may! I hereby bless any (transsexual) woman for wanting to slap me in the mouth. What real Man is going to do it?

Who will understand what I’ve been getting at for years now? I’m a real real man, not simply a real man. I reject the platitudes “real men” need to believe in, because they are at bottom just boys, children frightened by reality. In order not to have their pleasure principle be smothered by the reality principle, they need such sublimations. Which is not to say I myself don’t. But precisely because my pleasure principle was marginalized by other boys my age–yet reinforced by my being the eldest among my siblings–, I’ve become eminently qualified to fight sublimation.

Reality principle + Pleasure principle


Repression + Pleasure principle

Sublimation (including Neurosis)

Sublimation + Pleasure principle

the Sublation of sublimation


The last bit is a reference to my “Dialectics of Repression” OP. Cf. the end of

Sauwelios wrote:

There is none.

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote:The weak and the failures should perish: first principle of our love of humanity. And they should be helped to do this.

My question.

Why did Nietzsche think he was exempt from this.

Are you suggesting that the peoples whom the Nazis decimated were weak and failures?

Because he did not think himself weak or a failure.

Like Satyr and others SM cant understand N precisely because she is a nazi.