Will there be war in Europe before 2050?

Ukraine and Russia, yes, and do not forget the situations in Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, … (Kurdistan). They all are not very far away from Europe.


I voted a no as there is no way I will be able to verify this as I will most likely be dead before 2050 (given my family history).

One Liner, “before 2050” also includes the near future, for example the next hour. :wink:

I voted yes, unless Europe can again reclaim its place in its superior historical superiority in political science, and solve this certain slippery slope.

I believe, this can, and must happen, in spite of its very checkered past.

If Europe will continue its self-destructiv politics, then there will be no future for it.

Will you be dead in 2018-2020 though?

There is no livable future for civilization across the planet more likely.

There has never been so much violence (compare alone the current number of wars and warlike events) in the world than today (which roughly means from 1990 till now).

Please read this:

Whatever Duterte’s reasons are, the UN is indeed as corrupt as the US and the EU are.

Include the Roman Catholic Churc in the list. The very bodies trying to influence opinion there are very guilty.

Points of fact: the Catholic Church disallows birth control, effectively causing large scale human right violations, such as child prostitution, mass starvation.

The US government and major world powers give generously to aphumanitarian agencies and directly to the government, knowing that the monies meant to being it the victims of natural disaster so prevelant in that part of the country, end up in Swiss bank accounts belonging to various politicians.

The drug lords, both Philippino and Chinese, rake in huge profits, causing further economic decline, poverty ap, illness and death, from an area with a staggering 50% plus unemployment.

He is absolutely right to model his policies after Signapore, with similar problems and solutions. Another instance of outside pressures in the name of good will, human rights , and the insincerity of alleged foreign aid.

My official position on this matter is that there is already a war in Europe (it’s just a different type of war) and it’s a war that will get a lot worse as time progresses.

What you are describing here can also be said about the Occidental nations, especially the US nation: “… birth control …, … effectively causing large scale human right violations …, … natural disaster …, … end up in Swiss bank accounts belonging to various politicians …, … drug lords, rake in huge profits, causing further economic decline, poverty ap, illness and death, … unemployment …, … in the name of good will, human rights , and the insincerity of alleged foreign aid” …

I guess, you mean the ecomical and demographical war.

That is interesting.

I hope, you have enough water in that central Australian desert. Maybe you have not enough water to write more than one line. :wink:

Many belief system founders came from desert regions, spent a relatively long time in the desert.

From which region in Eastern Europe do you originally come?

Perhaps that is why there is such heavy censure against the Phillippines, it’s counter productive to the interests of these countries, whose hidden agenda of control of the region is foremost on their minds. This may seem an outlandish statement, but remember Reagan’s Iran-contra debacle? Nothing is surprising nowedays.

Imagine, many nations in East, South, North, and Central Asia, some nations in West Asia, many nations in Africa found a second UNO, an Eastern-UNO, a Second-and-Third-World-UNO.

UNO 1 and UNO 2:


I will eventually be out here for a total of 7 years (sometimes people only last a day before they quit).

So you have enough water in that said desert?

@ Jerkey.

If we can take Duterte seriously (in dubio pro re), then we have to face two facts according to the BBC text (see above):

Duterte does not want drugs, drug dealres, drug lords, thus drug-related deaths in his country. The current UNO (thus mainly the “Western World”) wants drugs, thus drug lords, drug dealers, drug-related deaths in all countries of the world.

Why is it not possible to seriously talk about this global problems? Drugs are everywhere in this world, are expensive, cause many, many, many death people, thus much death and much money.

Economically and politically said, drugs are like wars and terrorism (civil wars). They bring much money resp. power.