Women are all psychotic narcissists, no, no doubt about it

I dont choose females, females choose me. This isn’t bragging, I am actually whining. It’s female dominated cuckland. If you’re born male, you don’t have choices in anything.

Ive seen the backside of those so called good relationships. When their man is away, I hear their conversations. They talk incessantly, like Wheatley from Portal 2. The conversations are so-overly concerned about their man it’s concerning. This and that about their men, support him there, how does he feel about this and that, chattering incessantly on the edge of absurd. Definitely a psychosis.

And if you’re not their “type”, they won’t even give you a chance in order to even care about you. It’s all or nothing for them, binary extremes, they either obsess about you, or don’t give one iota. Definitely a psychosis…

I have also seen men fighting over women… are they not psychotic too?

My above comment makes this comment from you moot.

Its the rational thing to do in the sexual stratified land of the cucks. For males, losing a girl is like being handed a ticket to perdition.

For females, to get upset over some random jock, is irrational…in 5 minutes they can find some other jockclone.

…this is London 2016.

The choice thing, the balance of bargaining power, is actually just a function of numbers, game theory wise. If your social enviroment is overstocked with males, all other things being equal, then yes, the minority females will have the power.

If you can’t improve your odds by acquiring some form of rarity within your local gender group, social value wise, monetary, acclaim, etc. you can always move.

Insecure people obsess, secure ones trust. Wherever you are, sounds like a fairly desperate social arena, if what you describe as your experiences are true.

Social stratification doesn’t just mean overstock, it can be equal population count but an imbalance in the dynamics.
There is an equal amount of males and females on Earth, yet on dating sites, women get full inboxes and males get empty inboxes. It is like this in most all regions (except Thailand.)

Don’t know what that is supposed to mean.

Could you give me an example of the dynamics involved please.

Ask Ecmandu.

I posted the dynamics several months ago, don’t feel like going through them again. You’re a smart guy, I bet you can piece them together yourself…

Wanted your version tbh. A bullet list would have done. I’m a guy, we’re easily satisfied apparently.

Please note that for Trixie the terms woman and female are not mutually compatible. She hates all women but does not hate all females. And men
can be female too as femaleness is not gender specific whereas biological sex [ usually ] is. So Trixie herself is biologically male but psychologically
both male and female but with the female side dominating. And it is why she uses female gender pronouns and why I do when I am referring to her

Oh, right. I can see where this thread comes from then I guess.

Translated into common usage English then it boils down to “a certain type of woman displays a certain set of behavioural tropes”

Which is a lot less inflammatory.

In that case I agree, my work here is done.

Everyone knows clowns are female. Men don’t smile.

Far as females shmemales, these I don’t know what the difference is anymore. Could be a woman could be a female, could be a shmemale. It’s easier just to hate when it’s convenient, like when you are in a bad mood.

I treat like a random grab bag, you pick one, you hate em. Maybe ill hate a man on mondays, maybe a tranny on tuesdays, and maybe a female on fridays. Long as I can hate someone, some day of the week, I’m in business.

Noope, all do.

All women are psychotic narcissists, once you get enlightened youll see…im just ahead of the curve…

You’re living in delusion land, you dont want to see the darkside of the moon before your very eyes…

the ancients knew this, they knew womaness was darkness and chaos, yin, so why don’t you accept the wisdom of the sages.

Sure but when you say “women”, you’re using a personal shorthand to designate a special set of what to your experience exemplifies as woman, rather than the broader definition under the common dictionary heading.

It’s the same as me saying “all mad dogs are mad” which though true, is not really enlightening.

So I agree, their is a percentage of women who display the behaviour you’ve mentioned, and to be frank, a fair few men too. These are sexual strategies, and at root, genderless anyway.

As for hating randomly on the stereotype of the week… well, I admire your attention span I guess, but why not take up hmm, chess, or painting or something…? Or avant-guarde extreme marbles. I dunno, seems a waste of your creative energy.

How are sexual strategies genderless? You keep getting dumber every minute. No wonder you left the forum for 4 years. Took 4 years to collect your thoughts…

My creative energies? Fyi I program things, including simulations. Bet you don’t even know how to code.

Chess isn’t a serious intellectual pastime, it’s like mental masturbation for autists. Enjoyable, and fun, but don’t try to make it into the same kind of social poster boy for intellectual high society like it has now.

Looks like someone isn’t very good at chess, and wants to vent his frustrations?

Sexual energy is indeed genderless. Gender does not go “all the way down”, the gender division exists at a certain point within the overall psychological-physiological structure and is shaped into concrete existence as a consequence of existing social norms and expectations.

Everyone is “bisexual” because sexuality is not absolutely binary, the binary split is an approximation along a continuum. Sexual instinct is about the pleasure response and desire involved: desire for the pleasure, stimulation of a dopamine serotonin circuitry in your head. Whatever can stimulate your genitals is going to trigger that circuitry. Hell, baby giraffes can form maternal bonds to jeeps, and adolescents can and do find sexual release by running their genitals on just about any old surface that feels good.

When instinct manifests it is at the behest of a multitude of factors, only some of which are absolutely binary. Just because you’re closed off to your larger sexual possibilities and to the socially constructed influences that shape how you think about your gender, doesn’t mean that is actually how it works in reality.

Guess I’m on your ignore list by now, so - what he said.

“His” frustrations? Have to add you to my list of bigots and transphobes…

“Not good at chess?” Have to add you to my list of retards that draw stupid conclusions.
Look, I get it, you are of the Oprah generation, you watch Hollywood movies, you see Magneto playing chess, you read about the top 10 chess players in the world, and you put chess as some kind of “holy grail” of intellectualism, like every 10 year old does.

Says the transphobe that get’s to decide my gender…

If someone is 99 percent straight, but would screw a effeminate dude every now and then, that doesn’t mean everyone is bisexual.
What you mean to say, is everyone is potentially bisexual, and by changing their Flux of hormones, they can change their lust patterns.

I have never orgasmed to a car, or thought of jeeps as my mother, but maybe you are like this guy. Who knows?

Im probably the most sexually enlightened person on this planet…seen as how I’ve been molested and abused much of life by both genders…

I don’t use that thing, I’m not sort of SJW modern feminist coward.

Actually that is exactly what it means.

No, what I meant is that the fact that this changing and flux is even possible demonstrates that sexuality is genderless.

Sorry to hear that.