Modern psychology - a joke?

Possibly not philosophy but psychology yes can be viewed as a science.

a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws:
the mathematical sciences.
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
any of the branches of natural or physical science.
systematized knowledge in general.
knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.
a particular branch of knowledge.
skill, especially reflecting a precise application of facts or principles; proficiency.

The human brain and the mind by extension ARE part of the physical world and can be seen as a science. … e-argument

In a sense.

But it is.

In the 50’s they did lobotomies on people…surgically removing parts of the brain…the equivalent of medieval bloodletting. No scientific evidence behind it or evidence that it actually helped anything. How is that not a joke?

In the 60’s they said homosexuality was a disease…Homosexuality is not a disease, it occurs in nature whenever a species is sexually stratified…Not to mention, the only chance to turn someone straight is by testosterone…they didn’t even try that…because they are idiots…Again, another one of their jokes…

They made up another disorder called “anti-authority disorder” If anyone fears or dislikes authority…then they are mentally ill…another joke of theirs…

They tried to stop people from being transgender by giving them shock therapy…How would that even work? Where is the correlation that getting electrocuted will change your gender identity? Again, another one of their sick jokes…

Now they added coffee drinking as a mental illness too…

Depends on what part of they anatomy they attached the probes to.

I would say electrocuting their balls would make them more transgender, not less.

Yes, then there is a correlation between shock therapy and gender identity!

No, because the shock therapy I was talking about doesn’t shock their balls.

Have you ever witnessed or participated in shock therapy?

Yes, and I was glad they did it. This one asshole girl I met in the mental hospital was very rude to me, when I was trying to be nice to her.
Next day, they gave her shock therapy. I laughed all night.
I could hear her screams through the walls, and each time I did, I burst out laughing.

I also know a transgender who was given shock therapy. The shock therapy didn’t do anything, (Why would it?)

Are you saying she was screaming while they gave her shock therapy?

Yes. Why wouldn’t she be?

What year/decade was it?

Many years ago.

3 years ago?


I try not to keep a good memory on these things, I try to forget my trips to the mental hospital, some of these experiences were kind of traumatic, like the most traumatic thing that ever happened to me kind of traumatic.

53 years ago?

No. That’s lobotomy era, they would have just cut off her brains and called it a day.

20 years ago?

No. Around 10 or so I’d say.
