philosophical quotes

days are so long , your coming age is telling you spend whatever number of years with art and wisdom but as a prerequisite you well make.

as a summary of the science of Probability and Statistics: probability and statistics is one of mathematics sciences where for example, this is a red pen and this is a triangle in a box,this is a blue pen and this is an orange ruler in a box and this is a green pen and a compasses in a box thats the statistics,then we rearranged them behind a curtain so either the red pen is with the orange ruler ,the red pen is with the compasses or the red pen is with the triangle ,the blue pen is with the orange ruler , the blue pen is with the compasses,the blue pen is with the triangle,or the green pen is with the orange ruler,the green pen is with the compasses or the green pen is with the triangle this is the probability.

The science of chaos summary is: You have a field which you planted with wheat this is a standing system then birds came to eat from this wheat,a huntsman entrapped them and sold them,took the money and bought things from the market then the merchant who sold him those things took those money and invested them in the market,the rain came so you do not need the irrigation water so you saved the irrigation money in the bank,insects came and ate a half kg of the crop after you stored it and so on…this is the chaos that belong to this standing system then the chaos science come to mathematically study the influence of all of this on the economy thats for economy proffesors,the science of chaos comes to mathematically study the influence of all of this on the number of birds in the next year thats for birds proffesors,and the science of chaos comes to study the influence of all of this on the speed of wind thats for climate proffesors and so on…where they collect data about large areas of land,what matters you is the science of chaos from the point of view of your wallet…and if you made a kind of a basal change in the standing system by adding something new to the main parts of the system or omitted one or more of the main parts this is a new system so there will be a new linked chaotic system,for example if you have a store with two workers to sell the merchandise those two workers are two main parts of the standing system,if you employed a third worker to be a main part of the system this is a new system with a new chaotic system as well as if you reduced their number to a single worker there will be a new chaotic system linked to the new standing system,another example if you have a coffee shop to sell tea and coffee with four coffee machines for making tea and coffee,every machine of them is a main part of the standing system and if you bought a fifth one the chaotic system will change,also if you sold one of them and kept the other three…and ofcourse you should do those adds and those omitions with a wisdom.

Everything around you is a masterpiece … everything around you is a story … and the great existence is a big machine that envelopes machines where you will find everything inside this existence is linked to a kind of a machine and where you will find any body is a machine itself thats from the point of view of physics phys “in terms of atoms, molecules and electrons, and so on,” and the study of movement inside this big machine is the science of movement mathematics "mathematics of statics and dynamics “…” science of mechanics ".

the Human logic is divided into linguistic logic and mathematical logic and you have to enrich them with words and mathematical equations by reading and deep thinking.

scientific thinking and thinking about thinking are two of the important types of thinking.

do efforts with regard to your mind,your books and your work and go to them for the purpose of enjoyment you will addict them and your happiness will be completed.

The universe is eternal and immortal,you too is eternal and immortal,death is only a stage of your life stages.

all types of practical life depend mainly on exerting efforts and any problem related to it can be solved by exerting more efforts and efforts are only divided to bodily efforts and mental efforts so do the efforts that you see they do fit and enjoy your life.

those masterpieces that you write,those masterpieces that you draw ,those masterpieces that you incise and those masterpieces that you say are an infinite running river that needs permanent efforts from you.

the cultured person is the person who thoughts a lot including the thinking about the universe and knowledgeable in science, literature,philosophy and art including the Engineering art,he/she is Solicitous about the affairs of the local and the global society,his/her degree of knowledge in every field frequents between poor,normal,good and excellent and when he/she has a degree of good knowledgeable in one of these fields he/she is named cultured and cultured people are classified according to how valuable are there tellings and there writings "there level of thinking"after that those are classifed according to how much did they read and at the end every human being has his own unique and independent civilization.



the best way to have a wife/husband is to do this based on what luck gives you where the machine of luck
For example, you are opening a canz you found her inside it
you bought a jar of honey you found her under the wax
you bought a phial of perfume you found her under the cap saying Good morning
you bought a gateau cake parcel then you went home,you are opening,you found her inside
you are coming out of the sea,you found a seashell and you opened it to find her inside
or you bought a new expensive suit and deluged it with perfume going to a wedding ceremony,your mother fits your suit to you then she is telling you who is this girl under your collar
And so on
you bought a notebook and opened it,paper then the second,you found him irrigate the flowers in a garden
it is raining and after you went home you untie your buckle,you found him in your hair
you are getting an apple from an apple tree a tweenty apples falled amoung them you found him
Or you are setting on the shore of a lake,a fish jumped beside you from the water,you went home and opened it,you found him inside it smoking a ciggarette
And so on
And everyone of course has his own something that he loves of those previously mentioned things…the most beautiful things that you have in your life are those things which you have based on what the machine of luck gives you…and ofcourse there is the machine of luck that belongs to the society as a whole and gives things to the society and there is the machine of luck that belongs to you and gives things to you and ofcourse there is a relation between your machine of luck and the society machine of luck.

lol,who thoughts alot is the cultured person

mmmmm,beside the great universe luck machine,the machine which relates people with the other civilizations in the great universe and every individual of the people has his own part of this machine.

,beside your great universe luck machine,the machine which relates you with the other civilizations in the great universe “the civilizations other than the human’s” but nevertheless you cannot ever connect with those other civilizations by this machine.

there is nothing pure 100% there is no red without black,no green without yellow ,no white without grey there is no pure gold and no pure diamond.

Is the entire universe purely unpure?

mmmmmm,yep sounds yes.