What aren't you doing?

Im glad you came on board again just to tell me this. You must have been even boreder than I am making you.
The logic of boredom is unfathomable.

I wasn’t bored. I was just looking for a wrong to right. I need to this. It helps in a way. It makes you stronger. It helps you strengthen the idea that what is wrong is wrong and what is right is right.

But is that really what happened? Or did I simply stumble upon a wrong?

I simply stumbled upon a wrong.

You have a habit of trying to belittle every little negative thing that is said to you. You might think this makes you smart, but in actuality, it makes you stupid. There is a point to what I am saying.

I don’t like you for the simple reason that you radiate weakness, this weakness being your perpetual lack of interest in disciplining yourself. You are just too relaxed. Don’t bother retorting. I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to say something like “but I am disciplined because [insert something that requires discipline]”. It does not matter even if it is true, for discipline is something that has to be maintained in continuity. There must be consistence. And you apparently lack such a consistence.

You have to understand me. There is very little discipline in this day and age. Everyone is undisciplined. And the first step in making the world closer to being disciplined is to go on the Internet, find some random forums, and then tell undisciplined people that they are undisciplined and that they should go fuck themselves if they do not want to discipline themselves. Changing the world one step at a time, this is my motto.

Monks have far more discipline than you do. Monks, therefore, are higher species than you are. Can you imagine? Monks being greater than your self-valuing self?

For the start, I recommend meditation.


I’m not meditating.

I’m not buying that


No, I cant imagine that.

Are you a monk?

In the end only people who are psychotic are not meditating. Anyone who is rooted in himself is meditating profoundly. No matter how much yoga and zen you try to train, it is your inborn will that determines the depth you can reach.

Once you meditate deeply enough you see that the silliness of mankind is enough to be happily laughing forever. Osho, Zorba the Buddha as he called himself. Cool guy.

Osho was a New Age fag.

Honestly, why is Osho mentioned so much on this forum? He doesn’t deserve this much attention. Why him, over any other? There were at least a dozen internationally well known gurus back in the 20th century not associated with bioterrorism.

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Ra … ror_attack

Because Osho is a Nietzschean. He also has some good advice on how to master sex drive.

Is he?

I’ve only read half a text purporting to be a Upanisad supposedly by him, was horribly bored by it. He didn’t stand out as a Nietzsche an too much, but then again I wasn’t bothering to read too deeply into it, was skimming to find the interesting part, couldn’t find it.

Was a PDF from a few years back.

Where the hell is the cool vs shithead thread you started? I wanted to finish my post before going to sleep but haven’t found it, searched the site twice.

To the extent that a mystic can be a Nietzschean, yes. This means minus the power aspect, though his private life might not have been such.

He is too hung up on “joah”.

Do you wear a suit of armour when you go off on your wrong righting quests?

I’m not questioning him being a mystic, and Nietzsche was a mystic at times. What I’m questioning is, how well did he know Nietzsche? A lot of the Indians I’ve known who like Nietzsche only like him because he spoke fondly of their religion, but they seem to understand him as much as he understood them… which is only in passing, without much insight. Exceptions exist, I can point to followers of Aurobindo being both intelligent and generally we read in regards to Nietzsche, and they can qualify as Nietzscheans, but they intentional try to avoid the more assinine and backwards aspects of Nietzsche’s thought.


I first encountered them in San Francisco at a Indian multicultural organization on Geary, once in a great while I will get a email from them. Not everyone is one, but they hold occasional talks on him. One of the few times I’ve encountered generally good hearted and enlightened Nietzscheans. Very rare, the entire philosophy is designed to defeat and destroy it’s users. They made something positive of it.

Osho was well acquainted with Nietzsche; he was a professor of Philosophy.

Osho liked a lot of Nietzsche’s insights, his indomitable individualism and powerful will, but he saw Nietzsche as simply swapping a dead god for a dead mind.

Osho’s favourite western philosopher was Heraclitus though, here too, he said his insights only took him so far. Heraclitus focused on the river never being the same, whereas Osho was more interested in the ever changing man standing in the river.

PS: Do you like my new avatar?

What aren’t you doing?

What aren’t I doing?
This. (It’s the same guy)

I am not exactly an expert on Osho. I’ve read a book he wrote (“From Sex to Superconsciousness”), read bits of what he wrote here and there, and watched a bunch of videos of him speaking on YouTube. That’s it.

Nonetheless, I can say with confidence that he’s a Nietzschean, albeit not a proper one.

He was a mystic after all. You know what a mystic is? Someone who uses intuition in order to understand what is beyond the material.

Schopenhauer was a mystic, not Nietzsche.

Schopenhauer believed there is a metaphysical will underlying all existence. That’s the basis of every mysticism: the idea that there is some kind of force underlying, and uniting, all of the existence. (There are many other names for it, such as Being, Life Force, Mind Force, Elan Vital, Superconsciousness, God, Qi, Prana, Love, Sympathy, Stillness, Neutral Center, Magnetism, Electricity, Spirit, Essence, Energy, Divinity, and so on and so forth.)

Nietzsche rejected mysticism. He endorsed intuition, that is true, but not that of mystics. Indeed, his entire philosophy was based on this opposition to mysticism.

You can say that Osho was a “good hearted” Nietzschean, though he was not as “good hearted” as other New Age Nietzscheans are (e.g. he thought that homosexuality was a perversion, insisted on absolute birth control, and was pro euthanization of disabled and retarded children.)

Nietzsche wasn’t “bad hearted” as many people think, as you seem to think, but he wasn’t “good hearted” either.

Nietzsche was in essense a revival of the warrior spirit. Osho borrowed a lot from him, but he was opposed to this warrior spirit.

New Agers, in general, whether they are Nietzscheans or not, it should be obvious, are opposed to the warrior spirit.

Their understanding of Nietzsche is nothing but a fantasy that suits their expectations.

Osho speaks of “New Man”. This is supposed to be his Overman, but it isn’t really, since his Overman is literally a new man, i.e. a man without a history.

This is a recurring theme among New Agers, the idea that men should evolve into purely spiritual beings.

Osho endorsed the opposition to Christians, he recognized the problem of sexual repression, he evolved and offered various techniques of sexual meditation, he celebrated freedom, he understood that most people are running away from who they are, but he was nonetheless an ahistorical man.

This is evident from his celebration of the present moment, but most importantly, from his opposition to BOUNDARIES of any sort.

Family unit, marriage, nations . . . these should all disappear, apparently because they are too strict.

Boundaries are always set by who we were in the past. And when I say past I mean past beyond our individual past. I mean the collective past of our ancestors.

You do not become free by transcending the boundaries.

Osho simply transcended the boundaries, and of course, what this led him to is FANTASY LAND.

Whereas Nietzsche endorsed POWER, Osho endorsed LOVE.

Whereas Nietzsche endorsed HARSHNESS, Osho endorsed COMPASSION.

Whereas Nietzsche endorsed PAIN, Osho endorsed JOAH. (“Joah” is how Indians pronounce “joy”, apparently.)

They place too much emphasis on meditation.

Meditation is just a means. A means to decentrate. A means to decentrate in order to enhance concentration.

Osho recognized the problem of EXCESSIVE concentration that was plaguing the modern era (in Nietzsche’s terms, the excessive Apollonian tendency.)

The problem with excessive concentration is that, past a certain point, concentration becomes decentered. The original flow of energies becomes divided into multiple flows. The central flow continues, but the peripheral flows do not. This leads to repression – the accumulation of tension within the body.

What Osho and many other people figured out (among them the school of body psychotherapists that sprung out from the work of Wilhelm Reich) is that, by dissolving the energy flow, by decentering it, one can eliminate this tension.

The mistake they made is that they got addicted to this state.

Instead of decentering in order to gather together the divided flows, they simply decided to remain within, and to celebrate, this diluted state of energies.

They then gave it a name such as GOD.

And thus pacifists were born.

Osho denies being a pacifist, but only for the reason that pacifists are focusing on the future. He is a man who lives wholly inside the present.

So what did Osho do to resolve the excessive Apollonian tendency? To overthrow it with excessive Dionysian tendency.

Concentration must be immediately balanced with decentration. The shorter the periods between the two, the better. The longer, the worse.

Modern age is characterized as bipolar precisely for this: due to the two phases being considerably temporally separated.

One works hard from Monday to Friday in order to party hard from Friday to Sunday. That’s not natural.

There is no natural build up and release of energy.

There is, quite simply, no concentrated energy anymore. All energy is decentered, is decentering continually, until its complete disappearance.

In Baudrillard’s terms, we are living in an age of premature ejaculators.

Osho, thus, should be seen as a grown up spoiled child. He’s impressive precisely because he isn’t merely a spoiled child: he’s also a grown up to a large extent.

Here’s some “good hearted” interpretation of Nietzsche:
oshosearch.net/Convert/Articles_ … 00029.html

And here’s some shamanic “trance dance” ritual:


Sorry, you must have a cock in your ear due to your apparent hearing impairment: Nietzsche was also sometimes a mystic.

Thats reassuring. A proper Nietzsche gets killed off at the getgo. Its why I turned so hostile to the ideas he advocated in Iraq.

I’m not under the delusion all his influence will die off, but his main mass has no choice but to, as it is inherently incompatible with long term survival, it is only the philosophy of the dying, of those trying to.

I doubt Osho’s unifying concept of live was that of the Stoics, in which community ethics is founded upon. Might be just as kinky as the earlier varients. I’m guessing Osho just inducted a bunch of tantric assumptions in and informed his top payers they were transcedentally aware.

Before you lecture me on your brilliant insights, read this short essay. I know a hell of a lot more than you think others can know, armed with your three Nietzsche commentaries as a instant expert. At least Sauwelios and Cezar tried to show they were broadly read.


Says everything you said. Fucking amazing…