"Mental" Illness: The Future of Treatment

regarding this, i mean, the general matter of reform and the matter of bringing it about ASAP… i wrote a poem, maybe you’ll like it:


Go to school
(take a loan)

Get a job
(as your hobbies die out)

Buy poisoned goods
(belly dance for your boss)

Buy yuppie buy
Commit suicide

Get promoted
(pull another down)

Eat some more
(as most of mankind starves)

Join the old boys’ club
(lose your hair)

yuppie says Hi
I’m like goodbye


when trapped in the Absurd

instead of making children suffer the same

Even giant pandas have the sense

to leave reproduction to a better day

But he marries, and soon the big bang

as if there’s no better way

as if there’s nothing better to do

oh, his greed and desperation!

And whatever he knows

He teaches to his children

And thus, day after day

the Yuppie cycle starts anew


Go to school
(take a loan)

Get a job
(watch your hobbies die out)

Buy poisoned goods
(belly dance for your boss)

Buy yuppie buy
Commit suicide

Get promoted
(pull another down)

Eat some more
(as mankind starves)

Join an old boys’ club
(lose your hair)

the yuppie says Hi
I’m like goodbye


How could we be like

rats chasing the pied piper

Racing against logic

in search of fools’ gold

The information age

has deleted man’s confusion

Late, but like fate,

It’s the Dawn of the Millennials’ revolution!

Soon to be converted into a top post-punk/heavy metal (blended, in the manner of Killing Joke) super-hit ! Ahem,… any suggestions, or? … shall we go ahead with… this… and the Millennials’ Revolution?

I don’t have anything but lots of furniture, electronic components, appliances and TV’s. I’m a broke ass nigga.

But that doesn’t sound as exciting as tearing everything to pieces ala Raptor Call of the Shadows.

Good poem! Hopefully, the Millennials will institute laws for use of cannabis. Lesser of two evils? More die from prescription drugs than from marijuana. I welcome the revolution.

So you are not a member of the society you see as ill?

And, of course, you are welcome into the “millennials” revolutionary cohort. For being a millennial is not about age, it is rather about a specific enlightened type of ideology: Are you with us, or with the “ancien regime”, the evil socio-economic (particularly herdist*, debt-capitalist) customs (incorporated), which had lorded over all the millenniums before ours, and now imperils us too??

  • a broad category, under this you have your anti-marijuana customs, propagated by those who are afraid of nature and convinced that humans should crush nature (and themselves! For are they not part of nature). Enlightenment is the key word. How, and where-from, in a world of stupidity (as Trixie might ask)?

Even 10 years back, the world looked as if it were on the surefire path towards “idiocracy”, but now how suddenly it has changed, with young people murmuring against capitalism and folly in general, and, for example, rallying around an economic reformist like Bernie Sanders (even if he’s out of the race… of course, the enlightened are not yet the majority, but the ranks of the enlightened have swelled and this phenomenon promises to consume the world, it is just a matter of time).
Ah, but such are the ways of destiny…
The leaders of the millennial generation, like ourselves, are not educated primarily by schools, but by the marvels of the age of information.
No surprise, then, if they see that what is today miscalled ‘civilization’, is actually an extreme disaster which no words or adjectives (short of an entire book) can possibly do justice to, so full of maladies, as we all know

Transition from a society based on exploitation to one based on enlightened brotherhood is never without growing pains. In the 1960’s I was a conservative until the shootings of MLK, Bobby and students at Kent and Jackson State Universities. Those things woke me up from my “dogmatic slumber”. Although we have made some inroads in civil rights, etc., our government remains resistant to change. Trixie may be right about the sad state of current society. But I don’t see the revolutionary fervor to fix it, as was experienced in the 60s as clearly evident in century 21. Maybe I’m too local to realize what’s going on 2016.
Maybe the internet will serve as an instrument of peace and justice. It will have to mature beyond its current fixation on popular t. v. sports and movie stars.

We cannot change reality, we can only change ourselves as individuals and influence reality in a beneficial way.

Currently, Society is in a cycle of harm and based on empirical experiences, it’s extremely difficult to stop the cycle as an individual… this is what must happen for real change though, we as individuals, must cease propagating the harm. We must accept reality for what it is and what it isn’t, we must shed the ideologies that keep us in constant conflict (with our self and others). Only then can we reduce the stress that keeps us distracted and self-absorbed, allowing us to fix oursleves and as a result prevent the propagation of further harms onto others. Over time, the more prevailant this outlook becomes, the less dysfunctional our Societies will become.

We falsely believe that these damaged people that run around in our Society, doing things that damaged people do, is their choice… they’re simply doing what they’ve been conditioned to do. The cycle of harm has made such behavior normalized to their perspective. These harms they suffer generally result in numerous and/or extended periods of the fight or flight response, which wasn’t designed to be utilized as frequently as it is in today’s Societies… these responses create a virus-like spread, infecting all those who come across it… escalating the already insane stress levels of Society and leading to even more fight/flight responses in others.

Mental illness is the result of these things and pretty much everyone could be diagnosed with some manner of it. As a Society though, we only diagnose the unproductive and we only care about making them productive again (doing so in the quickest and dirtiest way possible). As long as you’re viewed as a productive member of Society, no one gives a shit about your problems, they’re clearly not bad enough to need treatment since you’re productive… even though your issues manifest in a variety of harmful ways to yourself and others.

Want to change the world, start by changing yourself… stop harming others and try helping them instead. Your interactions with the world influence it and those around you, both harm and help spread like viruses… take ownership for your actions, make things right when you fuck up, no matter how much easier it is to disregard the people you’ve hurt. Lead by example, influence others to treat others well.

Alternatively, get inhumanely wealthy and famous, then use those resources to actually make a much more significant difference.

I completely agree with what you say "Mental illness is the result of these things "…
here is the science to prove it:

First read (as much as you can):
djedefsauron.net/index.php?o … Itemid=125
then read:

Yes, even i reach the same conclusion, that’s the only way to make a difference… to become famous for something good, if not necessarily rich – that can be done given the power of information in our hands.

It’s easily observable and quantifiable, it’s not a “major issue” by Society’s standards, so it gets little attention… instead we focus on hair loss and boner pills :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, it is but the ancient human/monkey tradition of targeting the symptoms, not cause.

for symptoms like hair loss & impotence… a lack of Norepic activity (“Chi energy”) is the underlying cause.
This cause can most easily be addressed by fixing the surroundings, modifying the environs* in which people live (or, mostly, only exist, as of now)…

there is one good news from this end, tho: soon i’ll finish the creation of a project management website … so that we can get together with other logical folks to define and achieve this end.

What future of treatment? As Allen Frances (the DSM-IV Task Force Chair and author of Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life) put it in his Wired interview with Gary Greenberg (a Ph.D level psychotherapist, widely acclaimed journalist and author of The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry and Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease) titled Inside the Battle to Define Mental Illness, “There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.”

Fixed Cross says orgonite is a effective way of battling mental afflictions and chemistry imbalances.


You know what’s an even better method of battling mental Illnesses? Quit being pussies, start doing right, quit being all the wrong that you known is wrong and actually fix yourselves. God, what a fucking concept.

^Donald Trump as supreme commander of the mental health industry.^

Sitting around and waiting for others to help you when you’ve got to be able to help yourself and you’re truly the only ones to know yourselves well enough to do so, is rather foolish.

I have fixed my own head before… by using nothing more than ‘focus’ ‘perspective’ ‘meditation’ and ‘positivity’, but I’m not sure if all mental ills can be resolved through any or all of those methods.

I am a guru unto myself…

True, mags, but most of these people sitting here whining and arguing in empty fashions aren’t fixing their problems. Other methods do get employed after a bit, have to be. Then comes the facts of them not being only our issues, spiritual possession is real, the voices in our heads aren’t all ours, people can repress their emotions and force them on us through abusing psychic powers and universal secrets/forbidden knowledge.

I had to fix myself several times to get anywhere with it in terms of self confidence in being a good person and confidence in success before coming to realize beyond myself and the accepted reality of society. Now, I employ a lot of mixed martial arts of the mind, fight a lot, constantly, every day, all day. It’s a pain in the ass, but the stupid sons of bitches made it way too personal. I turn their tricks back on them and they hate me for it, that I dare interrupt their tyranny and oppression.

If our problems were just us, we really would be our own worst enemies, but some of us just are not that stupid. Self preservation.

So far, I’ve been able to go 13 weeks without alcohol and 9 weeks without tobacco. I’ve accomplished this after over 50 years of smoking heavily and drinking at least a quart of beer a day. I attribute my success on these matters to good meds (I suffer from major depression) and good, cognitive therapy. I did not just pull myself up by my own bootstraps. I simply said enough is enough and am trying to stick to it despite my spells of depression.
So it’s not all bad out here in therapy land.

Fixed Cross says thats pretty unspecific.

he gave you a specific what do you do? call it pussy.
lol. **

(he was laughing and pouring resin)

*is that what you call doing good pissing on people doing good… like a good little democrat :imp: :imp:

Most people just too dumb or weak to figure out how to even do one single good thing in a day besides not fucking up entirely for the rest of their life.

Some people have actions they make, they accomplish sometimes, sometimes they manifest, but always they are loathed… by the figureheads of the Demos

you know the man wants sickness for his people
All medicine is uncool or unscientific… unless, you are smart.


:mrgreen: :bulb: :mrgreen:

I found it! ~ Archimedes