Rape is natural

Mannequin wrote:

and a man’s fight back when he is raped?

I recall reading in another thread, you complaining about the sexual abuse you experienced, doesn’t this also qualify as determining the strength of the hunter and his worthiness?

I secretly enjoyed it babe.

Fucking weirdo.


Unfortunately, not all women would fight back. Their natural instinct to fight and survive are sometimes suppressed for whatever reason - perhaps a controlling, dominating father, or a sense that their life is just not work the effort. So there might not be much will and inner strength.

I have no idea how the word "worthiness’ would enter into this sentence. It’s insane.
A sleazy rapist creature has no worthiness about him. Insofar as strength goes, I wonder if he would choose someone he sees as his equal or superior to himself in strength.

I was attacked and fought back with every bit of strength and willpower which I could muster. He didn’t get the chance to rape me because I would not “give in” . He barely even landed a touch. I fought back with every resource I had. Perhaps it was his first time. I don’t know. But this so-called worthy animal, as you deign to call him, got up and ran away. I suppose my screams along with my own strength, et cetera, sent him on his way with his tail between his legs. The effect on my psyche/emotions, et cetera, took quite awhile to abate and for me to come to terms with.

There is no worthiness in/for a man attacking someone who he believes/feels is weaker, more vulnerable.
We’re talking about human beings here - not two male animals in the wild.

You people are stupid and have issues with reality.

uhh so? that doesn’t negate the reality of the natural instinct…in that case, she gets raped…big deal…your point?

if you just stopped after those first four words, it would of been the most accurate thing you have written in a long time.

calling him a “sleazy rapist creature” doesn’t negate the fact he has over powered a woman sexually, nature still permits it, sometimes even to the point of pregnancy…happens all the time sweetheart…if you can’t understand worthiness in relation to that, then oh well…

uhh are you even following along, darling?..given what you said then that would NOT make him worthy, since he failed.

Oh shut up!

I suggest you shut up.

mannequin wrote:

and under Rape is natural

So what’s going on mannequin?

Good catch on that. So, yea, what is going on??

How does that quote negate anything i said? You seem to think emotional responses somehow changes the reality of an act taking place, the act itself may have an impact upon a person, but so FUCKING WHAT???..DO YOU NOT GET THIS YET??? jeez

I find it funny, that you both think you got me on something personal…because of, ahem emotions…

And btw, i was actually referring to rape of the hetereosexual kind, as i would classify that as natural(in the context of evolutionary correctness), not raping boys or men, although it may be “naturally occurring”, i still think it is a defect of sorts, and wouldn’t really classify it as sexual, but more of an abuse of the body, whether the boy/man is willingly or unwillingly engaging, as the penetration of the anus is not a sexual organ and doesn’t follow the order of procreation…but feel free to deny the natural reality of heterosexual rape and justify the socalled natural act of anal penetration just like modern times pressures you to do so…or claim some supposed contradiction …looking forward to it…

but more specifically, about that quote, nothing is going on…it was just a method of confirmed relation to bring comfort to the OP so he would expand more on his circumstance. I thought my manipulative ways would be obvious by now,…but since you are women…one can’t expect too much…hell, some of you retards still think i have a pussy between my legs. laughably so…

and yeah, blah blah, bah bah blahhh, well, mannequin, you might aswell have one between you’re legs blah blah bah bah blah…SHUT UP ALREADY! you typical sluts!

Tell me about your victimhood, ladies…must be hard being a woman, right? i try to understand all the time, really i do…but i guess you have to born with it, or maybe it’s maybelline.

but nah, you’re right ladies, you got me! rape is bad and it’s da EVILZ!!..this is just how i deal with what uncle fester did to me as a child, on Wednesdays when he touched my little pugsley…this is how i rationalize it, by calling it natural, it helps me deal with my life, im just traumatized, really i am

(I through in some random adam’s family references for extra effects, something you can all probably relate to.)

Alls I know is I have to go to the bathroom, feel a lot of pee-ness right now.

Make sure to have plenty of toilet paper and flush afterwards…

No need, only a lot of pee-ness. Said I need to remove my pee-ness, not my penis. So, no toilet paper needed to soak up the non-existent blood, or to flush it down the toilet.


I was stating a fact. For some, their instinct for fight or flight has been suppressed or repressed.
You just made my point!

You’re entitled to your opinion but quite frankly, between yourself and your alter ego, Trixie, that opinion means very little to me.
I disagree with you.
Aside, from that, the phrase is “it would have been”, not “it would [of] been”.


As for your first statement, what’s YOUR point? It’s quite obvious that the sleaze has overpowered the woman physically.
No, I see no worthiness there. Now, take two men in a hand-to-hand combat, two men who are equal or unequal, and that will tell worthiness.
A man who overpowers and rapes a woman has no worthiness about him. I find it pathetic that you see no distinction.
Do you glorify a rapist who is capable of raping a woman?

Tell me, what do you think I did when he ran off?

You’re NOT following. He wasn’t "worthy’ from the moment he had that urge and followed through on it.
You might use the word “worthy” if the scenario was that the man had the urge to rape, fought it with his full mental and compassionate/empathetic faculties, and transcended that urge. That might make him more of a worthy person.
But who knows? That scenario might not be based in too much reality - but again, who knows.

It’s very possible that “I” was his first time and unfortunately and sadly it’s possible or probable, that he succeeded in his future attempts. A rapist to me is nothing but a wimp but glorify them if that’s what is “in you” to do.


So? irrelevant point…typical female nonsense, adding stuff for the sake of it.

I’m not entitled, as if i need anything or anyone to validate that so called entitlement…i simply make it because i can. Trixie, isn’t me you fool, when i said she was the mannequin, i meant people create their own ideas of what that is and become it in their own minds, then project it…you should know about that…

A simple grammar mistake is excusable, especially when English isn’t my first language, i never claimed to be a grammar expert, this however doesn’t negate the fact that you still have no idea what you’re talking about…

Ahh so you continued all this way without even knowing, how cute…oooh let me guess, you’re going to reflect that right back on me and suggest i don’t even know my own point…try it, it might work…

Oh really, so do the man not overpower the woman in consensual sex?

Tell me how he becomes worthy in relation to the nod of your head…

Yeah, all that do battle stuff just doesn’t quite cut it in modern times darling, tell me how that makes you feel?

It isn’t for you to decide, you moron… nobody cares about your stupid female standards and what you determine as worthy in this context of this circumstance! you vulnerable little victim

Dunno, read the fifty shades of grey and finished yourself off with a cucumber?

Observe closely KT, the modern tries to own the word “worthy”, emotionalizes it and then relates it back to delusional standards, thinking reality is negated…just like homosexuals/transgender do with the word “gay”, “male”, “female” etc…

What is a man to you, babe?

ooh see now we are getting to the core of the nihilism…KT, look what is screaming out for her… Look how they are willing to determine worthiness upon the negation of sexual desire, in order to maintain a nice comfort safe space for the modern woman.

You iz so special and important babe!

I feel empathy for them because pieces of shit like you can’t and have no understanding why somebody would feel empathy for them, regarding what they felt like they needed to do in relation to modern times.



So you don’t think that people are “entitled” ; namely, have the 'right" to their own opinion?
:laughing: As for the latter, spoken like a true narcissist.

I am not convinced.

Consensual sex is not rape. …Aside from that, the answer to your question would depend on how rough the sex gets but IF it is still CONSENSUAL…
Legally and ethically speaking though, with a child or adolescent it is still rape whether consented to or not.
Just in case you’re wondering why, it’s to protect the child. Just because someone things something may be good, doesn’t mean it’s good for them. It could be quite harmful…it is harmful.

Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration perpetrated against a person without that person’s consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability or below the legal age of consent.[1][2][3] The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault.[4]


It doesn’t quite cut it in modern times? What planet have you just descended from?

As an example, take a Baldacci character. Well, I love Stone Cold, Oliver Stone. i love a strong man who is intelligent, courageous, has empathy and compassion.
Don’t accuse me here of living in a fantasy world. I was giving an example of what i admire, some of the attributes which I admire, in a man.

Well, I hate to differ with you, mannequin, but it is for me to decide and most rational sympathetic compassionate, understanding human beings would agree with me BUT if I was the only one who felt that way, I would still choose to feel that way and know I was right.

Vulnerable little victim? Yes, anyone who is being sexually assaulted or assaulted is feeling vulnerable. I felt vulnerable but at the same time, there was another part of me which would not allow him to totally victimize me - at least not without my having a say in it. Where there’s a will, there’s a way even if it doesn’t turn out the way you would have it.

You know, I think that perhaps part of your problem is that you aren’t strong enough to allow yourself to feel vulnerable or weak. I may be wrong in this but perhaps I am right.
You might be better off thinking of yourself as the Velveteen Rabbit as opposed to a mannequin.

What did i do? After he ran off, I just sat on the ground shaking and crying. It took me a while to compose myself. I was also very angry at the same time. I didn’t really have the time while he was accosting me to think about what I was feeling except for the fear and adrenaline spurring me on, fighting him off.
And yes, i felt victimized at times during the course of the time it took me to heal from that and it was quite some time and it showed up in different ways. When I felt victimized, I became angry with myself for giving him permission to make me feel that way. Anger can work for us if we use it for the good. He was a coward and a wimp.


That would depend on the purpose of it. For instance, celibacy can lead a person to a more altruistic all encompassing, inclusive love, a global love.
As I said, the rapist who had transcended his sexual urge for the common good would have been more worthy than that of the one who didn’t…the wimp, the coward.


There’s no such place or space except maybe in exercising intelligence courage and seeing reality for what it is, not for what we desire it to be. And even them…maybe there’s no such place…and it will be even less so in the future.

The ONLY reason I said that, and if you were paying attention to what I wrote, you might have gleaned that since he was not successful with me and I was able to fight him off, PERHAPS it was his first time.
I had to walk with him in the dark with his arm around my waist with what i thought was a gun in my back (police said it might have been a lead pipe) until he found some abandoned solitary spot and then he threw me to the ground. Can you imagine what my legs felt like at that time? They felt like so much jello just wanting to collapse but my will wouldn’t let them.

You need to be more discriminate when it comes to offering your understanding.
How can you possibly empathize with a rapist? Do you know what that word even means?
I can empathize with the victim because I have “been there” I have been made a victim of a sleaze.
Your sympathy for the rapist is grossly mis-directed.

I think that you are being quite insane, irrational in your viewpoint here.

Ah, we don’t often recognize “projection” when we’re indulging in it.

Who the fuck cares, good for you…

I never said consensual sex was rape nor was it implied.

There is still an over powering of the woman physically during sex, consensual or not, staying in the particular context of what was said which was worthiness not rape, so only then is his worthiness based upon your consent, right?..but there is nothing worthy about a man who physically overpowers a woman unless it’s by her consent, right? stay in the context dear…

The one where you find no man actually fighting another man over you…,

No you don’t, it’s expected from a modern like you.

my work is completed here.

Retard, that was exactly what i was saying in the first place…however, you pick and choose when to be a victim and when to be a strong empowered woman, you also try to mix it to reap both benefits socially, you just know how to hide…but i see through you, as others do too

what was the problem?

right …you’re about to tell us anyways…

sweetheart… technically speaking that isn’t given him permission, it’s realizing that you are not as strong as you thought you were, this happens when reality hits, beneath all that anger and frustration you will find fear…but you’re not honest enough to admit this…this is how you deal with the denial of reality, you relay it back to your own control of “giving him permission” like you actually had that control in the first place…when you didn’t… now mix that dishonesty with all that modern strong female empowerment crap and there you are…

at this point i can call you on that “giving him permission” thing by bringing up previously mentioned consent…i know the context refers to a particular emotion, but it still applies… this is where you will find reality…the very thing you hide from…


my work is completed here…

no no darling, those places are very real, the modern world where women hold great power is only possible due to safe spaces being created and heavily secured.

Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn’t, who cares? you successfully got out of that situation without being raped, good for you.

Yea, it’s incredibly hard for you isn’t it, darling…

Perhaps you should picture yourself as the mother of a rapist, or maybe you have children, a boy? who could quite possibly grow up and commit such an act…maybe when you see him crying in a prison cell, ask him why…maybe then you will find out why…and what’s going on in modern times regarding men/boys, then maybe you will be able to pull a tiny bit empathy out of your cold selfish heart…could it be darling, that he might be a “victim” too? or is that just reserved for those people who have been raped?

You are a piece shit, and i tell it as it is, perhaps those over at KT disagree with my harsh approach, but i’m fine with it because i see you for the lying vile bitch you really are…

Warning issued to Mannequin… why start a controversial thread if you can’t take the replies and need to resort to abuse!

Rape is violence, not eroticism and this drives the rapist’s behaviour.


So, just to be clear here, are you saying/agreeing that rape occurs when there is NO consent?
You seemed to be quite blase about the whole issue.

Not all sex is about being over-powered, mannequin. Some of it is mutual by design so where is the being over-powered? unless we’re speaking about sex games, s&m et cetera. But there is still consent there…if there is. When that consent is taken back, it becomes rape when it is not stopped. During sexual play, even a woman can appear to over-power a man and often she does. She doesn’t have to be physically stronger.

I wouldn’t use the word “worthy” in this context…unless we’re speaking of the man being worthy as in being a wonderful and giving lover.

I’m not one who enjoys a man fighting over me. If it’s to defend and protect me from someone looking to attack me, yes, I’m all for that.

If I didn’t know better or at least think that I know better, I could think you were Satyr.

Not even sure what that means in your mind. Apparently it is not completed though since you’ve used that expression more than a few times.
As for my work, it is never finished - until I die.

Retard? Ah, Satyr has such influence on people. You know, I had decided that I wasn’t going to even respond to this post considering all of the wonderful positive names you called me. But I changed my mind. It’s good for the mind to change at times.
It isn’t that I pick and choose to be a victim but we are all human and as humans at times we are more vulnerable than at other times. You must realize this, mannequin. I am not just “one” thing or the other. I have aspects to me. I am not only a strong-empowered woman nor can I be at every moment. That would be lying to myself. But i can be aware of when I am not letting myself be this or that.

That being said, IF you respond to this post with more wonderful names for me - our conversation is over.
Your name calling doesn’t make me who I am but if I give you that permission to continue on in that way, that just might create something in me which I will not allow. So carry on as you will.

I know that it is quite the cliche to say “you think you know me but you don’t know me at all” but it’s still true.
At times I hardly know myself so whatever you and others think you see ~ well, good for you. You must be paying closer attention to me than I am. I really must stop being so “ignorant” - you know, “ignoring” myself.

…Not as strong as I am at other times. I know that I am not always strong. I know that I have fears. I do not live in denial about that. We all have them - it’s normal. Without them, the instinct to survive would be nihil.
But as “I” see it, we do give others permission to influence or manipulate our negative thoughts or emotions when we give into them, when we wallow in self-pity and fear and allow the past to take us back there.
That is what I meant by giving him permission. We all at times speak a different kind of language.

Are you dead?

I don’t agree with you but if it makes you feel better to feel that way, please do.

I’ve done that thinking and i can feel compassion for that mother (some mothers may be in part responsible) but I feel a bit hardput to give it to the man sitting in prison who brutally sexually assaulted a woman or a child whose life will never be the same.
There’s a difference between gross sentimentality and compassion. How many times did he rape, how many lives were far-beyond harmed and made chaotic due to his raping? I have two children. Don’t ask me to pity the rapist. He gets out of prison and rapes again.
You say that i don’t face reality? I think you’re the one who doesn’t. I don’t have to consider myself to be such a nice and good person as a result of having compassion for the rapist. Where was his compassion? I choose to be a monster rather than “feeling sorry for him”.

…and yet you have compassion for the rapist. Go figure.