Rape is natural

Nature is a whore

Indeed, a filthy whore.

Nature as defined how?

Murdering someone for resources is also natural, lions do it all the time. Poison ivy is natural, poison oak is natural. Should we legalize murder and eat poison ivy as well?

Promiscuous, self centered

What about Mother Earth? Would you call our natural environment a whore?
It seems to me that we are the whores and rapists when it comes to Mother Earth.
That’s the nature i thought you were referring to.

Human nature…

Mannequin wrote:

and a man’s fight back when he is raped?

I recall reading in another thread, you complaining about the sexual abuse you experienced, doesn’t this also qualify as determining the strength of the hunter and his worthiness?

I secretly enjoyed it babe.

Fucking weirdo.


Unfortunately, not all women would fight back. Their natural instinct to fight and survive are sometimes suppressed for whatever reason - perhaps a controlling, dominating father, or a sense that their life is just not work the effort. So there might not be much will and inner strength.

I have no idea how the word "worthiness’ would enter into this sentence. It’s insane.
A sleazy rapist creature has no worthiness about him. Insofar as strength goes, I wonder if he would choose someone he sees as his equal or superior to himself in strength.

I was attacked and fought back with every bit of strength and willpower which I could muster. He didn’t get the chance to rape me because I would not “give in” . He barely even landed a touch. I fought back with every resource I had. Perhaps it was his first time. I don’t know. But this so-called worthy animal, as you deign to call him, got up and ran away. I suppose my screams along with my own strength, et cetera, sent him on his way with his tail between his legs. The effect on my psyche/emotions, et cetera, took quite awhile to abate and for me to come to terms with.

There is no worthiness in/for a man attacking someone who he believes/feels is weaker, more vulnerable.
We’re talking about human beings here - not two male animals in the wild.

You people are stupid and have issues with reality.

uhh so? that doesn’t negate the reality of the natural instinct…in that case, she gets raped…big deal…your point?

if you just stopped after those first four words, it would of been the most accurate thing you have written in a long time.

calling him a “sleazy rapist creature” doesn’t negate the fact he has over powered a woman sexually, nature still permits it, sometimes even to the point of pregnancy…happens all the time sweetheart…if you can’t understand worthiness in relation to that, then oh well…

uhh are you even following along, darling?..given what you said then that would NOT make him worthy, since he failed.

Oh shut up!

I suggest you shut up.

mannequin wrote:

and under Rape is natural

So what’s going on mannequin?

Good catch on that. So, yea, what is going on??

How does that quote negate anything i said? You seem to think emotional responses somehow changes the reality of an act taking place, the act itself may have an impact upon a person, but so FUCKING WHAT???..DO YOU NOT GET THIS YET??? jeez

I find it funny, that you both think you got me on something personal…because of, ahem emotions…

And btw, i was actually referring to rape of the hetereosexual kind, as i would classify that as natural(in the context of evolutionary correctness), not raping boys or men, although it may be “naturally occurring”, i still think it is a defect of sorts, and wouldn’t really classify it as sexual, but more of an abuse of the body, whether the boy/man is willingly or unwillingly engaging, as the penetration of the anus is not a sexual organ and doesn’t follow the order of procreation…but feel free to deny the natural reality of heterosexual rape and justify the socalled natural act of anal penetration just like modern times pressures you to do so…or claim some supposed contradiction …looking forward to it…

but more specifically, about that quote, nothing is going on…it was just a method of confirmed relation to bring comfort to the OP so he would expand more on his circumstance. I thought my manipulative ways would be obvious by now,…but since you are women…one can’t expect too much…hell, some of you retards still think i have a pussy between my legs. laughably so…

and yeah, blah blah, bah bah blahhh, well, mannequin, you might aswell have one between you’re legs blah blah bah bah blah…SHUT UP ALREADY! you typical sluts!

Tell me about your victimhood, ladies…must be hard being a woman, right? i try to understand all the time, really i do…but i guess you have to born with it, or maybe it’s maybelline.

but nah, you’re right ladies, you got me! rape is bad and it’s da EVILZ!!..this is just how i deal with what uncle fester did to me as a child, on Wednesdays when he touched my little pugsley…this is how i rationalize it, by calling it natural, it helps me deal with my life, im just traumatized, really i am

(I through in some random adam’s family references for extra effects, something you can all probably relate to.)

Alls I know is I have to go to the bathroom, feel a lot of pee-ness right now.

Make sure to have plenty of toilet paper and flush afterwards…

No need, only a lot of pee-ness. Said I need to remove my pee-ness, not my penis. So, no toilet paper needed to soak up the non-existent blood, or to flush it down the toilet.