All We Can Do Is Master Byte

You’ve said this before:

Again, this is another symptom I see in people calling something pointless, but then stressing themselves out by hating every aspect of it, despite it being “pointless” as a deflective response.

When I address their severity, they play it off as if it was mild, but their words constantly enrage to severity because the hate towards what is “pointless” is moving from the center of the circumference to the end of the circumference – in that, one cannot recognize how much hate they have for something until the emotions are boiled to a proper degree.

I rarely speak in a sociological and political manner because I have constantly argued in a sociological and political manner before, to only come to the conclusion that the people of this world are more focused on soft-locked opinions than hard evidence; I needed something that would blow their opinions out of the sewage, snuff them out and deprive them of oxygen, much like cancer cells.

Genius is feigned and ignorance is proclaimed in this world. That alone is a summary as to why I do not bother with the worldly, and aim for the otherworldly.

Actually, nobody’s ever attempted to challenge my work by disproving any errors they may have found. Instead they only use adjectives and assertions via emotion and reaction which is not a proper form of argument in the slightest. I cannot ignore what simply never existed in the first place.

I never called anyone foolish or stupid, as I am not here to belittle anyone.

However you do seem to have spite towards me. Perhaps you disagree with my work, but judging by your old-timer mentality, you do not appear to have the young integrity to properly address my innovative work because the elderly for the most part biologically lock themselves inside a vicious circle of pride that binds them to a cyclical well of hatred towards anything new and inspiring outside of their stimuli that was set in stone – instead of simply saying by sorely reaction-based cognition, “you are wrong” with what is clearly void of any rebuttal, I welcome you to take the chance to crawl out of that old shell to converse with me on an innovative spectrum.

The reason why I speak of the elderly state is because it is a biological aspect to humanity and very much so affects one’s ability to articulate their mental apparatus and furthermore your approach is precisely what an elderly man would opt for when they use their age fallaciously to support their preconceptions over the decades as to equate their age with their ability to reason, assess and conceptualize the vast notions of all that is, despite that genius comes with the young; if it did not come when young, then it will not come when old. Only the young spirit can be manifested into genius.

It’s not rare to see that the old man and old woman always think they are right for the majority of the elderly in which trickles down from the pride of an adult and the death of the childhood spirit; it must be difficult to be next to death, and still not be able to face your own rigidness that was created at such a young age, for bad habits die hard along with an unpolished you when you’re up there in the age spectrum. Change is difficult. One can only imagine what a caterpillar’s body goes through to become that butterfly.

is it really that difficult? the OP asks nothing of you but to observe and check into the work

but hey if extinction or self preservation isn’t important to you, you should probably just de-activate your account now. at least spend your last moments indulging hedonistically?

it’s not like anything is being demanded or forced… but hey gather up single file and drink the poison kool-aid? the government can’t and won’t protect you from anything

endless resistance… sigh

All this shit about numbers and stars and all this shit is nonsense. Just saying.

That is because you are too old. Don’t you know that the older you get, the more stupid you get? Only young people can think … Duhrrrr… :teasing-dunce:

…or so the young tell us. :teasing-binkybaby:

That is not what I said. You constantly attack people telling them they said something when they didn’t. The first time you said I called someone foolish and stupid, when I haven’t belittled anyone in any form, whereas you are constantly belittling others (I’ve perused through your posts old and new). I specifically said when you are born into this world with the passion you had as a child and do not sacrifice it for adult pride, which trickles down into rigidness as an elder, you can transform that passion that you only have when you’re young and unscathed by this world’s degeneracy.

Once you apply yourself with the need to condescend others and to conform to standards of society, you have lost your childhood individualism that had sparked the deepest curiosity and the abstract bond between yourself and the intelligent design beneath the 3-D Plane that governs your chance to go beyond standards to set new innovated standards that cannot be set by the pride of an adult and the rigidness of an elder. This is why you have children as prodigies, not adults and elders. You have to be young in spirit, for genius is a young spirit that sees poetry in numbers, art in music and esoteric meaning in art, while the prideful & rigid do not have a bond with their internal self to feel anything out of the ordinary, but oddly enough they have the cognitive backlash to hate anything they do not understand with an undying passion despite constantly demeaning it to nothingness.

You have no idea what it is that I “constantly” do and “attacking people” isn’t it.

There are different kinds of geniuses. And it doesn’t take much of a genius to see when someone’s effort to be a genius didn’t cut it. All someone has to know is how to know that. But I can see that you are not that kind of genius.

Do you really want me to go through the list of things that are wrong with your theory (which is what I normally do for beginners like yourself)?

Not from you, because you are dishonest and constantly vilifying innocent people on here.
I say this for the same reason I would not give any responsibility to an insidious reporter.
I have gone through your posts and I can only find that you are constantly goading everyone you respond to for the sole purpose of supporting your old-timer mentality.
You show spite towards any innovation, because your adult pride trickled down as you aged. You never held onto your inner wisdom and patience; now all you have is rigidness.

Here, I have a quoted statement of yours that you have written, but based on what? False pretenses, of course.

Go through my posts and look for “foolish” and “stupid” in my vocabulary, you will not find any vitriol.
I have better things to do than to call someone names and purposely attack them for no real reason.

Now if I go through your posts, guess what words you’ve used? The same exact words, “foolish” and “stupid”.
It seems to me that you are projecting your bad habits onto me. This is another symptom to an old-timer mentality. Once you behave the way you do, you cannot go back.

How did this interest in numbers start? like what age and why?

Everything concerning the deepest mechanics of math had hit me when I came across this animation. I was bewildered by the number 9.
When I saw how a basic sequence like 123456789 was really 9 (1+8), 9 (2+7), 9 (3+6), 9 (4+5), 9 (5+4), 9 (6+3), 9 (7+2) & 9 (8+1), that set my soul into rhythm.

This then lead to Tetryonics:

While working with numbers, I noticed that my brain was resonating with very specific numbers.
These numbers would stand out, as if they were telepathically communicating with me.
When I realized what these numbers were for, I then knew I was in tune with a higher power.

It was the 12, 48, 108, 192, 300, 432, 588, 768 and the 972.
Lo’ and behold, the very laws of Tetryonics were governed by these numbers, and I did not acknowledge this for some time.
Somehow I understood how the Universe worked without the symbols that were used as reference points for the specific laws regarding the quantum formulations.
At the same time, I consciously did not understand how I could understand the mechanics of the Universe. It was insight that flowed through me naturally, strangely enough.

Furthermore, my knowledge of math lead me to the potentiality of music.
When you think about the human heart, it follows a rhythm.
It did not take me long to find out what it was.

See the Orange F, Cyan E, Orange B & Cyan A#? They are right in the center of the Music Circle.

This picture explains that the beginning of Orange is 480 and the end of Cyan is 600.

When you tune the A note to 432 Hz, your C note will be 540 Hz. Then when you play it “10 Times”, you’ll create 1 Perfect Circle.
Oddly enough, 432 Hz is the Heart Chakra and the Color Green. 5400 is 1/8 of 1 Earth Day, 1/4th Of The Moon’s Diameter (2160 Miles) and 1/2 Of The Trinity (1080°).

4325400 / 9 = 480600
Keep in mind that 432 + 540 = 972, which is the 9th Level of Tetryonics.

As for my age, the initial interest in the magic of numbers lied dormant within me since I was in 4th Grade, however.
The teacher asked us about the pattern of 9, and I kept raising my hand because I could see the patterns clearly. At the time, I did not pursue my intuition until that animation.

9 =

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

18 + 27 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9
27 + 36 = 63, 6 + 3 = 9
36 + 45 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9
45 + 54 = 99, 9 + 9 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9
54 + 63 = 117, 1 + 1 +7 = 9
63 + 72 = 135, 1 + 3 + 5 = 9
72 + 81 = 153, 1 + 5 + 3 = 9
81 + 90 = 171, 1 + 7 + 1 = 9

it all comes to 9 :astonished:

482729235601 × 9 = 4344563120409 (4 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 45 (4 + 5 = 9))

omg :astonished:





I don’t see any quotes of me calling anyone those names.

Bull. It seems just the opposite to me.

Bull. The young mentally disturbed do that more than anyone. It is a type of Grey Syndrome (a projecting of one’s own flaws away from oneself).

Bull. But if your theory is right about that, then I suspect that you are doomed.

You might want to take this to heart:

I could explain to you how such an disorder comes about, but I am pretty certain that you wouldn’t be interested (a part of the disorder in itself). It is related to insecurity, ego, and catharsis (not counting the neurosis that initiated the contortion).

They are there. Anyone that is willing to peruse through your 916 Posts will surely come across your own vitriol soon enough, regarding terms including “stupid” and “foolish”.
I stumbled across some of your posts that regarded you stalking someone on these forums, as well. What kind of normal person does that? You were malicious about it too.

Everything I do is untouchable and aligns with the physics and mechanics of the Universe. Anything that appears to be apophenic to you is based on your own rigidness towards wisdom.

You still have not addressed your false pretenses:

Where, in any of my posts, have I ever said “stupid” and “foolish”? And why should anyone take your word, when you’ve already lied in your first post in my thread?

All “916 posts”, huh.
Are you certain that you even looked at who you are addressing?

But what you are saying is that throughout “all 916 posts” of mine, you haven’t found a single case of me calling anyone “stupid”. And yet here you are willing to claim that I “constantly” do it. You are willing to lie.

Shouldn’t that tell you something about you?

And you really should take into account that the regular members know how I post very well. Your effort to lie to them doesn’t really carry any weight … except against you.

I don’t even have to look outside this thread. In effect, you just expressed that all elderly are too stupid to challenge your supreme genius.

And again.

And again.

The young and naive so very often are programmed into ignoring adults so as to cause them to behave unwisely to the advantage of those doing the programming. Parents try to helpfully advise their children. Governments and Media corporations don’t care. They live to take advantage of the ignorance of others … the young, too naive to know how foolish they are being by ignoring and even hating their own family elders.

You are not inventing anything new. And you are not going to. It isn’t that such is totally impossible. It is more that it takes someone less egocentric than you. You seem to be afraid of actual critique. It isn’t your “friends” who tell you of your more serious flaws, but your “enemies”.

916 pages, actually. You still have not addressed your false pretenses.

I do not see you proving your statement when you said I called someone “foolish” or “stupid”. I never did, so what you say cannot be trusted from that point on.

I certainly did (and with more attention than you have deserved)

And yet you have not found a single quote of mine to support your lies.

No, that’s not proof of me calling anyone “stupid” or “foolish”, but rather you taking what I say and not understanding what I mean.

I did not say the elderly are stupid. I said the elderly as a majority have never faced their adult pride head on, so that pride trickled down into their elder years, therefore they had kept the aggressive need to be right through rings upon rings of rigidness that leave no room for innovation and change.

For an example, every time I address you, James, you respond to me in a sarcastic and hateful manner that constantly goads me with needless statements that reduce me to nothingness, which is your mental way of deflecting my words and my innovation, so I am not going to get upset over it:

This is condescension that has nothing to do with our discussion. You are purposely attacking me as a person, when you do not know me, let alone what I mean.

James, there is no need for you to condescend me. I know you wish to protect your preconceptions, as I see many others do the exact same thing, but at least talk normal to me.

Again, it’s not just you that does this, it’s everybody that doesn’t want to change or let go of old preconceptions to take on new conceptions.

I wouldn’t mind getting through to you; to help you rid yourself of that rigidness and that self-preserving tone in all of your responses. No need to bluff. This is not a card game.
You don’t seem to care about teaching, however. You do oddly remind me of a politician or a battle rapper that only wishes to demean their brother / sister, not teach them.