The Philosophers

Dionysos is not known as a war god though.
At the most as the god of the inner war, the self-consuming passion that is a life.

Hitler used the runes.

Not a god of war, but a god of intoxication and/or frenzy.

The followers of Dionysus would sometimes get so out of control that they would go into a cannibalistic frenzy;

the blood/wine connection.

The war aspect is Wotanic.

Yes, there is this field between Apollon and Dionysos, which contains war, as war is both highly ordered and relies on absolute frenzy.

In India, there is Bhairava-Shiva-Rudra.
The Greeks had Ares to represent war, and he was a very unloved god, feared, loathed even, as he represented little more than the cold promise of iron and the mists of the underworld.

Odin, or the German version/brother-god Wotan, represent a wildness that is able to harness structures. The runes are ‘wild structures’.


If you pay me $500 I will compose the soundtrack for your crappy movies.

So the Clan is back together, in fact never really managed to disband.

It was only that progress in life took on some radical forms and we both had to put all energy in our own paths. These paths come to converge again, in the projects we initially set out.


Here’s some previews for your entertainment.

Seriously, please don’t bother watching them if you tend to dislike what I make! It’s not compulsory in any way.



Still work in progress, we’ll take em down in a while.

I’m willing to undercut trixie, i’ll compose the soundtrack for your crappy movies for $475

Smelly cunt got a bit jealous?

Please hurry up, babe.

Just discipline yourself and stop watching it.


This should not be watched by Smellycunt. We dont want to exacerbate her addiction.

This is just an abuse of youtube’s server space.

Updated versions



I enjoyed this. You should make more videos of this nature.

You should come visit NY sometime, so we can spar each other :wink:

Yo! You must have landed on your feet.
Are you there permanently? If so, I’ll most definitely take you up on that.

One of the best parts of Montreal is that its type of visual grime reminds of New York, and also its peoples laissez-faire attitude.

I appreciate the feedback, thanks. I had no real idea what this video amounted to outside that it made me smile when I found it yesterday. Glad to hear that someone who isnt a total basketcase watched it and actually enjoyed it too.


Jakob may just be calling you half a basket case. Are you ok with that? :mrgreen:

Reality is overrated…

I dont think there is anyone on this site who isn’t at least 20/25 percent basketcase.
You can be 44 percent basketcase and still be perfectly functional. This is because we live in a liberal system.
in nazi Germany, you had to be 80 percent basketcase minimum to function.

The nutter/nutjob ratio index follows different protocol and a nonlinear scale, so percentages dont work with nutters; it’s rather types of nutter. Like peanutbutter-nutter is nuts, but only for nutbutter, so he is not comparable in equal terms to a gun-nut anymore than to a non-nut.

There are about 37 categories of socially and mentally and emotionally maladaptatedness-distress carriers, of which the following are used most frequently.

crazy person
problem child
interesting person for emosubs
