Bucket List


Wanna share?

  1. Have one of my threads locked. (check)

9 :evilfun:


9 covers just about everything for you, maybe your IQ 9, shoe-size 9, 9 fingers and 9 toes, 9 years old? Not really sure which 9 you’re referring too, friend. :evilfun:

There’s only three 9s, and they are all upside down.

Where are these 6’s, Manny-pedi?

Everywhere, my sweet princess…

and on and on…

So there are 6’s. Am I really your sweet princess? O:) :angelic-flying: :gay-rainbow: :happy-sunny: :romance-heartbeating:

Yes, forever and ever…

  1. Debate moot ridiculousness with phantom liars. (check)
  2. Subjectivity/objectivity/stoopidodditty :teasing-blah: :teasing-blahyellow: (check)
  3. Growth-g=worth-rth=ow!(check)
  4. Order band-aids



im on

Oh, parting is such sweet, sweet sorrow! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yes im finding it hard to cope…

  1. Up the willpower.
  2. Ignore temptation
  3. Mentally forge a complete philosophy
  4. Eternity is only eternity POV
  5. Compassion for all even through clenched teeth

26 is nice, bit rich though coming from you…


I am rich. Thought we were through by your dramatic exit and death threat towards the girl you are crushing on. Call me your sweet princess again. Oh Manny-pedi, hate wouldn’t be the same without your antagonism.

you definitely need to work on number 26, but somehow im pretty sure it’ll remain unchecked for a very long time, like number 9. And no, you’re not a girl, and no i’m not crushing on you, don’t flatter yourself…and no you’re not rich…just another lie…right…

Oh Manny,

You’re just bored with reality. I am truthful. That bugs you doesn’t it. You cheat and lie; you make me wanna cry. You don’t even know how to say goodbye!

You are insanely opposite to truthful, trixie, to a degree, was more truthful but even then it came with high levels of bullshit. Just leave me alone already, go away! leave the site!..all you do is play games and hurt others with some kind of revenge…now shoe!!!