Transactionary Prostitutive Nature Of Women.

You’re both controlling and dirty minded. Penetrating intellect, ha!

The women against feminism movement, what are they?

Are they the 30% of women that don’t care if a man makes less than them with 70% representing the direct opposite or are they girls smart enough to know what kind of violent chaotic male backlash that is coming when feminism collapses on itself? :-k

Are they women trying to save male cuckholdry against all odds?

Are they just a stay at home prostitute versus the working occupational one?

What are their motives? Are their motives sincere?


You have a great woman, so what’s with your obsession about other women? Just don’t get you and you probably like that. Tell your wife I said Good Luck!

We’re no longer together. I am single again. Anyways…

Don’t feel like being raped and murdered any time soon, so stay out West. In fact, I’ll pay you to not.

Are you playing on the word “penetrating”?

Move to the east coast then?

I need some extra crash. Will you pay me?

I live out West too, but in Canada (which means you’ll have to pay me double to stay up North).

When they’re willing to pay you do the direct opposite. It’s an invitation man.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: =; :mrgreen: $0.01 HHH, Gib your a tough cookie, $0.02

Shit, you call that a negotiation?

Now we’re talking! That’s 2.5 cents Canadian!

US rates apply, sorry. :wink: :evilfun:

That’s it, I’m crossing the border.

Jeez, give a guy an inch and he wants to cover thousands of miles.



Unbelievable !

No one of them is a real woman, and no one of them is a real man.

And it is also because of them that something like the following is possible.

You know, I’ve gotta say, I kinda feel sorry for this girl. She must feel devastated today knowing she’s become this icon for male chauvinists to use in mocking feminists.

Yeah, sure, she’s angry, she’s bitchy, and I certainly wouldn’t want to hand her my balls on a silver platter, but so what? Who doesn’t get angry? Nobody’s even asking the question: Why is she angry? And isn’t it obvious from the video?

Furthermore, nobody’s drawing any attention to what she’s actually saying. If you listen to what she’s saying in the video, it doesn’t sound all that bad. That feminists are striving to abolish alimony, for example, doesn’t sound that bad. That feminists don’t want men to lose custody of their children, for example, doesn’t sound that bad.

Oh, and this girl:

Yeah, she cut off her husband’s penis (I guess)–but apparently, according to her, he would leave the house for days without letting her know, was an alcoholic and drug abuser, was having affairs with other women, and was abusive in every which way–mentally, physically, emotionally (she didn’t mention sexually)–and one day she snapped. ← Well, that kinda dampens any scorn or rage one might have for her. At least it does for me.

When you realize this is the background she’s coming from, it doesn’t seem that bigoted that a room full of women would cheer for her.

Just sayin’.