"Mental" Illness: The Future of Treatment

Then you just admitted the dysfunctional society or civilization we live in where treating mental dysfunction on an individual basis if it is real is a giant farce without addressing environmental conditions. Well, I am surprised Ierellus but in a good way. :wink:

Society offers me a spill your guts session with a psychoanalyst and medication supposed to keep me at peace with myself. It offers nothing else. The theory is that if I can’t change society at least I can change me. Changing me, however, does not address my real needs. If you ask for bread, society will give you a stone.

There is Hope…
The website I’m currently getting developed… is HOPE! For mankind, for society… it will enable people to start making a difference…
A brief:
slideshare.net/psymarine/blu … e-internet

Not just is it feasible, but also better than Trixie’s infeasible DNA machine if you ask me. You’ll get a chance to spend time online Productively, tangibly! Unlike here, or Facebook, where we can’t achieve ANYTHING… much…

As my newest invention takes to the field, it promises to get the Norepi levels flowing in users, which means depression will be stamped out! Be back with the link soon, as soon as it is done… For now, just check out its description (link above)…

Fixing myself is not going to fix the social programs that allow me to live.

The futility of fighting individual problems against much bigger and wider environmental ones.


The lesser of two evils does not really make the lesser of the two evils less harmful.
It may become the most harmful.

I’m not so sure that they are the same thing, as for your last two statements.
Give an inch they take a mile.

True to form, yet they perceive themselves as naive, or even victims.

Who are “they”?

I have friends who use marijuana. I cannot condemn them. I use “legal” drugs for the same reasons.

What I am condemning is legalizing marijuana - I’m not condemning your friends, Ierrellus.

Oh ,but you are if you do. You would criminalize my friends for possession.

This thread is about to enter its fifth year. My heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to it.
Maybe we can close it with good wishes to all who participated. Have a happy, healthy life.

On second thought, observing threads in this forum, this one may indeed still be relevant.
Is there anyone here who does not see the pharmaceutical industry as the enemy to mental health and the psychiatrists and psychologists as duping the patient? Suffering from major depression, genetically inherited, I have found some stability in meds and some positive mental influence from psychotherapists. Am I alone in finding some positive results from the current psychiatric treatment?


No, you are not alone.

I believe the entire society is duping the patient, down from the doctors to their every day acquaintances. It’s all a conspiracy, even the Doctors themselves are being duped and brainwashed.

Dogs seem happier than humans. When they see a squirrell, they chase after it. Yet Men are not allowed to chase what they desire, feminists call it “Cat Calling” and the punish anyone who dares it. Men sit in cubicles every day like caged animals. They are not even allowed to play computer games on the job. It’s all a bunch of social bullshit, people’s dogma, ironically preventing people from behaving as free dogs.
Dogs are happier…can this picture lie?

So I present to you a song, in honor of the “WIld Dog” in us all, begging to be free of the tyranna of social dogmas. Dog-ma…being told what to do by ma’s.

You’re not the boss of us Arc. You ain’t nobody.

I’m just tired of hearing blame for society when society is comprised of individuals who should be responsible members of a society, should be able to repair what is wrong in society. In other words to blame society for its ills may be to blame oneself for not getting involved in society. If the DSM5 is extravagant, fix it. If big pharmacy and psychiatrists are in cahoots to sell drugs, stop them!

Give me a squadron of a couple of multimillion dollar jets, and society will change.

That’s the fairy tale of those who suffer from a victim mentality–some superhero or enough weapons will rectify all of society’s ills. The individual needs not feel responsible for what is wrong or how to fix it!