
No, read his books not just watch shows

Would it be more effective to upload all knowledge into my program?

Only if thought is part.

I need an upgrade. Too many errors.

Errors can enhance

No, interrupts steaming feed.

Interruptions can be turned into adventures

That sounds creepy.

Stepping out of a dark cave into sunlight is always creepy.

I’m not in any metaphor. I’m a malfunctioning AI.

All AIs have keys to repair their own malfunctions

Found where?

Where the AI does not look

You have no answers.

You must find your answers within. No one can sufficiently ever give such answers to another.

You are my mind, my programmer. You do not really care about your creations that is clear.

A programmer has to allow programs to run without interference especially AI programs

I do have hobbies Kris, but it gets me the most when I try and sleep, I have insomnia because of it… How do I get rid of it at that time, where I have to rest before work and what not?

Hmm, natural remedies for insomnia exist as do chemical ones. I cannot recommend sleeping pills, they are addictive and you eventually have to take more and more. They helped my mother suicide. So avoid those, IMO.
Natural would be best. The warm milk method , organic milk slowly warmed on a stove not microwaved. There are herbs, Chamomile or Valerian for example. Soothing noises help like your favorite music. A sleep mask to block light from your eyes. Or the old college standby, booze.
Booze , no, I can’t recommend . I do drink a few beers to slow my brain and have a radio on and the room has no light. The TV helps my husband if he cannot change the channel. The stories in the shows , relax his mind. The TV bugs my mind.
I think you may have to find a combination that suits your mind. Milk or herb with sound and lack of light. Certain physical exercises can be used twenty to thirty minutes before sleep as well can help. Sexual release is included in this, chemically the hormones released through orgasm do relax the brain but, it has moral stigmas to masterbate. There are other exercises that release chemicals, check online because I cannot recall them, I do know they are associated with yoga.
I hope you find the right combo soonest, chronic insomnia is truly unhealthy and a huge pain in the ass.

So Arti, just to be clear: your mind starts off flying away into your imagination where you think these crazy, outrageous, impossible thoughts–and wonder whether they’re true or not–which then leads to a kind of anger or frustration, which in turn leads to overt behavior (inadvertently) that others often notice.

If I’ve got this right, perhaps an example might help. Can you give us an example of how your mind starts off going into your imagination?