There isn't really a muse thread.

Best guess as informed and repeatable as possible. Historically best guesses get better and guesses that do no conform get discarded.

Seems we humans are not so good at keeping a best guess distinct from infallible knowing.

Science, good science; doesn’t lay claim to knowing, but it is fairly good at rooting out what doesn’t work. James demands rather cavalierly, that science answer “why”? That’s not what science distinguishes. How, and what, and where and when are more the domain of science. I would hope a scientist answers the “why” question with I don’t know. That would be an honest answer.

But they can balance the frequency driving four propellers to keep a drone in the air with no one flying it because they can calculate how electrons behave and can calculate the forces they can create. Conductors and insulators have a science behind them, which is fairly well understood, that I wouldn’t call knowing. Rather, it’s more like really super informed guessing. The better the information the better the guess.

By the way they disprooved Einstein’s General Relativity wrong the other day, by measuring the gravity field of small particles. The field was several hundred times larger than Einstein’s equations predicted. Also, they proved that gravity fields only occur when an object is moving, which implies my theory about aether is real. So Einstein is wrong and my theories are right, when will I get the credit i deserve?

The other day?

General? Special? Super String? Spangly Dangly? At this >scale< it still works. Wouldn’t surprise me if, like the really super tiny behaves differently, so too would the really super gigantic, and we sort of live in between.

I have a hard time groking the notion of Entanglement and that quarks exist in two states until you measure them and it is the result of measurement that determines which state you end up with. That’s some strange shit. However, I still wake up every morning to the same alarm, and when I put my foot down the floor is solid. I put bread in a toaster and toast comes out. Electrons whirl and my car starts. And this works repeatably and when it doesn’t there is a fairly short troubleshooting list of possible culprits. We are aware of what is required for it to work and when it doesn’t we look at the requirements, are they being met?

It doesn’t work at that scale but it works fairly predictably on this scale. So do you throw the babe out with the bath water?

Looks like Trixie is having fun with some string.

Somehow there is a disconnect between a guy who thinks the coil will spin and “his” theory.

Be open, be still, be observant.

Good luck.

Trophy hunting?

“oh, I donate the meat to a local homeless shelter.”

Is that what a responsible trophy hunter is? Passing off the “spoils” to the “less fortunate”? Or perhaps passing off the responsibility for the waste of it. “Hey, it’s not my fault the carcass went to waste, I gave it to someone else. It’s not my waste; it’s their waste, but ain’t that an awesome rack?”

An unexamined life?

I am guilty of judging others, who I perceive, haven’t the capacity to judge them selves. That isn’t applicably ethical. Fail. How can you tell? I think I have a problem. It seems so clear to me, I really have a hard time thinking it takes that “much” awareness for anyone else, that I should have to explain it, and then I wonder if they wouldn’t be better off having figured it out for them self. And ain’t that a tag. Perhaps I haven’t figured anything out at all. I’m the trophy hunter, not after animals as game but ideas. Big rack, as epiphany, beyond that it is a guess.


It’s going to be a while.

I don’t get it. If a trophy hunter donates the meat, how did it go to waste.

a fairly long while.

Clear as butter.

“having figured it out for them self”

likely much more time will be required. i don’t have forever, but forever is all You have.
take all the time required.

I think there is an other way to talk.

One that is not sponsored within disagreement but rather is an effort to seek out agreement instead. A lack of consensus is low hanging fruit. Where there is agreement requires a climb higher up the tree, where sunlight is prevalent.

Which wolf do you feed?

Is the quest of philosophy to seek truth or to obscure it?

I don’t think slowly. It’s a god damned rat race in here. Only way to make any sense of it is to slow it down.

That’s bound to cause a pile up.


all you can do is put off until tomorrow what you didn’t get to today.

We don’t make decisions based on what we know; we base them on what we believe.

It’s just… what do any of you think you ‘know’?

We are sold that SC Johnson products kill 99% of all bacteria, what we don’t know is… if that is a good thing to do?

How many examples do you need?

The wife complains that I do not plan.

What fuckin’ human has planned it’s evolution.

My plan is to be as adaptable as possible. That doesn’t come from sticking to a plan, or that process called planning.

Or maybe it involves the plan of not sticking to any planning.

When the plate arrives I consume or decide I’m not really that hungry.

A plan, at best, is a loose orchestration of what you’d like to believe next.

The closest thing to knowing I have is my understanding of printing. We made it. It is well quantified. It is dependent on numerology, percentages. Given all the knowing of paper quality and it’s properties, ink viscosity and it’s behavior, one can predict the future of an outcome. I wonder if that isn’t all that knowing is. Someone sends me a picture, given the constraints involved I know if it can be printed to take advantage of the method involved. I do ‘know’ shit. Of monetary value, certainly. Beyond that? Maybe I can hop on the Gutenberg’s bandwagon, its a good thing to promote information dispersal: education for the masses and all that but it’s not quite the obituary I’d have hoped for.

Still hoping there is more to come.

I hope my obituary requires mixing metaphors. Eventually.

We left off on a less then light tone.

I’ve come to accept myself a bit more. Thought I am a slacker. Perhaps the following won’t excuse me. So many ideas and I don’t get around to them all. In hind sight and a lot of passed time, I have gotten around to a great many of them. So many more on the horizon, a blueberry bonanza.

Mom left me with one haunting question; my potential and what of it? And my Dad thought I spent way too much time daydreaming. A powerful combination.

Ya gotta love your roots.

My older sister has gotten into genealogy. Turns out I’m a no-one with someone’s background.

Have ancestors that fought on both sides of the civil war, that fought in the revolution, and sailed to America on the Pinta. What if the Native Americans had won?

Perhaps I am short sighted for good reason. All in good time.

And she does exaggerate.