Clockwork Blue

Here is a really simple example which shows that you can get some information from a place and date of birth, but you cannot calculate the place and date of birth from that information:

Given place of birth and date of birth, calculate age of person.


Given age of person, calculate date of birth.

Not possible.


Place of birth has nothing to do with the date of birth. If you give someone the date of birth, you have the age obviously. If you have the age, you can calculate the year or date of birth, depending on how well defined the age is.

Yes, so the question is, what does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?


Waiting for it. I don’t really know the time, but you can give multiple readings, then we’ll see which one fits the best.



Habral, I was an idiot to do something specific. I know you’re a fulltime idiot but still. Get it together. Most predictable attempt ever. No wonder SM thought it was funny. Congrats.
SM is another coward pike you, always on the sidelines, always thinking she is entitled to my company.

In the meantime all the responses and incoming dates seem to say I am uncannily on point. Which I know.

Ucci, coming up later.

Oh WW wasn’t that painfully accurate, about Your Anus?

(Trying to be as hilarious as you and Cabral)

Magnus, I have limited time. Any chance you can verify or diacard the mother thing?

With this being a free service and many of the ones asking for a reading largely spitting my face, its not ideal circumstance to give it my all, which is of course preferable.

That’s fine. I was checking you didn’t forget it.

Regarding the mother thing, it is possible. I can’t tell you with certainty and I can’t verify, but the person once told me that they threw a knife at their mother. So who knows?

That’s just a lucky guess.

M - that made me laugh out loud. That’s what im talking out.
That is Pluto moon opposed for ya.

Other aspect I remember from the glance is Saturn trine Neptune, which gives a very determined imagination. Can realize fantasies, but it takes time.

Must also have Saturn square Uranus. Conservative andcradical tendencies intertwine. Would be confused about being conservative or rebellious. Almost compossible to find place or direction politically. Yet crushing, grinding power in the houses involved.

Yes, I’ve always thought there was something strange about him.

Jakob wrote:

That deserves another :mrgreen:

I am thinking whether I should straighten you out or leave you in ignorance.

I will contribute something here on astrology and hope it gives you some insight.

Not yet, I am too busy, will get back to you, in the meantime don’t bother consulting that crystal ball of yours, you are seriously deluded.

If you are really seriously deluded, join the circus or become a travelling Professor Marvel. BTW the resemblance is remarkable.

Fellars and dames, internet is unavailable to me now except in public places. Hence the slow pace.

SM , a lot of hard angles to cancer?

So is any semblance of credibility.

Uccisore - nice chart.
Moon conjunct Pluto in Libra, trine (harmonic with) Sun and Jupiter in Gemini. This would mean a quite indomitable will, very optimistic as well as at ease with the dark, the real currents of power.
Neptune opposed that Jupiter, oppositions being the most difficult to read, as they are a kind of super-processed conjunctions, this aspect would traditionally read as the more difficult one to master involving a lot of optimism that may be extremely excessive. With the trines to Jupiter and Pluto however its well supported.

Venus conjunct Mars in Aries, values and drives are close together - not a lot of confusion about what or whom you’re going for. A dangerous aspect, shared with Sauwelios and Hitler - this conjunction, Hitler has it in Taurus, you in Aries.

Moon in Libra is bound to fairness, wants beauty, things to be right, believes that there is such a thing as right, feels it. With Pluto it feels where it is rooted.

Great tension through that Saturn Uranus square that all born around that year have - and in you it also squares (Saturn) and opposed (Uranus) Mercury in Taurus, making sure the intellect never escapes this tension and takes the long way, is happy to accept problems as such, slowly works at resolving them in the practical ways that present themselves - or so it would read to me right now, though this would all be accompanied by high stress levels that only resolve with experience.

It’s a dark optimism, perhaps all the more truly optimistic for that.

Magnus, a bit more on that chart.

Venus in Aquarius, loosely opposed Saturn - Venus in Aquarius would be quite liberal in the passions, opposed Saturn that gives a lot of weight - oppositions are traditionally interpreted as ‘bad’, but I have found them to be the most awesome of aspects. Saturn Venus aspects are perhaps the best Venus aspects, somehow Venus turns Saturn into a warm blooded thing. Authority in matters of passion.

Sun in Capricorn is austere, business like, but sextile Utranus makes it very at ease with the unexpected.

But Venus also squares Jupiter in Taurus; this person knows what it is to be passionate, and very serious about aims and ideals. Knows how to take the long way ultimately - but would be impatient nonetheless.

Hm, Pallas first degree Virgo retrograde - kind of extremely acute but inward strategic - trining Mars late Sagittarius on Galactic center (Putin has that) and Chiron late Aries - this person would know a bit about violence, inflicting it, perhaps wounding the self a lot. Violent aspect that.

Jupiter makes a shitload of aspects. Biquintile to Mars, can summon great efficiency of action in the moment, in high pressure situations can do what others can’t. Can turn situations around suddenly.

Can get extremely passionate and sharp about ideals all of a sudden, Neptune biquintile Vesta.

A lot of this seems to fit. Indomintable will is obviously true, at least when it comes to resisting forces from without. The optimism aspect is interesting- I have to say my degree of optimism tends to depend on the time of day. I have a standing personal rule that I don’t think about anything serious past 1 AM, because I tend to be super bleak and fatalistic about my life’s problems late at night. Out walking in the sun though, I have a very different outlook. So it’s hard, or impossible for me to say if I’d call myself an optimist on the whole. Other people would certainly describe me as optimistic, because other people mostly see me when I feel that way.

The bit about values and drives - very true when I was younger, a bit less so now as life gets complicated, but it still generally holds.

The last part is probably the most dead on- I experience a lot of stress when working through problems, but the stress doesn’t doesn’t make me back away from the problem or take shortcuts. It can be almost masochistic how much time I’ll spend thinking about a problem that seems unimportant to others. The bit about letting problems be problems and looking for practical solutions applies more to my philosophy than dealing with my ‘real life’ issues. For real life issues, I am likely to obsess and work myself into a froth over it even if realistically there is nothing to be done but wait for more info.

That first part; my optimism being related to timing and such, reminds me of a question I was going to ask you. Suppose somebody has a personality disorder; would you expect their astrological profile to reflect this somehow, or would that disorder completely fuck the ‘reading’ or whatever you call this?

Do you mean a person born with such an affliction?

In as far as astrology makes claims it makes them all the way. I mean, in as far as we take its claims seriously, we look at the whole of the persons existence. So a ‘retard’ by nativity would have severe afflictions to Mercury, Moon, likely, Saturn too probably. Or just very heavily on Sun.

Obviously the chart does not freeze when one is born, there are many ways in which to predict events and changes, one of which in particular frighteningly accurate, called the progressed moon chart. Any crises in the life will be neatly accompanied by very clear aspects. So if someone suddenly ‘contracts’ a great physiological problem, that will most definitely be reflected in the chart.

When it is given at birth, it will also be reflected in the mothers chart.
It is even more uncanny than anything how charts of family members intertwine. For example, my sun is on my fathers sun (2 degrees apart), my moon is on my sisters sun (4 degrees apart), my ascendant is on my sisters partners Sun (same exact degree) and by Saturn is on my mothers Saturn, my fortune on her Venus, in fact there is hardly any angle in my mothers chart that isn’t also in mine.

My ex girlfriends Sun was on the same degree as my Venus. To name one of many aspects we shared.

Pezers chart and mine also greatly overlap, my north node on the same degree as his ascendant, his Jupiter on my Saturn, same degree, his Saturn on my Mars, one degree off, and a whole shitload more.

Odds for these things are very close to zero.
I think I could make billions with a dating site based on this, but the investment would be quite steep as I can not code.

Obviously, if astrology weren’t strictly accurate, it would be bullshit. If astrology were only partly and sometimes right, it would never have caught my attention.

I would, as a son of a physicist raised in contempt of all concepts unverifiable, never have gotten so deep in astrology if its predictions weren’t so uncannily accurate. When the progressed moon crosses a key point in the chart, some fundamental event connected to that point will transpire. There is no way out of it.

I can make life predictions for someone who gives me his full data. Not that I wish to but I am willing to do it to prove a point. As mentioned I will do it slowly, Im in a breakfast place where I uploaded the following video and checked my messages and ILP.

My fellow philosophers,


(The second half of this video may, if nothing else, please Magnus Anderson.)

It was in fact the weirdness of things like astrology, several other forms of ‘magic’, that pushed me to investigate the frontiers of the logic that carries physics, and ultimately discover that there is a big factor that is taken for granted, namely the fact that things relate at all, that there is causality at all, that there is consistency in things relating. That this is not a logical given at all, that given its truth, there is an implication that things would rather have gradually fallen together so as to relate, before the consistency of the Newtonean machine could arise.

This gets very complex, essentially it brings about the periodic table as an end result, of a process in which many types of correspondences, micro and macro, were shaped so for as a coherent ‘machinery’, to be ‘locked into itself’ – etcetera, this is the phenomenological terrain that value ontology addresses, the fact of correspondences, the fixedness of the universes elements co-responding; this is not a given but an acquired virtue of being, whereby it became cosmos.

Now if we see this as a sliding scale, rather than as a fixed requirement, it becomes thinkable that correspondences in general run much deeper than merely particles bumping into each other and bodies encircling each other, it becomes a web of relations so subtle and pervasive that no single quality escapes corresponding to the circumstances in which it came to arise; all things we can identify are proper objects, nothing is merely an accumulation of objects but itself only conditional, especially not qualities that are of fundamental importance to the motions of such an object, in the case of the human, his emotions, and other innate qualities that actually describe him ‘as such’, that is to say in his own terms.