Clockwork Blue

I was an idiot doing a 3 minute reading of you. I wanted to get it over with.
I overlooked that the center of your square is moon Uranus. Challenging sexual appetites to begin with. Panicky responses to own feelings which are however perfectly well coherent. Frustrating reasonless obstructions, intense pride issues. Acting too quick for ones own bemefit.

This is a traditional interpretation of your Uranal moonshine.

Spot on…he’s the real deal folks
A mind to be discovered as a great sage in the future.
He has insight into Magic.
A warlock among us.

WW at the same time your moon trines Neptune. An aspect that softens the other but by dissolution into trances.

This is a free association an astrologer gives for Moon Neptune aspects in general.

I feel so, so, naked…vulnerable.
As though he were peering into my soul, and not me displaying my nature openly…seeing my most private side.

So many details only few know about.
Only my most intimate friends…and family could have known and yet, he saw…he, saw, ME!!!

8:00 am

Sparta Greece

I do declare…I think I dropped what was left of my dignity.

Transference of performance to stars, not stars to performance.
No time and place given.
The entire planet was Pisces on that date.
All born on that day share this "reading’.
A clan of Pisceans roaming around.

The stars acting as a mystical vehicle to express evaluations by observation, then claiming humility to hide judgment.
The Priest using God, the holy spirit, to express his opinion.
Magician wanting to imply he is channeling natural forces, and not using his judgment, based on evaluation of patterns displayed freely, over time.

Maybe you should look up quantifiable in the dictionary. Nobody has even gotten a quantified personality profile from astrology.

May 28th, 1977. Maine, U.S.

I know the definition of quantifiable, you’re the one that brought it up as if it was some sort of reason why it shouldn’t be able to calculate the birth date. A birth day is not a quantity, for one. Secondly, I had no idea why you used quantifiable, which is why when I used it, I hoped to use it with whatever bizarre meaning that you may have meant it as. Which apparently you didn’t use it in a bizarre way.

So in any case, if someone is providing a personality from a birth day, then they should also be able to provide a birth day from a personality. Or at least a general guesstimate of a birthday. Unless, it doesn’t matter what personality they have because its not related to their birthday. If that is the case, then of course, we have bullshit here in astrology.

That’s the claim. Hope it makes sense now. No need to bring up quantities to this type of discussion.

Has something changed?


Arrogant, very arrogant, and extremely arrogant are personality traits but they are not quantified personality traits. Quantified traits would require a standardized system of measurement.

With measurement systems for a large number of traits, then you could potentially relate the personality traits back to a birth date.

As it is, astrology claims to be able to identify some general personality traits based on the position of heavenly bodies at the time of birth. These are qualified traits not quantified traits.

qualified : 2. limited, modified, or restricted; not absolute

Here is a really simple example which shows that you can get some information from a place and date of birth, but you cannot calculate the place and date of birth from that information:

Given place of birth and date of birth, calculate age of person.


Given age of person, calculate date of birth.

Not possible.


Place of birth has nothing to do with the date of birth. If you give someone the date of birth, you have the age obviously. If you have the age, you can calculate the year or date of birth, depending on how well defined the age is.

Yes, so the question is, what does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?


Waiting for it. I don’t really know the time, but you can give multiple readings, then we’ll see which one fits the best.



Habral, I was an idiot to do something specific. I know you’re a fulltime idiot but still. Get it together. Most predictable attempt ever. No wonder SM thought it was funny. Congrats.
SM is another coward pike you, always on the sidelines, always thinking she is entitled to my company.

In the meantime all the responses and incoming dates seem to say I am uncannily on point. Which I know.

Ucci, coming up later.

Oh WW wasn’t that painfully accurate, about Your Anus?

(Trying to be as hilarious as you and Cabral)

Magnus, I have limited time. Any chance you can verify or diacard the mother thing?

With this being a free service and many of the ones asking for a reading largely spitting my face, its not ideal circumstance to give it my all, which is of course preferable.

That’s fine. I was checking you didn’t forget it.

Regarding the mother thing, it is possible. I can’t tell you with certainty and I can’t verify, but the person once told me that they threw a knife at their mother. So who knows?

That’s just a lucky guess.

M - that made me laugh out loud. That’s what im talking out.
That is Pluto moon opposed for ya.

Other aspect I remember from the glance is Saturn trine Neptune, which gives a very determined imagination. Can realize fantasies, but it takes time.

Must also have Saturn square Uranus. Conservative andcradical tendencies intertwine. Would be confused about being conservative or rebellious. Almost compossible to find place or direction politically. Yet crushing, grinding power in the houses involved.