Clockwork Blue

Who can’t this be said for?

Stunning, considering Irrellus’ thread here:


Again, a very vague one fits all description, typical of astrology. Who in this forum does this not apply to?

Who would deny that their sense of home is a “revolutionary spirit of love”? Not many if any.
Aggressive values/valuing - seems not to say anything. A deepity perhaps.


You’re fundamentally uninteresting, WWII. Dishonest, thick and boring.
Having tripled the amount of posts Ive read by you by the posts in this thread, that image hasn’t changed.

Fuck off now, yeah?

Smears. That chart does not disappoint.
I wont do a quickie with it like with WWII, which is simple and boring. Also have to find a way to be diplomatic, as astrology is essentially unfair. Some people have interesting shit in it, others are just machines with no opportunity to become conscious of themselves, they just blindly go on digging their tunnels.

A lot of what WWII has in Leo, but with completely different angles to it, the Moon in Aquarius, essentially free, opposed to the Sun (full moon) and more tightly to Venus. But there is a fucking shitload of things that indicate sexual energetic dynamism. Juno opposed Neptune… interesting.

Any chance you have an indication for the time of day? That will give the Ascendant, and the houses, which stand for areas of life where the particular angles are active.

If this happens to have been a false date, it was well picked. Given a number of random charts, I would have picked this one to be yours.
that is how I used to test astrology, let people give me several dates, then look at the charts and decide which one was theirs. No mistakes yet. But an intellectual dwarf like what wanders around here so much could not see that this is a scientific form of verification, people are dumber than one would expect.

Jupiter close trine Neptune, deeply idealistic, in the sense of actually realizing ideals.
I like this chart. Fucking golden yod (golden ratio angles) between Saturn, Moon and Ceres.
You should go into the movie business with us. We could make millions man.

I can’t believe your ingratitude, WW III. The man goes to the trouble of reading your stars and you don’t even have the common courtesy to conform to his results. I don’t wonder he is furious with you. It’s not even as if you crossed his palm with silver, he did it for free, out of the goodness of his heart. I still can’t get over how he knew I had a stunted Jupiter, apart from my wife, nobody else knew anything about it.

Ah, well. Rationalizations are needed to maintain a frame of reference such as this. To destroy that frame of reference isn’t an easy thing to do. There are better things to concern ourselves with.


Yeah give up WW.


Not my date. I don’t know the time and I’d rather not give out place.

Let’s see what it says.

Around 11pm. Also both my parents were born in August.

Both of your parents are assholes then, like me.

I can give you a cold-reading of Jakob. Don’t need his birth-date, or star-chart.
Don’t care.
PM me

You can use it as part of his future behavior.
He’s easy.

Awww please do it publicly.
I can give you a reading too - you are pretty much worthless at everything you try. And very ugly. Thats the obvious, Ill PM you the painful bits.

Magnus coming up later. From what I remember from the glance I took, if the time is pre-noon or noon, this person will have mother issues, some tyrannical shit with that, some abusiveness with nurture.
If it is much later in the day that may not be as bad as all that.

More complete analysis later.

For those who do not quite get it - time and place together determine what’s where in the sky.

For the absolute morons; causality isnt selective. All affects all. Only some weirdly superstitious mystic could think the time of day and year of a birth would not affect the person.

comment from Pezer on mr R.

Thats a ridiculous fucking chart.

Dark moon - Pallas
The pimpiguration[/i]

Pretty, petty, boy…look at you…look at moi
time and space…how incredibly deep and profound.
I found

Look at you look at Socrates, look at Nietzsche…look
Pretty, petty…boy.
So pretty you are. What wo-man would not find your words seductive?

Time and place…your fabulous.
The undefeated one…and you…a god waiting.
did you teach him this?
His “value”?

A super-model for the super-“man”…who will do
The stars…time and space…and rocks with selfishness.
So much vigor…youth.
Insanity is invigorating.
Pretty words from pretty boys…are you pretty?
I think so.
Pretty boys deserving pretty…“girls”?
Why be so limiting…pretty all.
Fuck dem all. gangsta
Girls boys, animals, stones, gods…mountains.
All for ya…oh so pretty…“man”?

I am rock wanting to remain rock hard…erect and stiff, for the pretty, petty, girls.
How many lies can boys use to get …pretty boys to think them pretty?


Let me see you.
Show me what you are, again.

Mystic, shaman of the wann-a-bee tribe,THE Philosophers…stars and time of day yes, I must digress, with you.
Is this new…no you are reinventing it to become the new king-B.
Show me…tell me…

You’re right. I’m also somewhat known for my ability to be an asshole. It’s not my normal mode of being, but when the time is right, I can act horribly toward someone with the best of them.

The funny thing about this astrology thing is you can never reverse engineer it. You can’t just simply know a proper psycho analysis of someone, then pinpoint their birthday. Its just insurmountable evidence of it being hocus pocus snake charming doubletalk psychobabble bullshit. :slight_smile:

Wow, you come off younger by a good deal. (and I mean that in a neutral way, or perhaps in a positive way. YOu come off as curious at a more foundational level than most people your age)

This shows a lack of understanding of astrology, which is understandable, but still. There are many ways to arrive at traits and tendencies. So you cannot simply narrow it down to a single date and time. You could likely eliminate many dates and times, a large percentage, if you knew the person fairly well. You could, for example, have anal tendencies, in the Freudian sense, through the placement of Saturn or what is in a certain house or sign. Their will be nuances that are different, perhaps, for example motivations. But similar personalities can be built up in different ways.

What’s the insurmontable evidence it is all that?

Even if that were not the case, even is he came up with a spot on description of you, he would only be telling you something you already knew so, even if you believed in it, what would be the point?

I’m saying you can’t determine a birthday based on the traits. Are you arguing against that?

No, I was saying that your argument was weak and showed a misunderstanding of astrology. (which was clear)

If I say the moon is a satellite of the earth because it is pretty

I may very well be correct that it is a satellite, but wrong about my justification for that belief.

If you are taking a poll when you post here and just want people to agree or disagree with you that’s fine, but have your own thread.

Here I responded to your argument.

No, I was saying that your argument was weak and showed a misunderstanding of astrology. (which was clear)

If I say the moon is a satellite of the earth because it is pretty

I may very well be correct that it is a satellite, but wrong about my justification for that belief.

If you are taking a poll when you post here and just want people to agree or disagree with you that’s fine, but have your own thread.

Here I responded to your argument.
Ok well I don’t know how that is the case. Astrology claims to know your personality based on what day you were born, but how would that mean it can’t or shouldn’t know what day you were born based on your personality?