Couple of songs...

I keep forgetting to say stuff… Liszts transcription of this is basically, the first real jazz song in history … Though it also has classical elements !

This sing us HUGE in music history!

Arnaldo Cohen can’t play Beethoven for shit, but this is the definitive version of totentanz ( dance of death )

This is an ok version of this song … Also played by arnaldo Cohen , another death dance, the first notes strike midnight …

I should explain this song a bit more…

It opens with the strike of midnight, then the dead coming out of their graves make most the song… At the end , is a roosters crow as the sun rises, and then the dead return to their graves… Thus the end if the song …

Saint sans, was actually considered the best music prodigy of all time, but his general output was un impressive … This is a liszt transcription of a saint sans orchestral …

Sorry, I keep forgetting to explain things…

Totentanz, was also called a dance of death, it’s variations on a melody that’s a dirge that’s over 1000 years old…

There’s a huge history of dirges (funeral marches) In music, of course beethoven wrote the best one …

If you can find Leslie Howard’s Ossai version (not online ) that’s the best… But here’s the song…

Ooo… Music history!

So beethoven was actually paid by a prince to transcribe this song for piano! It’s a symphony (duh)

Anyways … His notes still survive, and they suck !!

It took the best transcriber in history to pull this feat off… Liszt!

There are two versions that liszt wrote when he tackled all 9 beethoven symphonies… The regular, and the Ossai versions… The Ossai versions assume a 12 stretch and are generally harder to play as well, the regular versions are made for women who had smaller hands… Liszt was very methodical about bringing beethovens symphonies to everyone !

I love talking musicology!

So basically, from word of mouth and written accounts, the musicians of today are much better at performance than the old ones…

It’s noted that the greats, Bach, Beethoven and liszt actually missed or hit wrong notes quite a bit…

Though Beethoven goes down in history as the best legato player… And his triple trill is the stuff of legend …

But there is such a great pool (billions more people) and the pressure us so insanely high , that pianists today are considered the best in history …

It’s a total nerd thing to listen to 100 recordings and argue who’s definitive !!

I wanted to be clearer on this song… People say that ska, jazz and scat come from the blacks … This song was made before most blacks even knew what a piano was… And liszt certainly wasn’t influenced by them!

This is a HUGE song in music history… Not many people know that!!

I kid you not … There’s probably 100 people in the world that know that liszt was playing jazz in the. 1860’s. … You’re welcome!

So… Michael “the hit maker” McDonald, sings the word “Darling” in this funky/ethereal song… Many of you might not know it.

A must see!

Oh c’mon, you don’t know michael “the hit maker” mcdonald ??

He’s in the background vocals here!

Edumacation ! To quote a bushism,

You folks need to be "educamated " on music !

You folks always go for the obvious songs on this part of the board …

It’s sad :frowning:

New page after two posts in a row … Easy for someone to miss this !!

I think I posted this before… Very non obvious bee gees song…

I’ve gotta put this song in here…

All andy gibb wanted to be, was a beegee, and his brothers never let him in the group… He died of a drug overdose…

Before he died, Barry gibb wrote this song for him…

It’s the only song where all 4 brothers sang together…

People like to make fun of the beegees but they are probably the best harmonizers (better than the beach boys) in music history, and some of the best song writers… Here’s a little groove from the 70’s…

The beegees have the distinction of being on the billboard charts longer than anyone, solo or band — 45 years!! Try to pull that shit off!!