Clockwork Blue

Wow! You can tell all that and you don’t even know my birth date. I have obviously severely underestimated you. I suppose I’d better go and see if I can sort out my Jupiter. By the way, would I be correct in thinking your astrological readings are being channeled via Uranus?

Keep at it. My only reservation is that you might have learned much about my personality from my threads and posts at ILP. Be that as it may, you have underscored conflicts within my personality that my psychoanalyst is only now discovering.
It is probably out of fear that many will not accept your challenge to describe them or out of belief that astrology is hokum.
As for me, I believe, with the aforementioned reservation. Did your assessment come from my birthdate only? If so, it’s right on.

Ierrelus - The statements I made are all directly derived from the chart. I can not avoid knowing youva bit though. 70 % chart, 30 % experience? Probably more chart than that. The Saturn Uranus Sun alone is too much, to deep to get at through words.

Harbal u still here? Sad. Stunted jupiter indeed.

Moon in Leo. Assertive proud emotions. Demonstrative, happy with self.
Sun early Gemini. Intellectually very active. Sun close to Ierrelus sun. Opposed Neptune end Scorpio. Much illusion and fancy and art. A transcendent mind. Dark powerful imagination. Confusion about self strikes easily.

Pluto Jupiter Uranus together end of Virgo. A lot of power to get thing to change. Much more to that combo but.

Vesta Mercury, fierce mental concentration.

Saturn 11 in Taurus. Reliable force in organizations.
Venus 10 in Aries. Can use fiery appeal to advance and make a name.
Mars quintile Uranus. Ability to act suddenly and effectively in
things involving heavy forces. Mars retrograde. Actions may be inwardly oriented.
Lilith on 13 cancer (Sirius) on the ascendant. Much detouring to arrive at self in terms of expression. Deep need for soul, to nurture and be happy and home, but which must ve able to house … Forbidden things. Seems intense provocative and seductive. Essentially happy in energetic distribution. Plays with life, or is able to.

August 21st 1979. Real birthday. I’m a skeptic. I’ll tell you how your response is garbage. But if you read many of my posts here, you already know enough about me to post something that is “true”.

Heads up: have read perhaps 2 of your posts attentively. This one not included.
Report coming up today. Time and place do add a lot of info.

I can see from date that Sun is on Regulus. King star, intense pride. If high climbs not unlikely deep falls, if simply not being in royal position, being a constantly edgy about that.

Brave to give data in any case. No pussy.

You have to marvel at the precision of meaning here. These things usually read like a load of tripe.

OK, so I’ve got a stunted Jupiter, nobody else knew about it till you fucking broadcasted it.

WW total Leo. Merc, Moon, Venus Jupiter and Sun. No trouble expressing needs and desires. Should have much less than average trouble getting what he he wants in a direct way. Square, much of that, Uranus in Scorpio. Emphasizes edginess and constant drive for more , deeper.
A relatively simple chart. No intellectual but with keen strategic insights concerting the group (Aquarius Pallas) which opposes the Leo stellium: provides a conscience that prevents moral goals from being met by pure self enjoyment.
Sex can become frustrating in its ease and distance from strategy. Birthtime and place will shed light on how magnetic power plays out.

Juno in Gemini allows conscience to mix with Social trickery and lead to more enjoyment. Finds ways. But to what?

Ouch! Sounds painful, but not as bad as Scorpio in Uranus.

It was…out of a vicarious embarrassment that should be.

So DoubleU. I kept my promise now keep yours. What is wrong about my analysis? I’d love to know.

Don’t cower about what’s right, which is most of it.

“No trouble expressing needs and desires” False. Throughout my life this was an issue for me. I typically did not get what I wanted as a result.

“Should have much less than average trouble getting what he wants in a direct way” In a direct way doesn’t work too good for me. Indirect ways are what work for me. Even pretending indirect ways work for me, if that makes much sense.

“Square” False. I’m certainly the shape of human.

“Emphasizes edginess and constant drive for more, deeper.” I suppose you can get that very easily from my posts here. Nothing revealing.

“Sex can become frustrating in its ease and distance from strategy” Are you saying that because I’m handsome and may think sex can come easy for me?

“Birthtime and place will shed light on how magnetic power plays out” I’ve seen enough.

“Juno in Gemini allows conscience to mix with Social trickery and lead to more enjoyment. Finds ways. But to what?” I don’t know what this means.

Ever wonder how the date and time of our birth affects our personality? What’s the reason, Jakob?

I think you’re lying. In Any case it is clear explicitly that you’re hiding and pretending where I’m right. Juno in Gemini. Must appear aloof to peers. Strategy.
As I said simple chart, no intellectual. Easy to read.
Painfully so.

I ask for more details, you refuse to give them (direct) because you desire lack of clarity. Try to justify this with aloofness. Won’t work. It is clear what you want. To be noticed but not seen.

Even your first post here contradicts your self analysis. Before I even provided anything you had already made it clear what you wanted from it.

Your problem is more likely that youre too direct and want things that aren’t there often. House positions needed.

(Compare to science. More precision, more clarity. Even understandable to non intellectuals.

Oh. Why does gravity exist? Why (italics) WW? Explain. If you cant its a ruse.)

Strange how you never questioned Ierrellus’s honesty. How do you know he wasn’t lying?

In other words: If he got it wrong, it’s your fault.

Yay I have a pet.

Are you sure you don’t want to have a go at reading tea leaves, Jakob, I don’t think the astrology is quite working for you.

It’s not what I wanted, Its what I already knew Jakob. I know astrology is bullshit. Please note, you didn’t answer the reason as to how you think astrology works. How does our precise time and date of birth cause who we are as people?

I don’t think you’ve managed to win him over, Jakob.

I can see how this is a bit scary now.
Only if you have severe self loathing you should be worried and stay away. The chart will confirm your self-dis-ease. No remedies offered.

Anyway I don’t have time to do this all - I’ll check back tomorrow. Only serious requests willing to provide the available info.

Pussies, liars and small animals discouraged to participate.

And check out our song about Tim Horton’s coffee in The Philosophers thread.

WW - you are what you are. I can’t help it. You’ve proven my analysis correct. Its just more extreme than I thought. There is no time between deciding what you want and thinking you should have it. Relax Ur Anus, allzI can say.

Now get outta here. Or man up and give me the info I asked. (And labor over understanding my gravity reference sweetie)

Check in tomorrow.

August 7th, 1979. Birmingham.