"Mental" Illness: The Future of Treatment

Unfortunately, there are no panaceas. What works for one may not work for another.

ah, but panacea is precisely the word to describe it :slight_smile:

Try, your Chi energy will return.

Hey man, you into poetry? Maybe we should change the topic, briefly, to that.

Show me yours.
I dabble in poetry too, some might call it a bit impious though… Check it out:
djedefsauron.net/index.php?o … Itemid=147


With or without parameters, Ierrellus?

So, when it comes to drugs, you’re saying that one size fits all then?

Less harmful to whom, Ierellus? Less harmful under what set of circumstances? Would the amount that Paul takes affect Mary less or more?
Would both Paul and Mary have the intelligence and right reason to act/behave/restrain/discipline their selves knowing the possible consequences while they are under the influence? Or might they take unncecessary risks?
Is it possible that legalizing mariquana might be equivalent to playing Russian Roulette with someone’s life?

I suppose that if, let’s say a teenager, or anyone for that matter, uses Marijuana he/she may not have to worry about the effects of tobacco killing him/her since the Marijuana might impair cognitive thinking and behavior to the point where it might kill. So, yessssss, Mariquana is the friend which will be sooooo less harmful than the tobacco that could eventually take the life. #-o

So, with or without parameters - and what are those parameters and who do they affect?
I think that this nation has become too much like the enabling parent who spoils it’s children. It’s too difficult to find another answer or to keep looking for a “better” solution, so we take the easy way out. Perhaps our country is also mentally ill. It sometimes seems that way.

Good poems. Keep them going.

Speaking from personal experience I have known crack heads, alcoholics and marijuana users. The crack heads and alcoholics will kill you if given the chance. The cannabis users simply get the munchies and chill out. Since the powers that be cannot prevent anyone from using these drugs, it might be reasonable for them to legalize the least lethal.
Parameters for marijuana use can be established when the drug is legalized and age limits are set on its use. We don’t need another “prohibition era” , which will criminalize those who will get the drug anyway. It is possible that prohibition of alcohol led to organized crime in America. Prohibition of marijuana may be doing the same thing.

Mirtazapine with an Abilify helper seem to be working for me these days. I’m on a even keel–just sleep a lot.

Ierellus, how do you treat mental dysfunction in a mentally dysfunctional society or civilization?

Seems a lot like grasping at straws.

It is just that. These days my depression is severe. I cannot fix society and am a slave to it.
Is there any hope?

Then you just admitted the dysfunctional society or civilization we live in where treating mental dysfunction on an individual basis if it is real is a giant farce without addressing environmental conditions. Well, I am surprised Ierellus but in a good way. :wink:

Society offers me a spill your guts session with a psychoanalyst and medication supposed to keep me at peace with myself. It offers nothing else. The theory is that if I can’t change society at least I can change me. Changing me, however, does not address my real needs. If you ask for bread, society will give you a stone.

There is Hope…
The website I’m currently getting developed… is HOPE! For mankind, for society… it will enable people to start making a difference…
A brief:
slideshare.net/psymarine/blu … e-internet

Not just is it feasible, but also better than Trixie’s infeasible DNA machine if you ask me. You’ll get a chance to spend time online Productively, tangibly! Unlike here, or Facebook, where we can’t achieve ANYTHING… much…

As my newest invention takes to the field, it promises to get the Norepi levels flowing in users, which means depression will be stamped out! Be back with the link soon, as soon as it is done… For now, just check out its description (link above)…

Fixing myself is not going to fix the social programs that allow me to live.

The futility of fighting individual problems against much bigger and wider environmental ones.


The lesser of two evils does not really make the lesser of the two evils less harmful.
It may become the most harmful.

I’m not so sure that they are the same thing, as for your last two statements.
Give an inch they take a mile.

True to form, yet they perceive themselves as naive, or even victims.

Who are “they”?

I have friends who use marijuana. I cannot condemn them. I use “legal” drugs for the same reasons.

What I am condemning is legalizing marijuana - I’m not condemning your friends, Ierrellus.

Oh ,but you are if you do. You would criminalize my friends for possession.