largest known prime number discoverd

But don’t numbers just keep going for as long as you choose to count them? I could be wrong on this theory, but that does seem to be the case.

Hmm. When it comes to God, aren’t all bets off here? You know, if He does in fact exist. :-k

You would think so, but apparently all bets are still on, since God is refusing to gamble with those that try to renege.

The set of all primes is an infinite one and so the largest one just does not exist

And you know this for a fact…how?

In, for example, the manner in which mathematicians know for a fact what a prime number is?

I’m wondering more about how many times it took them to prove that the new prime number was actually a prime number. Those had to be exciting times, lol.

I believe myself to be God incarnate in the flesh, obviously, that’s how.

Well, that sounds like something only God would know…objectively. Like, for example, how reality itself came into existence in order that we can discuss prime numbers at all.

I wonder if there’s an Optimus Prime number.

…and so another exchange bites the dust at ILP.

The Kids.

They’ve taken over!! :wink:

It’s not that kids are getting smarter; it’s that adults are getting dumber. True story.

No, no, no…not kids.

The Kids.

The Kids are the intellectual equivalent of juvenile delinquents. They post dozens and dozens of times a day here hell bent on making a mockery of any and all actual substantive exchanges in or around the vicinity of, say, philosophy. And, sure, I can be one of them myself at times. But no way am I in their league. They are, after all, the ones that have stampeded the folks who once came to ILP in order to actually get away from the sort of clamorous drivel they spew.

And, indeed, more than one of them has claimed to be God.

Unless, of course, I’m wrong.

I actually respect you, for the moment. I don’t put much thought into things, but when you posted on my thread in the ranthouse, I realized a couple things about how you conduct yourself and that gave me a moments respect for you compared to others here. I’m pretty sure that at least one other person here has claimed to be God and certainly many other people in my life that I have encountered have claimed the same, but I don’t take them very seriously. Even if we are all God to some extent or another, there is a very big difference between that and being THE God that certain things talk about. And then again, there are many Gods in existence, not just in our own reality but scattered throughout the omniverse/omnireality. Perhaps there are retards even amongst the Godly ranks. It would stand to reason.

Sure, but God has only ever been a contraption that exists in our heads. The Kids on the other hand are very, very real.

Perhaps, or perhaps that contraption is no contraption and has long since been its own sentient entity that exists just as much as we do, though not in any physically manifest way that people would accept.

Then we are back to this…

“And we can know this for a fact…how?”

Now, with regard to the Kids, what we can’t know for a fact is who they are. Instead, all we can know for sure is that “I” believe that they exist here. That “I” believe they have inundated ILP of late with all manner of clamorous claptrap that have driven folks more inclined to take philosophy, say, seriously, to other forums.

Well, at a certain point, you’d have to believe in the idea that this ‘God’ does step into the flesh from time to time, so to speak and chooses certain casings of flesh to do this with based on several varying factors of merit and trust that those casings of flesh, while fallible, may be the closest fleshly representatives of the being that is known as God.

Why would one have to believe this if there is no substantive evidence in which to support the fact of it?

Believing something “in your head” and demonstrating that all rational men and women are obligated to believe it in turn are two very different things.

Yet you believe in God regardless. You just don’t believe religions take on it. Do you not curse God here and there? Have you never asked God for help? So, the phrase ‘you would have to’ would apply to that on some level. You took what I said out of context, though. At the point of believing in God, then you would have to believe just what I said you would have to. Simply because in all terms of reality and what we know of psychology and everything else, if God exists, then such would have to happen based on so much other supporting evidence, such as the phrase that we were made in Gods image and if we are fallible, prone to temptation, etc., etc., then so, too, would God be.

I never said you were obligated to believe in any of it, but you definitely felt obligated to sit there and think I was cramming it down your throat anyway, pushing your negative and pessimistic viewpoints on me, your faulty arguments on me, etc., without any rational thought on the subject whatsoever, based solely in what you feel, your unstable emotionality. Yet, you claim all people who don’t believe in God to be rational, when there is overwhelming evidence that this is not the case, given the condition of the world around us that they make worse just the same as people do who believe outright and publicly in God.

And how can I prove that you believe in God? I can’t; I have no evidence to support this other than the circumstantial evidence that you are no different than so many others who have actually written their own personal testimonies of how they came to actually believe in God, whether they accepted any one persons or groups perception of God, and many have stated that they do believe in God and yet disagree with religion. It’s not religion that I’m cramming down your throat, but the reality of the belief if approached reasonably and rationally by accepting very disturbing facts about people, facts that they’d rather not face or only face the disturbing aspects thereof.

This has gotten slightly off-topic from Prime Numbers, yet you guided it this way and I won’t sit there and let you bring forth an irrational argument against what I believe; not that I have to let you; you did that of your own free will. However, when I say ‘I won’t let you’, I don’t mean it that way, but in the sense that I won’t let you get away with smearing the very strong possibility that I’m right just because you want to be unreasonable about it.

Just so you know…you wrote this. Honest for a moment.

yeah, at least he admitted that God does exist, which I missed when I responded. Thanks for pointing that out, lol.