Happy Fucking Valentine's Day

Happy fucking Valentine’s day. I hope all the dirty cunts running around get infected with aids, syphilis, gonorrhea, and everything else. Dumb whores, I hate you all.

The women all over Germany are adviced not to leave the house, because migrants threaten to assault women on Valentines Day. That should cheer you up.
I find it amazing, that all those young men around here, who are perfectly able to realize who is manipulating a society and for what purpose, don’t seem to be able to discern that women are also manipulated into a certain behavior. By the same people (only in this case they are called feminists) and for the same purpose. It’s easy to manipulate women. And with a bit of an effort it is also easy to “redesign” them.

Amongst the crumbling and collapsing western civilization women should be very afraid for millions of oppressed, isolated, and sexually repressed men will finally have their first taste of freedom or independence that they haven’t had in many years. What will follow will be violent retaliatory measures against women everywhere and women will have nowhere to run to.

All those men you called losers, nobodies, and impoverished scum will seek out their retribution against the opposite sex.

It was all fun mocking such men at the height of institutional feminism but once government collapses descending into total anarchy and chaos women everywhere will see at first hand the type of monsters they have created.

Chickens about to come home and roost.

To women everywhere, enjoy your protected environments for as long as you can because soon you’re about to become sport for hordes of violently armed men in the streets. It’s poetic really…

Alley gang rapes for everyone!

Remember the days when we used to pillage, plunder and loot and rape the women? Those were the good old days. That’s what we need more of in this modern age: old-fashioned Vikingism.

Those days are about to make a huge comeback. A lot sooner than most realize.

I’ll enjoy the crying, screaming, and lamentations of the aristocratic women myself. I hear tears make a nice lubrication.

Well, technically, shooting cupid is self defense, since he is armed with some kind of bow and arrow device.

I wouldn’t be mad at you either…in all my years I haven’t recieved a single valentines card (save from my mother.)

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.

Yeah? Have you, uh… have you pursued that?


I stoleded your humor. hehehehehe. You can’t has it back.

This man is an attention whore.

You just now noticed?

We’d all be whores if we could.

I am noticing it all the time.

And with you being here amongst us, what’s that make you by comparison Magnus?

Tell us all here why you’re so very special and unique.

Speak for yourself. A whore for attention is as far as I’d go.