"Mental" Illness: The Future of Treatment

Lev, please tell us the distinctions among parsnips, turnips and radishes and how these distinctions could benefit our mental health.

Because then you wouldn’t come across as an urban chav, an embarrassment, a social class Muishkin despises, because it reminds him of where he came from. The middle classes wouldn’t look down on you.

He’s a left wing snob, fueled by his own self-loathing.

I didn’t get that from what Lev wrote.

Turnips are more bitter, radishes are more spicy, and I can’t recall what parsnips taste like. Such organisms are also hazardous to cats. I’m not sure what this has to do with anything, but perhaps Lev wishes to emulate the chef in town, the gay man of Eureka village.

What did you get?
That not being able to tell a turnip from a radish will bar you from a career in chemical engineering?

At least 20% of the population get no health benefit from n hours of vigorous exercise a week.
Because of poor genes.
It might very well be significantly higher.

Let Lev speak for Lev.

So far the future of therapy has been met with negative opinions–such as therapists in cahoots with pharmaceutical companies and nutrition dependent on toxic ingredients. Is there any hope at the end of the tunnel? Does anyone see a way out of this mess?

As I’d said before, this is a simple case.
Mental health is synonymous with…


When I first met you, didn’t realize
I can’t forget you, for your surprise
you introduced me, to my mind
And left me wanting, you and your kind

I love you, Oh you know it

My life was empty, forever on a down
Until you took me, showed me around
My life is free now, my life is clear
I love you sweet leaf, though you can’t hear

Come on now, try it out

Straight people don’t know, what you’re about
They put you down and shut you out
you gave to me a new belief
and soon the world will love you sweet leaf

Hell, this is no joke. The pharma companies of the world claim otherwise, and you know why… this is a simple case!

I would suspect that if the ingredients in marijuana have the curative powers you suggest, it would have been exploited by the pharmaceutical companies long before now. They would have been the first to legalize it and to determine dosage and sales.

The syllogicians (pardon my generalization) behind the big pharma firms are just like the old syllogicians.
Though they like and crave for the Rings of power, they can’t stand the idea of the 1 Ring to rule them all.
In other words, why stop the windfall of profits from the many futile drugs by risking “1 drug to rule them all”. Especially given that they risk becoming laughing stocks once it’s discovered that they’re isolating and rebranding something natural and selling it at a high price. Especially given that this is the most ubiquitous plant and who will buy that medicine when you can just pick up that plant???

thus the propaganda:

dailymail.co.uk/health/artic … mless.html

Read the comments. Insightful.
Given how politically/monetarily hot this topic is, the Big Pharma companies are desperate when it comes to this topic. They’ll even kill a man to “prove” their anti-leaf stance.


They might even declare me a threat for talking like this, here. I’m risking life and limb to reveal all this :slight_smile:

What of those of us for whom marijuana does nothing? I’ve tried Thai sticks and brownies. Neither affected me. The long range, curative effects on these is still a subject of debate. I think marijuana should be legalized. Some states are moving toward that position. It is certainly less harmful than tobacco or alcohol.

One can brew their own alcohol or grow tobacco plants. I suspect that if cannabis had curative possibilities, the big pharms would latch onto it and make a monopoly of its production and distribution. It would then be cheaper to buy weed from a store than to grow your own. In any event, much pecuniary rewards are lost in the present system.

History repeats itself. Cannabis is as alcohol was during prohibition–illegal, but readily available to anyone who wants to use it. Only its curative powers are discussed here, not the fact that breathing any kind of smoke affects ones lungs. Put marijuana in brownies, and I’ll buy them.

Hello friend,
An interesting video:


forbes.com/sites/carolynrose … bffe732b46

Unfortunately, there are no panaceas. What works for one may not work for another.

ah, but panacea is precisely the word to describe it :slight_smile:

Try, your Chi energy will return.

Hey man, you into poetry? Maybe we should change the topic, briefly, to that.

Show me yours.
I dabble in poetry too, some might call it a bit impious though… Check it out:
djedefsauron.net/index.php?o … Itemid=147


With or without parameters, Ierrellus?

So, when it comes to drugs, you’re saying that one size fits all then?

Less harmful to whom, Ierellus? Less harmful under what set of circumstances? Would the amount that Paul takes affect Mary less or more?
Would both Paul and Mary have the intelligence and right reason to act/behave/restrain/discipline their selves knowing the possible consequences while they are under the influence? Or might they take unncecessary risks?
Is it possible that legalizing mariquana might be equivalent to playing Russian Roulette with someone’s life?

I suppose that if, let’s say a teenager, or anyone for that matter, uses Marijuana he/she may not have to worry about the effects of tobacco killing him/her since the Marijuana might impair cognitive thinking and behavior to the point where it might kill. So, yessssss, Mariquana is the friend which will be sooooo less harmful than the tobacco that could eventually take the life. #-o

So, with or without parameters - and what are those parameters and who do they affect?
I think that this nation has become too much like the enabling parent who spoils it’s children. It’s too difficult to find another answer or to keep looking for a “better” solution, so we take the easy way out. Perhaps our country is also mentally ill. It sometimes seems that way.

Good poems. Keep them going.

Speaking from personal experience I have known crack heads, alcoholics and marijuana users. The crack heads and alcoholics will kill you if given the chance. The cannabis users simply get the munchies and chill out. Since the powers that be cannot prevent anyone from using these drugs, it might be reasonable for them to legalize the least lethal.
Parameters for marijuana use can be established when the drug is legalized and age limits are set on its use. We don’t need another “prohibition era” , which will criminalize those who will get the drug anyway. It is possible that prohibition of alcohol led to organized crime in America. Prohibition of marijuana may be doing the same thing.

Mirtazapine with an Abilify helper seem to be working for me these days. I’m on a even keel–just sleep a lot.