
You are wrong, because It is true. You just do not know it, because you have not solved the riddle. Try to solve it and post again after you have solved it.


Seven people, A, B, C, D, E, F, G discuss which weekday is today:

[list][list][list][list][list]A: “The day after tomorrow is Wednesday.”
B: “No, today is Wednesday.”
C: “You both are wrong, Wednesday is tomorrow.”
D: “Today is not Monday, not Tuesday, and not Wednesday.”
E: “I am sure that yesterday was Thursday.”
F: “No, yesterday was Tuesday.”
G: “All I know is, that yesterday was not Saturday.”[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
If only one statement is true, on which weekday was that conversation?

Two Children.

A boy and a girl are talking: “I am a boy”, says the blond child. “I’m a girl”, says the black-haired child. At least one of the children is lying.

What hair color does the girl have?



You are correct, although your username is “incorrect”. :slight_smile:

You are correct, although your username is “incorrect”. :slight_smile:

Another try at the 100 pessimists

[tab]Each sentence invalidates itself, so at any given time, only 1 sentence is incorrect. So at end 99 correct, 1 wrong.[/tab]

My answer
[tab]All of them are right[/tab]

[tab]The first typo is something to pay attention to[/tab]

Another hint
[tab]I like this one a lot[/tab]

[tab]You are lying.[/tab]


[tab]A+E and B+E are two acceptable options. If only you are lying there are less liars.[/tab]

That is false.

Incorrect, all your solutions are incorrect.

but! you said it was correct grr

While reading I was influenced by my wishful thinking size=200[/size], because I wished very much (too much!) that you solved the riddle. But, unfortunately, you did not solve the riddle, and I became sad. :cry:

Please try again. :slight_smile:

If a first reading fooled you, maybe I was close…
[tab]each sentence invalidates itself, therefore they are all false[/tab]


No. Unfortunately no. Please try again. :slight_smile:

lol I was reading it wrong again

[tab]has to be 50-50[/tab]

Both answers are false.

i give up lol

nonono one more

[tab]dude 99 is correct[/tab]

Hey, are you sure? You give up, Phoneutria?

Yeah once I stopped abd thought about it out loud for a second, i felt pretty dumb for not figuring out before hehe

[tab]first I thought, there are only two possibilities. a single sentence being correcy, or none, because they are all mutually exclusive.
but then, if none are correct, dude 100 would be correct. but if dude 100 is correct, then there would be 99 wrong sentences. so he can’t be correct.
if 1 sentence is correct and 99 are wrong, dude saying that there are exactly 99 wrong sentences is correct. durrrface :slight_smile:[/tab]