The Great Musician Frank Zappa and His Philosophy.

Yeah but that’s a vague statement, which is why Frank is no philosopher. I mean ordinary people might read that and say ‘wow, that was intelligent’, but we critical thinkers know better. What is ‘mental health’? There are volumes of work on that subject, and a single statement like Frank’s doesn’t explain anything.

Now of course Frank is smarter than any popular musician I’ve ever known, but a smart musician isn’t a smart philosopher. He had the intellect to develop philosophical thinking, sure, but he didn’t study it so it never happened… his life work was music. Frank handles the music, that’s his department; he’s an entertainer and propagandist. I handle the philosophy. We make a team, Franky and I.

In philosophy as a thinking system there are two general ways of thinking: (1) a restricted way of thinking, (2) an elaborated way of thinking. Both are philosophy - the former in a primitive way and the latter in a progressed way. If someone uses the former one, then this does not necessarily mean that this someone is stupid but probably not much interested in philosophy. So Frank Zappa, who was intelligent, used his philosophical statements not in the sense of the elaborated way of thinking. When a man like Zappa says that “the biggest problem facing the world today is mental health”, then this statement represents his way of thinking, because he uses the restricted way of thinking. That is typical for one who is more interested in science than in philosophy, although both have much to do with each other. That one does not want to be a great philosopher but probably knows that it is almost impossible to not think and that thinking becomes philosophy, if it is systematically exercised.

Oddly enough, his statement probably contributed to the subjugation of man, because they treat any hint of nature oruntamedness as a crime or mental illness these days.

Clicked on your sig, found this post of yours. You’re talking behind my back, Zoot, and that’s not very fun. You realized that I don’t/can’t visit KT, so you took a chance to call me pretentious fish n’ chips eating English prat, none of which is true. I am neither pretentious, nor do I eat fish n’ chips, nor am I English. I am 100% Slav, only lived in England, I speak the truth most of the time and fish n’ chips I only ate once or twice in my life.

The song does not suck, that’s not what I really think, I like it, in fact, I like it better than what perpetual posted, but compared to classical and other fantasy genres (the ones in my head) it does suck.

Moreover, this isn’t the best metal song out there and it is far from being the end of metal evolution. There is no symphony in it, so it can’t be the end of metal evolution.

So what is better than AoL? Jakub Zytecki, of course.


Quick highlights:
Psychedelic madness
Tribal metal dance gathering
Love Song
Opening Track

I absolutely love complex rhythms and cannot understand people who are not attracted to them just as I can’t understand people who think that prog rock or prog metal or whatever prog is better than classical.

You don’t appear to be sensitive to timbre, among many other things. To you, it doesn’t seem like it matters what kind of instruments one is using.

Objection your honor. My client thought Magnus Anderson was an active member at KT and posted that thinking he would see it there. There is no intentional libel or punitive damage here, your honor. I request that you strike this statement from the prosecutors record please.

Zoot, do you realize what you’re asking this co…

Uh, If I may your honor…

Irrelevencio ad Slanderous Andersonius.

[ courtroom gasps ]

Section 4 paragraph subsection a.7 in the Internet Rules of Debate and Etiquette statutes state that if the slanderer believes the slandered is aware of the slander, it cannot be defined as a.6 subsection conspiracy to slander by way of pretentious fish, chip, pub or prat.

My client believed Magnus was there at the forum where he posted that. My client will not accept a plea to an a.6 conspiracy to slander charge.

Nothing more your honor.

This is what I’m saying, Zoot, I give you a truly badass piece of music, and you say nothing, and I give you some autistic mediocrity, and you go “OH MY GOD, THIS IS GREAT, MAX, THIS IS THE END OF THE METAL EVOLUTION!”


What a magnitude of badassitude this is, just listen to it:

Listen to it till the end, the badassitude starts at the very end, everything before it is just a warmup.

We can’t even agree on what’s the best prog metal out there.

And you know why is that? That’s because you’re an Arab and I’m a Slav.

All the great people were Slavs.

Nietzsche was a Slav.
Tesla was a Slav.
Unabomber is a Slav.
I am a Slav.
Historyboy is a Slav.
Jakub Zytecki is a Slav.
All the modern so-called Greeks are to a great extent Slavs (due to the Slavicization of Greece that occured long before they were born.)
Fixed is a Slav too, but he’s not a great person because he’s also a Jew.

Slav is the new Roman, Zoot.

Be a Slav, Zoot, that’s what’s cool these days.

Don’t be an Arab, what is an Arab, an Arab is just a man with a towel on his head in the middle of a hot summer day.

Who wants to be an Arab, noone wants to be an Arab, the greatest Arab ever and he’s not even a real person, he’s Disney’s Jafar, just a cartoon character.

Be a Slav, Zoot.

Repeat my mesmerizing words.

Be a Slav, Zoot. Be a Slav, Zoot. Be a Slav, Zoot.

Slavs are currently dominating most of the world sports. Who won FIFA World Cup U20? Who played Brazil in the finals? Who? Who, Zoot? Slavs, of course. Who played United Slaves of Africa in the FIBA World Cup 2014? Who, Zoot? Slavs, of course. Who has the highest number of world titles in basketball? Who, Zoot? Slavs, of course. It’s Yugoslavs right there with the United Slaves of Africa. Who’s dominating waterpolo? Who, Zoot? Even tennis, who’s dominating tennis, Zoot? Is it Rafael Nadal perhaps? Or an Arab? Who’s making fun of Spaniards these days on the ongoing Eurobasket?

Zoot, why do Americans imagine Slavs as their nemesis?

It’s a good day to be a Slav.

Be a Slav, Zoot.

Slav is a meaningless word.

Nietzsche was not a Slav.

And this thread should not be derailed. This thread is about the Great Slav Musician Frank Zappa and his philosophy. So, please, stick to the topic.

I am a synthesis of the noble races, Mr. Anderson. I am both an original Aryan and a fake-ass 1930’s propagandic caucasian Aryan. I’m the whole package dude. My father’s side traces back to scottish and irish origins… no doubt part of the scandanavian stock migrating south into scotland and denmark during the dark ages. These folks were big barbarian bastards and now that you ask, my father’s father was just such a barbarian. Pop’s side was always violent. Like alcoholic Valhalla violent. Like I come from the land of the ice and snow from the midnight sun where the hot springs flow violent. The kind of violence that only large angry white people can produce.

My mother’s side is Syrian and Lebanese… desert living snake charming belly dancing sand people with blue eyes and olive skin. Grandmother’s maiden name was ‘Saba’, so this most certainly indicates there was a Persian warrior tribe called the Sabians sometime in history of which she was a part, and which probably had something to do with the formation of the Hashishin Order. And who were they? The Arabic Ubermenschen.

Ergo, my uberwenchen grandmother carries in her heritage the secret order of hashishin, while my father carries in him the hyperborean soul of the viking conqueror and adventurer.

I am the Kwisatz Haderach!

Lev, you are so boring.

Artimas is even more boring. Out of everything I said, he decided to retort by saying that Nietzsche wasn’t a Slav.


Zappa was an Arab, like his greatest fan ever. Stupid Arabs. Who wants to be an Arab?

And what’s this, Zoot? We’re now playing a game of who’s gonna lie the stupidest? You are proud of being a mixed piece of shit? And Arabs are Ubermenschen? And Blacks are intellectuals?

And who in the whole goddamn universe cares about Zappa’s philosophy?

Technically yes, because there have been three in the last 70,000 thousand years. One did something significant in medicine I think, the other invented something, and I can’t remember the last one.

Correction. Uncle Franky was Arab Greek Italian French. And you are another boring Slav who just wants to waltz.

In the words of the great teacher sage and sufi mystic Mul-aha-muh-a ewl-madeen “one does not become an Arab, rather the Arab becomes the way of wanting” or “aluk-ha ul ala-lah-lu-luhukna”.

My ways and traditions predate yours by thousands of years blondy. We were teaching those Greek retards how to even use a language before irrelevant wandering thugs and barbarians like you in their cheap, class 4 plate metal armor and shining lockes of golden, teutonic hair, even existed. Even the Greeks were more advanced than you, and that’s saying a lot.

You’re whole era was put down by scholars and philosophers that came wayyyy later after greek and arab scholars and philosophers were interpreting each other’s text and setting the foundation for Aristotleanism and Platonism in the west. By the time your wandering brutes finally got some shit together in central Eruasia, scholasticism and the church had such a strangle hold on philosophy that you couldn’t do anything but adopt it. The Slavs sold out. You lost your Hellenism before you even had it.

On the other hand the Persians, my fair skinned flunky, predated all that nonsense and had fully functioning continent scale empires with…wait for it… mail delivery systems.

At about this time do you know what the armor wearing northern brutes with their heavy-weapons class double edged battle axes with 2d+6 hit points were doing?


Who wants to be an Arab? Everybody wants a touch of Arab in them, Andersonius Maximus, and I embody a rare selective event in the chance of good breeding, with just the right amount of errors.

I am a Nietzschean happy error… when just the right balance of torrent and conflict between long lines that are foreign to each other form a sudden harmonious union in which the best of each side is brought out at the expense of all else. I am the victorious synthesis of two kinds of superior cultural ethos.

Now If I had some Japanese in me too it would be over for you. I wouldn’t even be having this conversation. A Viking Hashishin Samurai? There would be no argument dude.

There is only one thing worse than being a racist pr1ck, and that is being a confused muddle-headed racist pr1ck.
Obviously you find truth boring.
There are plenty of intellectuals of all kinds. Your skin colour does not seem to have much of a bearing. I know several “blacks” as you call them, and they are all a lot smarter than you, kiddo.

Maggie’s evidence that Zappa was an Arab…

Wait a minute, we gotta get something happenin’ here. You know, he is in there spending thousands of dollars and shit. We should make this worth while. We should… we should get into something real.

Naw man, he’s not interested in leather. Shit, that shit’s been fuckin’ rubbed in the ground, you know? Christ that’s, that’s going on two tours old now. We gotta come up with some new shit.

Go to 5:35 and listen to this acoustic stand-up bass playing. Patrick O’Hearn, ladies and gentlemen. That’s how a good musician used to play- straight amp with no effects. And to play an acoustic stand-up bass loud enough and aggressively enough to carry the melody as well as solo… well, that’s what musicians used to do.

Here is some Slavic waltz:


Both Chopin and Lisitsa are Slavs. Lisitsa means “fox”.

Nietzsche loved Chopin.

Here’s another Slav:


Now it’s your turn. Post some Arabian music.


Your turn.


I knew you were stupid, but this takes the biscuit.

the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
“‘Don’t go overboard with the gratitude,’ he rejoined with heavy irony”
synonyms: sarcasm, sardonicism, dryness, causticity, sharpness, acerbity, acid, bitterness, trenchancy, mordancy, cynicism; More
a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result.
plural noun: ironies
“the irony is that I thought he could help me”
synonyms: paradox, paradoxical nature, incongruity, incongruousness, peculiarity
“the irony of the situation hit her”
a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions is clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
noun: dramatic irony; plural noun: tragic irony

The title of this thread is: “The Great Musician Frank Zappa and His Philosophy”. Unfortunately this thread is derailed:

Genius black people…now that’s not something you see every day…Tell me more…what are their names, their biographies, I need to add this to my research…skin colour is irrelevant to the issue…Indians have the same skin color as africans…they are not blacks…